Copying Surfaces to Textures

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-1 comments, last by LongingForDeath 22 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I think it is better to post the code first:

HRESULT	CreateTextureFromSurface (LPCTSTR tszTextureFile)
	RECT				rc;
	BYTE*				pbyImage = NULL;
	IDirect3DSurface8*	pSurface = NULL;

	g_pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode (D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3ddm);
	hr = pDevice->CreateImageSurface (1024, 768, d3ddm.Format, &pSurface);
	if FAILED (hr)
		MessageBox (NULL, "CreateImageSurface () failed!", "Error", MB_OK);
		return hr;

	if FAILED (hr = g_pDevice->CreateTexture (256, 256, 1, 0, d3ddm.Format, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &m_pBackgroundTexture))
		MessageBox (NULL, "CreateTexture () failed!", "Error", MB_OK);
		pSurface->Release ();
		pSurface = NULL;
		return hr;

	if FAILED (hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile (pSurface, NULL, NULL, tszTextureFile, NULL, D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR, 0, NULL))
		MessageBox (NULL, "D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile () failed!", "Error", MB_OK);
		pSurface->Release ();
		pSurface = NULL;
		return hr;

	SetRect (&rc, 0, 0, 256, 256);
	pSurface->GetDesc (&d3dDesc);
	pbyImage = new BYTE[d3dDesc.Size];

	pSurface->LockRect (&d3dRect, &rc, D3DLOCK_READONLY);
	memcpy (pbyImage, d3dRect.pBits, d3dDesc.Size * sizeof (BYTE));
	pSurface->UnlockRect ();

	g_pBackgroundTexture->GetLevelDesc (0, &d3dDesc);

	g_pBackgroundTexture->LockRect (0, &d3dRect, NULL, 0);
	memcpy (d3dRect.pBits, pbyImage, d3dDesc.Size * sizeof (BYTE));
	g_pBackgroundTexture->UnlockRect (0);

	delete[] pbyImage;
	pSurface->Release ();
	pSurface = NULL;

	return S_OK;

With that method the bitmap won''t be displayed. But if I set the size of the surface to 256x256 there are no problems and the bitmap will be displayed. My question is: Why ? The bitmap has a size of 1024x768. I would copy 12 pieces of size 256x256 of the bitmap into 12 textures. But to do that I need a surface that fits the size of the bitmap. - LongingForDeath
visit DyingHour

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