virtual operators c++ probelm

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2 comments, last by phresnel 14 years ago

class A
	virtual operator const char*() const
		return "A";


class B : public  A

	  operator const char*() const
              return "B";

int main()
   B b;
   A* a = &b;
   const char* str = (const char*)a;

I debug the code and none of the operators get called. (if "a" were not a pointer it works fine ). if you type:
const char* str = a->operator const char*(); // This works fine
Why the first version did not worked? tnx,
This will work:

const char* str = (const char*)*a;

The problem with yours:
const char* str = (const char*)a;
is that you convert a pointer (to an object) to const char*, but you have to convert the object itself (the compiler will call the operator you wrote to do that).
shame on me I have not noticed that

tnx man
For the future just so you know,

p->operator Δ ()

is the same as

(*p) Δ

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