How to: Ray tracing the light spectrum

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5 comments, last by cignox1 14 years, 1 month ago
This is a post which describes what me and my partners did for a graphics programming final and how to do it. Hopefully, someone will find this information useful and implement it and/or improve upon it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently took a class in 3D graphics where we could choose our final project to be whatever we wanted. My partner and I chose to attempt to create rainbows and other spectral phenomena within a ray tracer. We chose this because this is typically not possible with standard ray tracing techniques and it would be fun to do the "impossible". Most modern ray tracers are backwards casting (Tracing rays from the eye/camera into the scene) whereas the real world is forward casting (casting light rays from a light source into a scene). This is because it is magnitudes of order more efficient to figure out what the eye can see rather than tracing every possible photon. There are some limitations to backward casting ray tracers: ray tracing rainbows and light passing through a prism becomes difficult. We managed to solve this problem by doing a combination of forward and backward ray casting in a two pass renderer. The first pass renders the light as it interacts with geometries and then stores the interaction details for a point. The second pass is from the camera into the scene which figures out what is visible and figures out how to shade it. This requires a bit of rethinking in the way ray tracers model the world, so before I get into that, a quick review on the science behind light would be helpful. -Light is emitted from a light source and behaves as both a particle and a wave. -You can reference a specific band of light either by its wavelength or frequency. -Visible light ranges from 380 nanometers to about 850nm, which goes from ultraviolet to infrared, respectively. -Each wavelength represents a particular color in the visible spectrum. -White light consists of every color in the visible spectrum, so it would be represented by the sum of all wavelengths. -Not all light sources are white light. Helium, hydrogen, argon, neon, sodium, (etc.) gasses all emit different bands of light when they are energized. -You can't tell which wavelengths are present in a light source merely by looking at the composite color. You'd need to use a spectral diffractor of some sort to see all of the component wavelengths of a light source. Converting Wavelengths into RGB values Usually, color is represented as a triple of Red, Green and Blue values (RGB) for monitor displays. Unfortunately, there is not a 1:1 relationship between RGB values and the physical color spectrum. If you diffract white light into its components and compare it to the RGB color spectrum, you'll notice that some colors in the RGB spectrum are missing from the visible light spectrum (Most noticeably, turquoise). In 1931, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) came up with a specification derived from empirical testing by a 'standard observer' which matches RGB values to light wavelengths. If you'd like to learn more about the science behind color, the wikipedia article is a good starting place: CIE 1931 color space In our project, we initially started with the 2-degree CIE 1931 color space but were unhappy with how poorly the red was being emphasized. The red wasn't showing up very prominently because the graph of the green values was very close to the values of the red. We decided to be a bit unscientific and used a hybrid of the 1931 CIE values and the green values from the 1959 Stiles & Burch results. The green values in the Stiles & Burch are shifted to the left which makes red more distinct. We found freely available data sets of the XYZ RGB values in a CSV format and parsed the results into our application. Most results are for wavelengths in multiples of five, so we simply interpolate results for non-multiples. Light Source Representation Usually light colors are represented as RGB values. If we're trying to diffract light into its component colors, we'll need to represent light as wavelengths instead. We created a new type of light source which is a point light which shoots out a single ray in a given direction. For lack of a better name, I called it "beam". In our ray tracer, we use an XML file to describe objects in our scene, such as geometries, materials, lights, camera, etc. Here is a rough schematic of how our light structure looks: <light> <type>beam</type> <position>0 0 -10</position> <direction>0 0 1</direction> <wavelengths>380 850</wavelengths> </light> The wavelength parameter consists of pairs of numbers which determine the range of a particular band of color. If you wanted white light, you'd specify a pair of numbers starting at the ultraviolet wavelength (~380) and ending at the infrared wavelength (~850). If you wanted to describe something like a hydrogen light source, you'd specify the start and end positions for each wavelength in that particular spectrum (available online). A single color would be represented with the start and stop values being the same (this becomes important later). General Implementation concept: So, we created a scene which has several beam light sources pointing towards a geometry (our screen to project onto). Near the light positions, we created two transparent angled planes which represent a glass prism. From the light source, we shoot a ray in the given direction and find the closest intersection. If the closest intersection has any transparency and also has a refractive index other than 1.0, we figure out how to refract the light according to Snell's Law of refraction and Sellmeiers equation which computes refraction angles for each wavelength. It's important to note that every wavelength of light refracts at a slightly different angle which is why we see a gradient of colors in rainbows and light passing through a prism. After we determine that a beam of light impacts a surface requiring refraction and have computed all of the new refracted directions, given the wavelengths, we recursively create a new light beam for each wavelength and repeat until we impact a surface which has no transparency. At this point, we know the end position of the light beam ray(s) and the wavelength(s) of the light beam. Not caring much for efficiency, I just created a linked list of Vector3's which store the hit position in the scene followed by the color. Now the forward ray casting has been completed. In the backward casting pass, for each point in the scene, I compare its distance to every point listed in the linked list of colors. Since the hit positions are of very high floating point precision, 99.99% of light ray impact positions will not match eye ray positions, so I assign a delta value of around 0.05f. If a camera ray is within this distance to the light beam end position, I grab the color value and add it to the existing shader values. Results: You're looking at two images. The first one is using the CIE 1931 standard for color. The second one uses my hybrid between the CIE 1931 standard and the Stiles & Burch standard (just did a green shift). In both images, the data set is (roughly) the same. There are four lights in the scene. The lights on the left hand side are supposed to represent a "hydrogen" light. The top portion shows the composite light, the bottom portion shows the composite light being diffracted through a prism. The right hand side represents a white light and the diffraction of its component colors below. In the Stiles & Burch image, I was trying to more accurately model the representation of hydrogen light by emphasizing the light band intensities and eye ball matching the band colors. Possible Improvements: -Performance: A better data structure could be used to search for the light beam hit positions. Perhaps even a more thought out approach? -Light intensity: Scientifically speaking, certain light sources have some color bands which have a higher intensity of brightness which impact the overall color output. My model currently assumes that the intensity is uniform across every band. -A method for eliminating the forward casting altogether? I'm not entirely sure how this would be implemented but I suspect this is very possible -- maybe even preferable. Thanks for reading. If any of this is confusing or you have questions, let me know.
Hey slayemin,
I was thinking of a similar idea when I made
a raytracer some time ago.
I have a few questions and some suggestions.

