Game Design advice?

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6 comments, last by JustChris 14 years, 2 months ago
Hello, Finally, I have started creating a game. I need some advice about the game design: There are Hardware Components (Buffer, Texture, Shader), Resources (Mesh, Skeleton), RenderObjects (Skeleton Instance, Mesh Instance), Managers (TextureManager, ShaderManager, BufferManager) and Renderer. Texture and Shader are also Resources (so they are loaded only once but used many times). The Managers loads or creates the components or resources and store SOME of the components in a list ( e.g TextureManager::TextureList, ShaderManager::ShaderList ) to not load the same resources more than once but use the existing ones. Hardware Components activate themselves during rendering. The Renderer renders the RenderObjects: Here is how i think to use Renderer:

void MeshInstance::Bind() {



void MeshInstance::Unbind() {



void Renderer::Render(RenderObject * obj) {

 hardware->Draw(Hardware::TRIANGLES, obj->getIndexCount());


* NOTE: Most of the game components have not been finished. Thanks, Kasya
What exactly are you looking for advice on? (I didn't see a specific question in your post anywhere.)
Maybe he wants us to evaluate his design. But then it's still very vague.
If I was helpful, feel free to rate me up ;)If I wasn't and you feel to rate me down, please let me know why!
Sure, that's a completely plausible solution. But you've left out an important part. How you draw multiple objects, and how you optimize that.

Oh yea, and multiple viewports/cameras, lights, special passes, and multi-threading come to mind.

I'll supplement that with, i heard OGRE is usable.

For multiple objects I think something like that:

class World {public:List<RenderObject *> objects;Map<String, Camera *> cameras;List<LightSource *> lights;Renderer * renderer;void Render();};void World::Render() { renderer->RenderLights(lights); activateCamera(cameras["CameraWhichIsAttachedToPlayerCharacter"]);  for(uint i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i)   renderer->Draw(objects);}

For multi-threading: thats not a major concern for me right now because i need to finish some core issues like collision, animation right now.

I have one more question to ask. Its actually a programming question rather than design but anyways:

I am using virtual methods to activate Hardware Components (Buffer, Texture, Shader). As far as I know, the virtual table will be updated for every newly created component. Is it a good approach to call "Bind"s from Managers (which are created only once) rather than from components itself to lessen the amount of components in "virtual memory" like that:

void MeshInstance::Bind() { updateBones(); TextureManager::getInstance().BindTexture(texture); ShaderManager::getInstance().BindShader(shader); ShaderManager::getInstance().SetMatrixParam(shader, boneMatrix); BufferManager::getInstance().BindVertexBuffer(vbo); BufferManager::getInstance().BindIndexBuffer(ibo);}void MeshInstance::Unbind() { BufferManager::getInstance().UnbindIndexBuffer(ibo); BufferManager::getInstance().UnbindVertexBuffer(vbo); ShaderManager::getInstance().UnbindShader(shader); TextureManager::getInstance().UnbindTexture(texture);}void Renderer::Draw(RenderObject * obj) {Renderer::Bind(obj);hardware->Draw(Hardware::TRIANGLES, obj->getIndexCount());Renderer::Unbind(obj);}

Well, that would be an improvement, but you could still do better.

Consider, for example, the following discussion:

There are several comments and links that suggest not calling Draw() for one object but for all objects of a sepcific type. (Read the discussion for the reasons.)

Additionally you might consider using smart pointers or another referencing system instead of raw pointers, mostly for safety reasons.
If I was helpful, feel free to rate me up ;)If I wasn't and you feel to rate me down, please let me know why!
Thank you for your help. :)
I keep a collection of the assets I wish to use in a SceneCollection object. It shares some similarities to your World class:

class SceneCollection {  std::map<std::string, Renderable> RenderableGroup;  std::map<std::string, GeometryResource> GeometryGroup;  std::map<std::string, TextureResource> TextureGroup;}class SceneRenderer {  public:    void render(SceneCollection &Collection);    void setCamera(CameraView &View);}

This is not the entire collection of members of each class, but you get the idea.

Each Renderable has a pointer to GeometryResource (containing vertex/index buffers) and a TextureResource. The SceneCollection is an implementation of a pool of shared resources that Renderables can pick from and use without loading the same content multiple times.

Each Renderable is a complete object with the resources needed to display on the screen. If you're wondering where the transformation matrix is, it's inside of a Renderable as a separate copy. In practical use I haven't really found a situation where I wanted to render two things with the same rotation, scaling and translation.

But Instead of calling your World to render its objects by passing a Renderer object, I think it would make more sense to have the Renderer take the World object as a parameter and render its objects from there. The World should just be about being a container for your objects, and ways to access and iterate through them.

That's why in my implementation I name the class a SceneCollection. I use the analogy that media formats and media players are in essence very different things, and one must use a DVD player to play DVDs, etc. A DVD wouldn't project pictures onto a screen by itself. Likewise, the World object shouldn't render itself. That would give it too much to do. It would make more sense to have a WorldRenderer that you can "insert" a World into and "play" it.
Electronic Meteor - My experiences with XNA and game development

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