Inconsistent accessability error C#

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2 comments, last by Moe 14 years, 1 month ago
Error 1 Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type 'G2DBase.Level' is less accessible than method 'G2DBase.Game1.DrawLevel(G2DBase.Level)' C:\Users\Karlovsky\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\G2DBase\G2DBase\Game1.cs 94 24 G2DBase I am currently working on a small set of C# and XNA classes/functions to save me time making simple games. This is the function causing my problem.

protected void DrawLevel(Level L)
            foreach (ObjectBase O in L.objects)
                spriteBatch.Draw(O.image, O.position, Color.White);

other related code A basic object class

namespace G2DBase
    class ObjectBase
        public Vector2 position;
        public bool visable;
        public bool corporeal;
        public Texture2D image;

        public ObjectBase(Vector2 Sposition, bool Svisable, bool Scorporeal,Texture2D picture)
            position = Sposition;
            visable = Svisable;
            corporeal = Scorporeal;
            image = picture;
        public void Update()


A level class. Meant for making simple 2D level objects.

namespace G2DBase
    class Level
        public List<ObjectBase> objects;
        public int height;
        public int width;
        public char[] Background;
        public Level(int h, int w, char[] BackG)
            height = h;
            width = w;
            Background = BackG;
            objects = new List<ObjectBase>();

        public void ParseLevel()

        public void UpdateLevel()
            foreach (ObjectBase item in objects)

        public void DeleteLevel()

I am still fairly new to C# as I have never encountered this problem before. Any help is greatly appreciated.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise, eat right and be the best you can be!Translation: Play video games for finger streangth and eat lots of hot pockets to be at top programming efficiency.
Sounds like you are missing a public access modifier somewhere, like on one of the classes. What's happening is it is trying to call a method with a parameter of G2DBase.Level, when it can't get to/use it because it isn't accessible.

I could be off base, but try making your Level and ObjectBase classes public.
That did it. I wasn't aware that stating classes as public could actually make a difference.

Much thanks
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise, eat right and be the best you can be!Translation: Play video games for finger streangth and eat lots of hot pockets to be at top programming efficiency.
They most definitely can. Feel free to read more about them here.

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