For the questions:
1. Are you using pointlights or light volumes?
2. As you are computing you need to chop the spectrum into discrete chunks,
how big a the steps between this chunks?
3. Does it suffice to save the point and color in forward casting? I mean
AFAIK you need to save at least the direction of the ray too for local
light models like PHONG.

And now some suggestions:
It is a very good Idea to support light intensities as light energy is
getting lost when travelling far...

Finally to say a word to forward an backward casting:
You could avoid the approach of forward casting.
Let's see an example:
You got an intersection of a backward-casted ray with an object that has
a diffuse surface and know your scene has some refracting objects in it.
So for every refracting object you locate it an send rays from the intersection
you found to the object. Doing the refraction backwards is no problem at all and
maybe you will save some rays compared to forward casting but the problem is
that you finally have to match your refracted rays to a light source that might
have emitted them. At this point light-volumes might help.

I'd like to hear your opinion about that.
Quote:Original post by Spynacker
1. Are you using pointlights or light volumes?

I am using a point light with a position, direction, and defined wavelengths. The XML I posted has all of the lighting information I needed to cast the color spectrum.

2. As you are computing you need to chop the spectrum into discrete chunks,
how big a the steps between this chunks?

If I understand the question correctly, you're asking about how I break a light beam into its diffracted components & colors. The light beam is a ray of light which contains pairs of wavelengths which specify the range. I follow the light ray from the original light source position in its direction until it intersects with a geometry. If the light ray hits a geometry, I get an intersection record which contains the hit position, the geometry ID, the material of the geometry, etc. I find the closest intersection and then look at the transparency of that object. If there is no transparency, then I don't need to worry about refraction and instead compute the color for that point given the range of wavelengths present in the light beam.

