[SlimDX] Using WPF and SlimDx (DirectX 10/11)

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1 comment, last by Zoner 14 years ago
I am using SlimDX with WinForms for a while now, but want to make the switch to WPF now. However, I can't figure out how to get DX10/11 working with WPF. The February release of SlimDX provides a WPF example, which only works with DX 9 though. I found the following solution: Direct3D-10-11-Direct2D-in-WPF but can't get it to work with SlimDX. My main problem is the shared resource handle as I don't know how to retrieve the shared handle from a SlimDX texture. I can't find any information to this topic. In C++ the code looks like this:

HRESULT D3DImageEx::GetSharedHandle(IUnknown *pUnknown, HANDLE * pHandle)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    *pHandle = NULL;
    IDXGIResource* pSurface;

    if (FAILED(hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIResource), (void**)&pSurface)))
        return hr;

    hr = pSurface->GetSharedHandle(pHandle);

    return hr;
Basically, what I want to do (because I think that this is the solution), is to share a texture between a Direct3d9DeviceEx (for rendering the WPF D3DImage) and a Direct3d10Device (a texture render target for my scene). Any pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
You should use HwndHost/WindowsFormsHost to host an "render area" in WPF application, D3DImage is only for D3D9
Quote:Original post by xoyojank
You should use HwndHost/WindowsFormsHost to host an "render area" in WPF application, D3DImage is only for D3D9

This is not true

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