Translating from PSA to HLSL

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6 comments, last by bababooey 14 years, 1 month ago
I'm still trying to convert my pixel shader from PSA2.0 to HLSL to fix a problem with it cutting off diffuse lighting from directions with negative numbers as representations that I posted weeks ago. Here is my original shader, which works fine except for cutting off all light when it comes from the left/bottom/front:

dcl t0 //tex coord
dcl t1 //face normal
dcl_2d s0 //texture
def c3, 0.0f,0.5f,2.0f,-1.0f //handy values for math
// diffuse licht direction, c2.w=1
//c4: ambient farbe
//c5: diffuse farbe
//c6: difference
dp3_sat r0,t1,c2 //dp face normal (t1) with light direction (c2). Saturates to [0,1]
//dp3 r0,t1,c2//dp face normal (t1) with light direction (c2).
mul r0,r0,c5//multiply by diffuse in [0,1]
mul r0,r0,c6//scale diffuse addend to [0,diffuse-ambient]
add r0,r0,c4//add ambient
//mov r0.w,c2.w
texld r1,t0,s0			//get stage 0 texture from coordinates t0
mul r0,r0,r1//mul texture and light/norm dp
mov oC0,r0//output

Here is the HLSL which MJP posted on that thread:

float3 LightDir;
float3 AmbientColor;
float3 DiffuseColor;
float3 DiffuseAmbientDiff;
sampler2D DiffuseSampler:register(s0);

float4 PSMain(in float2 texCoord:TEXCOORD0,in float3 normal:TEXCOORD1):COLOR0{
    float NdotL=saturate(dot(normal,LightDir)); 
    float3 diffuse = NdotL * DiffuseColor * DiffuseAmbientDiff;
    //Here is what I believe we'll eventually have to incorporate to include the texture coordinates from the sampler:
    //float4 diffuse=tex2D(DiffuseSampler,texCoord)*NdotL*DiffuseColor*DiffuseAmbientDiff+AmbientColor;
    return diffuse;

I compile the new HLSL shader with:

and it gives the error:

hlslPS.txt(12,5): error X3017: cannot implicitly convert from 'float3' to 'float4'
Help appreciated. Thx. [Edited by - bababooey on February 27, 2010 3:07:47 PM]
You're trying to pass in a float3 where a float4 is expected.

Eg you declare the function to return a float4, then you try to return a float3..

float4 PSMain(in float2 texCoord:TEXCOORD0,in float3 normal:TEXCOORD1):COLOR0{
float3 diffuse = NdotL * DiffuseColor * DiffuseAmbientDiff;
return diffuse;
Yes, I've also tried changing the return type to:
float3 PSMain(...)

and also converting all of the variables (except direction) to float4:

float3 LightDir;float4 AmbientColor;float4 DiffuseColor;float4 DiffuseAmbientDiff;sampler2D DiffuseSampler:register(s0);float4 PSMain(in float2 texCoord:TEXCOORD0,in float3 normal:TEXCOORD1):COLOR0{    normal=normalize(normal);    float NdotL=saturate(dot(normal,LightDir));     float4 diffuse = NdotL * DiffuseColor * DiffuseAmbientDiff;    //Bla bla bla    //float4 diffuse=tex2D(DiffuseSampler,texCoord)*NdotL*DiffuseColor*DiffuseAmbientDiff+AmbientColor;    return diffuse;}

Either way, it says:
error X4541: vertex shader must minimally write all four components of POSITION

Here is the part of my vertex shader that writes POSITION:
vs.2.0dcl_position0 v0dcl_normal0 v1dcl_texcoord0 v2dcl_position1 v3dcl_normal1 v4dcl_texcoord1 v5def c14, -1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.5f//{tween,1-tween,0,1} in c12mul r0,v0,c12.yyyy			//multiply position0 (v0) by 1-tweenmad r1,v3,c12.xxxx,r0		//add it to position1 (v3) multiplied by tweenm4x4 r0,r1,c8				//multiply tweened position (r1) by world matrixm4x4 r1,r0,c4m4x4 oPos,r1,c0				//multiply position (r1) by projection matrix//more stuff here for normal and texture coords

Isn't that writing all 4 components of position?

[Edited by - bababooey on February 28, 2010 6:11:31 PM]
Easy solution:
 return float4(diffuse, 1.0)

Real solution:
Most people use 4 component colors...
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Quote:Original post by Promit
Easy solution:
 return float4(diffuse, 1.0)

Still the same error:
error X4541: vertex shader must minimally write all four components of POSITION

Quote:Original post by Promit
Real solution:
Most people use 4 component colors...

Right, so how do I change the above to do that? I thought that my (asm) vertex shader above was dealing with a 4-component position, starting with:

dcl_position0 v0

and after applying matrix math shoving it into oPos. How does this not get all 4 components through to POSITION of the pixel shader?
Quote:Original post by bababooey
Still the same error:
error X4541: vertex shader must minimally write all four components of POSITION

so what does your vs code look like?
an open source GLU replacement library. Much more modern than GLU.
float matrix[16], inverse_matrix[16];
glhTranslatef2(matrix, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
glhRotateAboutXf2(matrix, angleInRadians);
glhScalef2(matrix, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
glhQuickInvertMatrixf2(matrix, inverse_matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation1, 1, FALSE, matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation2, 1, FALSE, inverse_matrix);
As I posted above:
vs.2.0dcl_position0 v0dcl_normal0 v1dcl_texcoord0 v2dcl_position1 v3dcl_normal1 v4dcl_texcoord1 v5def c14, -1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.5f//{tween,1-tween,0,1} in c12mul r0,v0,c12.yyyy			//multiply position0 (v0) by 1-tweenmad r1,v3,c12.xxxx,r0		//add it to position1 (v3) multiplied by tweenm4x4 r0,r1,c8				//multiply tweened position (r1) by world matrixm4x4 r1,r0,c4m4x4 oPos,r1,c0				//multiply position (r1) by projection matrix//more stuff here for normal and texture coords

Shouldn't that write all 4 components of POSITION? Perhaps that is best converted to HLSL as well?

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