delegate, Objective-C

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0 comments, last by SuperRad 14 years, 4 months ago
I am looking at some IPhone related code and it is in Objective-C. I don't know this language at all and I have a C++ background. What is this delegate stuff about?

	return delegate;

//Update the delegate and if it needs a -setupView: call, set our internal flag so that
//it will be called
	delegateSetup=![delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(setupView:)];

In this language, functions need to start with a minus sign. Don't pay any attention to that :)
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Delegates are pretty much just a way to override a function/method in an ObjC class instead of doing inheritance virtual function/method stuff.

I'm assuming the ObjC class whose methods you've quoted has a delegate member variable.
The first function I believe is just an accessor/getter to this delegate variable, and the second one sets it.
This line:
delegateSetup=![delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(setupView:)];

I believe just checks if the delegate object has a setupView method.

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