Making stage of game infinite

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2 comments, last by michailangelo 14 years, 2 months ago
Hello everyone, Newcomer to opengl programming. I am trying to build a third person action game where the character can go anywhere in the stage without reaching its limits. I have the stage model and the class(obj loader) but when I render it , the character reach the limits of the stage. I have to note that the stage is a circle with specific coordinates. I searched in books about opengl and havent seen any similar example. Im pretty sure there is something Im missing here. Recommendations about books regarding game programming in opengl are also welcome. Thanks in advance
Can you describe in more detail what the game world is like? Maybe post a screenshot?

The only thing I can think of at the moment is that you'd need to 'tile' your world somehow to give the illusion of it being unlimited. This wouldn't work very well with a circular model though. Could you use a tileable shape instead, such as a square?
There's a book about this subject but from what I remember it's not very good. Basically, if you want to create an infinite game world you have to randomly generate it. If you want the world to be the same each time the user plays then save the seed you used for the random number generator in the save file, and write your own random number generator so it works identically across execution environments.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I just stretched the model of the stage. Its not infinite but it does the job for me.

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