cg shader

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4 comments, last by giugio 14 years ago
hy i have this cg shader :

// geometric input (sent by application)
struct appin
    float4 Position     : POSITION;
	float3 Normal       : NORMAL;
	float3 TCoords0     : TEXCOORD0;

// vertex program output
struct V2FI
    float4 HPosition    : POSITION;
    float3 TCoords0     : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 Normal       : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 ViewVector   : TEXCOORD2;
    float3 LightVector  : TEXCOORD3;

V2FI mainVS(appin IN,
         uniform float4x4 Proj   : register(c0), // projection matrix
         uniform float4x4 View   : register(c4), // modelview  matrix
         uniform float4x4 ViewI  : register(c8),
         uniform float4x4 ViewIT : register(c12),
	     uniform float4   LightPos               // light pos in object space
    V2FI OUT;

	// compute view vector
	float4 pos       = mul(View, IN.Position);
	OUT.ViewVector   =;
	// compute light vector
	float4 lightpos  = mul(View, LightPos);
	OUT.LightVector  = (lightpos-pos).xyz;
	// project point onto screen
    OUT.HPosition    = mul(Proj, pos);
	// transform normal - should use inverse transpose !
    OUT.Normal       = mul(ViewIT, float4(IN.Normal,0.0)).xyz;
	// copy texture coordinates
    OUT.TCoords0     = IN.TCoords0;

    return OUT;

// fragment program output
struct PixelOut 
    half4 COL;
    half DEPR;

PixelOut mainPS(V2FI IN,
			  uniform sampler2D Texture   : texunit0
	// texture lookup
	half4 texcolor=h4tex2D(Texture,IN.TCoords0.xy);

	// normalize (interp. per-fragment => norm != 1.0)
	half3 n=normalize(;
	half3 v=normalize(;
	half3 l=normalize(;

	// compute specular coeff
	half3 r=reflect(-v,n);
    half  spec=pow(clamp(dot(l,r),0.0,1.0),30.0);

	// compute diffuse coeff
	// -> clamp to keep an ambient illumination
	half diff=clamp(dot(n,l),0.3,1.0);

	// computes final color - uses alpha component for specular attenuation
	half4 color=texcolor*diff+(spec*texcolor.w);

    PixelOut OUT;
    OUT.COL = color;
    return OUT;

technique technique0 {
	pass p0 {
		CullFaceEnable = false;	
		VertexProgram = compile vp40  mainVS();
		FragmentProgram = compile fp40 mainPS();

i get errors on the tecnique0 in composer. the error says that there are too few paremeters in the function call, how i can correct this cg errors? thanks.
may be that the technique must no specifed?
but in this case it not work!
I think you need to pass the parameters in:

- Proj
- View
- ViewI
- ViewIT
- LightPos

- Texture

declaring these parames as globals instead of function params

technique technique0
pass p0
CullFaceEnable = false;
VertexProgram = compile vp40 mainVS(Proj, View, ViewI, ViewIT, LightPos);
FragmentProgram = compile fp40 mainPS(Texture);
thanks , now compile and run,
this is the shader:
uniform float4x4 Proj ;uniform float4x4 View ;uniform float4x4 ViewIT ;uniform float4 LightPos ;uniform sampler2D Texture;// geometric input (sent by application)struct appin{    float4 Position     : POSITION;	float3 Normal       : NORMAL;	float3 TCoords0     : TEXCOORD0;};// vertex program outputstruct V2FI{    float4 HPosition    : POSITION;    float3 TCoords0     : TEXCOORD0;    float3 Normal       : TEXCOORD1;    float3 ViewVector   : TEXCOORD2;    float3 LightVector  : TEXCOORD3;};V2FI mainVS(appin IN){    V2FI OUT;	// compute view vector	float4 pos       = mul(View, IN.Position);	OUT.ViewVector   =;	// compute light vector	float4 lightpos  = mul(View, LightPos);	OUT.LightVector  = (lightpos-pos).xyz;	// project point onto screen    OUT.HPosition    = mul(Proj, pos);	// transform normal - should use inverse transpose !    OUT.Normal       = mul(ViewIT, float4(IN.Normal,0.0)).xyz;	// copy texture coordinates    OUT.TCoords0     = IN.TCoords0;    return OUT;}// fragment program outputstruct PixelOut {    half4 COL;    half DEPR;};PixelOut mainPS(V2FI IN){	// texture lookup	half4 texcolor=h4tex2D(Texture,IN.TCoords0.xy);	// normalize (interp. per-fragment => norm != 1.0)	half3 n=normalize(;	half3 v=normalize(;	half3 l=normalize(;	// compute specular coeff	half3 r=reflect(-v,n);    half  spec=pow(clamp(dot(l,r),0.0,1.0),30.0);	// compute diffuse coeff	// -> clamp to keep an ambient illumination	half diff=clamp(dot(n,l),0.3,1.0);	// computes final color - uses alpha component for specular attenuation	half4 color=texcolor*diff+(spec*texcolor.w);	    PixelOut OUT;    OUT.COL = color;    return OUT;}technique technique0 {	pass p0 {		CullFaceEnable = false;			VertexProgram = compile vp40 mainVS();		FragmentProgram = compile fp40 mainPS();	}}

the problem now are my matrix, i use they as
1,2,3,4 (first float)
5,6,7,8(second float)
9,10,11,12(third float)
13,14,15,16(fourth float)

but it seems not work.
I dont see my mesh.

how i must send matrix as floats* to the shader for a correct work?
float mMatrix[16]
CGparameter mParameter;

cgSetMatrixParameterfc(mParameter, &mMatrix[0]);

But make sure you calculate and send in the correct matrices to the shader.
also i have a doubth:
I use wild magic 4 engine that transform the geometry that is in the scenegraph for default, then if i transform the geometry i transform all two times?
may be?
i must disable the recursive matrix transform of the scenegraph?

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