SoftPixel Engine 1.9 released

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-1 comments, last by LukasBanana 14 years ago
Here you can download the new SoftPixel Engine 1.9: Homepage or here (direct on sourceforge): Sourceforge The engine supports: OpenGL 2.0, Direct3D9, SoftwareRenderer! The engine runs on: Windows and Linux! These are the news and changes (full list in the LICENSE.txt file): VERSION 1.9 * ModelCombiner tool created A 'GameEngine like' tool to combine two models has been added. * LightmapGenerator tool created A 'GameEngine like' tool to generate lightmaps for the whole scene has been added. * ParticleAnimator tool created A 'GameEngine like' tool to animate a lot of particles/ sprites. * Entity class was more cleaned up Surface management has been redesigned. Each vertex/ texture/ surface modification functions are now crash safe. * Level of detail meshes added LOD (Level of detail) feature has been added in the Entity class. Use the "addLODMesh" function. * Surface optimization optimized Sounds funny but it's true, the process of surface optimization has been speeded up. * Volumetric sounds correction 3D sound effect has been repaired and works very good now. Listener position and orientation is setable by the sound device * Goodbye for the GUI The in-house GUI (GraphicsUserInterface) has been removed from the project completely because of incompleteness and uselessness. The source code of this part is furthermore available in the "media" folder as a detached project. * Spline translations for node animations The node animations now support spline translations for smooth movements. * Better light manangement You can only see 8 light sources with OpenGL and Direct3D9 but the SoftPixel Engine sorts the lights in dependent of the distance to camera. * Mesh buffers in Direct3D9 driver completed Finally the vertex- and index buffer creation in the Direct3D9 driver works fine. Now the rendering is much faster! Like the VertexBufferObjects (VBOs) with OpenGL. * Mesh reference function added The Entity's "setMeshReference" function can be used to reduce costs of memory. This function allows you to link the entity to an other entity's mesh buffer list when drawing multiple equal 3d models. * Frustum culling Now each object can get a bounding box to be blended out when it is out of active camera's view frustum. * New standard primitive "Icosphere" (ENTITY_ICOSPHERE) and rebuild "Dodecahedron" Segments/subdevision is the same like in Blender and is in the range of 1 and 8. * ModelCreator supports Bezier patches now The standard primitive "Teapot" is now also created by Bezier patches. * RenderTargets created Using RenderTargets in Direct3D9 and FrameBufferObjects (FBO) in OpenGL. Use the function "Texture::makeRenderTarget". * Complete new SPM format architecture (v.2.0) Now the SoftPixelModel format saves much more memory and has a better structure. * Immediate mesh buffer update Now the engine is able to update the mesh buffers immediate, i.e. when changed a vertex coordinate the mesh buffer is updated for this single vertex. Can be enabled with "Entity::setUpdateImmediate" * OpenGL Index buffer support Finally the mesh buffers with OpenGL also have an index buffer. The time before the engine only used OpenGL vertex buffers. Further more there is now more control for the hardware mesh buffers. The following functions are now available in the Entity class: updateMeshBuffer, updateVertexBuffer, updateIndexBuffer, updateMeshBufferVertex, updateMeshBufferTriangle * ToxyVision Model (TMF) loading support discontinued. There is no longer a support for the unimportant TMF 3d file format.

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