Getting a vertex list from VertexBuffer

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4 comments, last by Programinator 22 years, 8 months ago
I need to get triangle strip or vertex list type of information out of my IDirect3DVertexBuffer8. How do I do this? I''m new to DirectX. I searched the SDK, and I see the function GetPrivateData.. How do I use this to get the vertex list out of the buffer into say.. an array of vertex structures.. HRESULT GetPrivateData( REFGUID refguid, void* pData, DWORD* pSizeOfData ); To be honest, I don''t quite even understand what the refguid parameter is.. Is this even the correct approach? Thanks in advance for the help.
I'll be back.---------------------Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I''m ordering a pizza?
I''m trying to get the vertices from a vertex buffer that was retrieved from a loaded mesh.. Should I try to get the vertices right from the mesh somehow?
I'll be back.---------------------Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I''m ordering a pizza?
GetPrivateData is the counterpart of SetPrivateData. With these functions you can associate your own, non dx data with the buffer. The refguid is an unique ID (usually generated with GUID-Gen) to identify the data.

To get the vertices out of a vb call Lock() and use the returned pointer to access the vertices - don't forget to call Unlock() If you just want to render a strip use an index buffer - you know how your vertices form the strip, dx does not. See DX8->DirectX Graphics->Using DX Graphics->Vertex Buffer (and Index Buffer)


Appendum: ID3DXMesh has various get functions (e.g. GetVertexBuffer())). You are even able to lock the used buffer to modify the data within the mesh.

Edited by - Boki on August 1, 2001 6:17:32 AM
We are boki. The rest is known.
Hey thanks a lot!

What I''m trying to do is use the vertices in order to draw a lined wirefram on top of the 3d shape. My next question is, now that I have a pointer to the vertices, what format is the data in that pointer? I tried the GetDesc function on the vertex buffer and it gave me an unhandled exception?

Here''s the whole story if it helps. I have an x file I loaded into a mesh. I want to render that, then use the vertices to draw a wireframe on top of what I''ve rendered, as I said above. So I got the vertex list out of the mesh, and now I have a pointer to it. How do I know how to access the data inside properly? Sorry this is such a newbie question. I''ve been trying to figure this out by the SDK and my books, honestly.. but I can''t get it.

Does the fact that I get an exception from GetDesc on the vertex buffer mean that there is no vertex buffer? I just assumed I could get one out of a mesh.. but I don''t know if every mesh necissarily has one.. Man.

Thanks in advance.
I'll be back.---------------------Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I''m ordering a pizza?
I believe that a quick way to achieve this effect (wireframe ''over'' solid object) would be to use the D3D render states. I have never tried this, though....

Basically, set the render state to solid and render your object:

.. render your object ..

Then set the render state to use wireframe rendering:

.. render your object again ..

Hope this helps!
ID3DXMesh has a GetFVF() method.

BTW Sharky''s suggestion is the way to go

We are boki. The rest is known.

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