Aiming at "Freespace" in 2d: Pre-Alpha Test

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2 comments, last by grayaii 14 years, 1 month ago
Hey there, I'm currently developing a 2d space shooter (No! Please don't stop reading yet! :D ) aiming at recreating the atmosphere and feeling of the old "Conflict: Freespace" series. However, I've just completed a first playable demo to give you an impression on how it might look like when finished. I'd like you to test it and give me your impression concerning graphics, gameplay and handling :) It's been developed in C# / .Net using my own, OpenGL / OpenAL based game framework. System requirements: --> OpenGL 2.1 or better (Shader powers ACTIVATE!!!!!!1111) --> OpenAL support --> .Net framework 2.0 or newer Controls: Mouse cursor: Turning / Aiming W / S: Set desired speed. Double-press to max / min it. A / D: Strafe left / right Tab: Afterburner Left mouse button: Fire weapon T: Set target enemy (Helps following) Screenshots: Download: --> Click here <-- Have fun :)
I didn't expect veeery much response, but nothing confuses me a little. [looksaround] Hellooohoo? Anybody there? [smile]
Can't run it since I'm on linux (and too lazy to reboot right now. sue me :)), but those screenshots look great! Keep up the good fight :)
I tried it, and here are my comments:
1. Too hard! I couldn't kill the enemy ship!
2. It was too zoomed in. I felt the resolution is way too low, making it almost impossible to aim the enemy.
3. Music and graphics are good. No flickering or anything.
4. As far as control, it wasn't that intuitive for me. I would spin out of control, and then couldn't figure out if my ship was not moving, or if just the enemy was running circles around me. In other words, it was hard for me to get my orientation and bearings.
Those are my 2 cents.

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