Otherwise, I need to calculate refraction. I know the position of my closest intersection and the refractive index of my material. I then need to look at my light beam and figure out which wavelengths are present. I create a for loop which goes through all of the wavelengths and create new light rays. Using white light, I'd create 850 - 380 = 470 new light beams. The light ray position is the hit position. The light ray direction is determined by refractive index and Sellmeiers Equation (which takes wavelength as function value), and the new wavelength of the light contains a single wavelength. I then repeat this procedure until each light ray intersects with a geometry which has no transparency (This is a nice function to do recursively). So, "chunk size" would be one new ray for every wavelength present in the light beam.

3. Does it suffice to save the point and color in forward casting? I mean
AFAIK you need to save at least the direction of the ray too for local
light models like PHONG.

Only if you're trying to calculate specular highlights. Since the spectrum is being projected onto a geometry from the light source, we don't need to worry about calculating diffuse lighting. The projected colors will always be on a surface which has a normal within 90 degrees of the light. I haven't tested it yet, but I wonder if the forward-casted light ray intensities would naturally follow the cosine curve in Phong shading...

And now some suggestions:
It is a very good Idea to support light intensities as light energy is
getting lost when travelling far...

Yeah, that's light attenuation which follows the inverse square law. What I was talking about is the intensity of a specific band of color. Currently, I'm not modeling it and just assume that all bands are of the same light intensity. It's actually a bad assumption to make. Take a look at this picture of hydrogen light:

Notice that the red band is many times brighter than the other bands. This has a significant impact on the overall color of the hydrogen light, making it appear reddish purple.

Finally to say a word to forward an backward casting:
You could avoid the approach of forward casting.
Let's see an example:
You got an intersection of a backward-casted ray with an object that has
a diffuse surface and know your scene has some refracting objects in it.
So for every refracting object you locate it an send rays from the intersection
you found to the object. Doing the refraction backwards is no problem at all and
maybe you will save some rays compared to forward casting but the problem is
that you finally have to match your refracted rays to a light source that might
have emitted them. At this point light-volumes might help.

I'd like to hear your opinion about that.

I think forward casting would be more efficient than backward casting for this scenario. I think it would end up being more computationally expensive and more mathematically complicated. If you tried to do backward casting, you'd have to look at every visible point in your scene and figure out if it can see a point light and then figure out what color that point should be based on refraction. The problem with my method is that if I create a scene which has a large number of color points, I have to do a distance calculation for each one. This works, but the run time is somewhere around O(num_light_points * num_visible_points), and it also does a square root calculation for distance. My partner on the project had a workable solution where he projects the colors into the geometry texture instead of onto the geometry. This also works, but only if the geometry has a texture. I didn't like that caveat, so I came up with the brute force projection. I think maybe the better solution would be a hybrid between the two, where a light ray is projected into the geometry texture if a texture is available, or otherwise stored in a sorted look-up table.
Have you thought of incorporating things like phase and polarity? If done properly, this would allowed computing interference at different frequencies, which is something I've never seen in computer graphics. Here are two examples:

Really cool stuff (:

Thanks for sharing
Maybe you could do some deferred rendering:
It will take some restructuring of the code but
you could first render backwards from your cam
and save the intersectionpoint and material for each pixel.
Then you start forward tracing taking only those rays in
account that end near your saved intersections.
This probably needs a big amount of memory but has some
advantages. First you can discard unnessecary rays very fast
and second you could save the data of your first pass and
change the light scene as needed without rendering again from
the camera.
This was an annoying problem when I made some scenes and had
to change things in lighting.
@Alvaro: shouldn't those cases be what the thin film was designed for in the first place (I am not sure though)?

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