Loading GLSL Shader from File C++

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2 comments, last by X Abstract X 14 years ago
I've been trying to load a GLSL shader from file for a day now. I got the shader working by hard coding it into a char array but I can't seem to load it from the damn file. I've tried 3 different methods so far to load it but nope, no luck (Source included for the method I think is cleanest). Here's the code I have now and I would appreciate it if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.

const char* Shader::loadShaderSource(const string& filename) {
    std::ifstream file;

    if (!file) {

    std::stringstream stream;

    stream << file.rdbuf();



When I print out the result of the above function, there is no visible problems with the data. The error I get when linking the shader is: line 1: error C0000: syntax error, expected $undefined at token "<undefined>" line 1: errorC0501: type name expected at token "<undefined>"
Objects die when they go out of scope, so does that stream when the function returns, copy the file string out before it dies.

bool Shader::loadShaderSource(const string& filename, string& out) {    std::ifstream file;    file.open(filename.c_str());    if (!file) {        return false;    }    std::stringstream stream;    stream << file.rdbuf();    file.close();    out = stream.str();return true;}
Yeah as mentioned above, the problem is with the lifetime of your string.
The c_str function returns a raw-pointer to the string's internal buffer, but when the string is destructed, this buffer is deallocated.
Ah, thanks a lot both of you. I can't believe I didn't notice that -- must have looked over the code atleast 10 times!

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