[SlimdX]directinput problem

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2 comments, last by Evil Steve 14 years, 1 month ago
hi i am trying to create a directinput device but i can´t, i have found this thread in the:http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=495706 forum but i doesn´t work for me. Here is my code: Private keyb As SlimDX.DirectInput.Device Private Sub InitializeInputDevices() Dim keyboardDevice As New SlimDX.DirectInput.DeviceClass(Of keyboarsdtate)(SystemGuid.Keyboard) keyb.SetCooperativeLevel(Me, DirectInput.CooperativeLevel.Background Or DirectInput.CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive) keyb.Acquire() End Sub but i have two errors : keyboardstate is not defined SlimDX.DirectInput.DeviceClass' hasn´t parameters of type and because of that can´t have arguments of type
What version do you have? last is feb 2010. You can initialize the keyboard like this:

C# code..
SlimDX.DirectInput.Mouse mouse;SlimDX.DirectInput.Keyboard keyboard;SlimDX.DirectInput.DirectInput directInput;public void IniKeyBoard(){ //....stuff load this.directInput = new SlimDX.DirectInput.DirectInput(); this.keyboard = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Keyboard(this.directInput); this.mouse = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Mouse(this.directInput);}public void Update(){  if (!this.keyboard.Acquire().IsSuccess || !this.mouse.Acquire().IsSuccess)  return;  SlimDX.DirectInput.KeyboardState key = this.keyboard.GetCurrentState();  SlimDX.DirectInput.MouseState mouse = this.mouse.GetCurrentState(); if (key.IsPressed(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key.W))     //do stuff}
I am using Visual Studio 2008, i test your code and now it doesn´t send me any error when i write the code.

Mandatory reading.

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