about SDL_BlitSurface()

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1 comment, last by GlaiveVehem 14 years ago
Is it okay to blit surface with a negative coordinates? Can it cause to crash my game if I keep using negative coordinates? Since they declared SDL_Rect x and y a Sint16 ( If im correct its a signed integer 16 bits ) I think its okay to use negative numbers but I just want to be sure about this.
myWebSite : https://sites.google.com/site/vehement04/
It's fine.

See this.
Quote:Only the position is used in the dstrect (the width and height are ignored). Blits with negative dstrect coordinates will be clipped properly.
thanks. Im embarassed on how I did not see that on the reference.
myWebSite : https://sites.google.com/site/vehement04/

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