Attack System

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5 comments, last by OldProgie2 14 years, 1 month ago
Alright so any game needs a Attacking system. So my question is what would be the best way to roll one? I have a concept on how this could be done. Dice style using rand() basically the system looks for a certain roll an if it gets it it either hits, critical, or miss. What other ways can be used for attacking system?
This is very specific for each game.
There is no generalized Attacking System that works for all games.
Sounds like an rpg system to me :)

Yes. Dice rolls. Remember strength + weapon damage - armor and such formulas to make these things count.

Also, aiming a different body parts could give a % deduction to hit since it's hard to aim in the heat of battle.

That way body parts could have individual hit points/armor thus being able to get damaged to the point of breaking. This again would give % deduction to hit/defend due for instance a broken/chopped off arm.

Something like that could make for an interesting system (done well a 100 times before).

If RPG find Phantasie III on some abandonware site and do a few battles ;)
well here is another question how do MMO's do attacking? would most of them use a Dice Rolling type thing?
Perhaps rather than seeing at it as a dice roll, see it as a generated random number between, I dont know - 1 and 20- if the random number is between 1-5 for example, then it is a miss.. if it is between 6-10, then it is a clash/block/stalemate. If it is between 11-20, then you hit succesfully.

This is very simple but could work for an RPG. Lets assume your character has a 'strength' or 'skill' variable. With each random number that is generated for the attack, the amount of 'strength' or 'skill' could be added to the 'roll' incrasing the chance of a hit.

Hope this gives an idea.. i apologise if it is too obvious!
For combat mechanics that you can more or less plug right in to your game, you could look at the SRD.
You can get some idea of how to do these things by looking at some of the rule sets for paper RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons or Runequest, although most modern RPGs rely less on random number generation (rolling dice) and more on stats and abilities.

These rule sets can get quite complicated.

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