Transform point by direction and axis

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1 comment, last by Zakwayda 14 years, 1 month ago
Hy. I have a function that transform 3d point of a solid from the 3d axis and 3d direction. The core of the function is:

C3DMatrix R;		
R.m_Z = vAxisY;
R.m_Y = (vAxisY ^ vDirection).Normalize();
R.m_X = R.m_Y ^ R.m_Z;

then multiply all points for this matrix. it works. My problem is that now i must transform the 2d points of a poliline from 2d axis amd 2d direction. Is possible to use the same tecnicque? Thanks
The 2-d version of what you posted doesn't need an axis and a direction, just one or the other. For example:
matrix22 m;m.x = axis;m.y = perp(m.x);
Is that what you're looking for?

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