Retrieving Offset to a Member of a Struct..

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1 comment, last by deftware 14 years, 3 months ago
Hey there. I'm trying to write a scripting engine and I seem to have all the crazies worked out except for determining the offset to a member of a struct.. eg:

struct s_ent
   float origin[3], velocity[3];
   float rgb[3];
   int movetype, solidtype;

s_ent fakeentity;
int movetype_offset = &fakeentity.movetype - &fakeentity

but is there a way to do it without creating fakeentity ?
As long as you have a POD type, you can use the offsetof macro. If you add any member functions, non-public access members, inheritance, or non-primitive data types to the struct, it is no longer a POD type and this will not work in all cases anymore.
Awesome, thanks. I figured there was a builtin function like that, similar to sizeof, etc..

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