SDL: Control Problems

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1 comment, last by Dark_Glitch 14 years, 2 months ago
Hello again. This time, I decided to try to make a program that would behave similar to games such as The Guardian Legend. TGL had a labyrinth mode that let the player move in 8 directions, each with its own set of animations. I have used LazyFoo's tutorials and everything works fine except the following: Currently, when I use a joystick, the character will move in a certain direction, lets say down. But as soon as the joystick is centered, in the designated Neutral position, the character will begin to move up and to the left when it's supposed to stay still! If you attempt to move the joystick again, the freaking character will move only in diagonals... This is the function that handles the joystick input

void Player::handle_Events()
	if(window_Events.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION)
		if(window_Events.jaxis.which == 0)		// Joytick 0 or Player One
			if(window_Events.jaxis.axis == 0)	// X Axis
				if( (window_Events.jaxis.value > -8000) && (window_Events.jaxis.value < 8000) )
					Hvelocity = 0;
				if(window_Events.jaxis.value > 8000)		// RIGHT
					Hvelocity = 5;

				if(window_Events.jaxis.value < 8000)		// LEFT
					Hvelocity = -5;

			if(window_Events.jaxis.axis == 1)	// Y Axis
				if( (window_Events.jaxis.value > -8000) && (window_Events.jaxis.value < 8000) )
					Vvelocity = 0;
				if(window_Events.jaxis.value > 8000)		// DOWN
					Vvelocity = 5;

				if(window_Events.jaxis.value < 8000)		// UP
					Vvelocity = -5;
} // end of void Player::handle_Events()

And this, for your viewing pleasure, is the function that controls what animation should be shown based on a set of enumerated values that are quite self-explanatory.

void Player::show()
	if(Hvelocity < 0)			// If player is moving to the LEFT
		pStatus = Player::LEFT;
		lastStatus = Player::LEFT;

	if(Hvelocity > 0)			// If player is moving to the RIGHT
		pStatus = Player::RIGHT;
		lastStatus = Player::RIGHT;

	if(Vvelocity > 0)			// If player is moving DOWN
		pStatus = Player::DOWN;
		lastStatus = Player::DOWN;

	if(Vvelocity < 0)			// If player is moving UP
		pStatus = Player::UP;
		lastStatus = Player::UP;

	if(Vvelocity == 0 && Hvelocity == 0)
		frame = 0;
		pStatus = Player::NEUTRAL;

	if(Vvelocity > 0 && Hvelocity > 0)		// Diagonal Down RIGHT
		pStatus = Player::DOWNRIGHT;
		lastStatus = Player::DOWNRIGHT;

	if(Vvelocity > 0 && Hvelocity < 0)		// Diagonal Down LEFT
		pStatus = Player::DOWNLEFT;
		lastStatus = Player::DOWNLEFT;

	if(Vvelocity < 0 && Hvelocity > 0)		// Diagonal Up RIGHT
		pStatus = Player::UPRIGHT;
		lastStatus = Player::UPRIGHT;

	if(Vvelocity < 0 && Hvelocity > 0)		// Diagonal Up LEFT
		pStatus = Player::UPLEFT;
		lastStatus = Player::UPLEFT;

	if(frame > 3)
		frame = 0;

	if(pStatus == Player::UP)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Up[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::DOWN)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Down[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::LEFT)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Left[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::RIGHT)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Right[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::UPRIGHT)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &UpRight[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::UPLEFT)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &UpLeft[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::DOWNRIGHT)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &DownRight[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::DOWNLEFT)
		apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &DownLeft[frame]);

	if(pStatus == Player::NEUTRAL)
		if(lastStatus == Player::UP)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Up[frame]);

		if(lastStatus == Player::DOWN)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Down[frame]);

		if(lastStatus == Player::LEFT)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Left[frame]);

		if(lastStatus == Player::RIGHT)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &Right[frame]);

		if(pStatus == Player::UPRIGHT)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &UpRight[frame]);

		if(pStatus == Player::UPLEFT)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &UpLeft[frame]);

		if(pStatus == Player::DOWNRIGHT)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &DownRight[frame]);

		if(pStatus == Player::DOWNLEFT)
			apply_Surface(Player::offSetX, Player::offSetY, guardian, screen, &DownLeft[frame]);
} // end of void Player::show()

Some things I noticed: On first run, when I tilt the stick to the right, the character moves right, but when I let go, it moves left. After that, if I try to move it again, it wigs out and the diagonal movement starts. Some of the animations are screwed up. i'll have to check my clips.
--------- ApochPiQ : <Serious Grammar Nazi Pet Peeve> FFS guys, it's spelled "dying". That is all. </Serious Grammar Nazi Pet Peeve>

if(window_Events.jaxis.value > 8000)		// RIGHT{	Hvelocity = 5;}if(window_Events.jaxis.value < 8000)		// <<-- Shouldn't this 8000 be -8000?{	Hvelocity = -5;}

--------- ApochPiQ : <Serious Grammar Nazi Pet Peeve> FFS guys, it's spelled "dying". That is all. </Serious Grammar Nazi Pet Peeve>

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