[SlimDX] Initialise Direct3D10.1 with WARP driver

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15 comments, last by DieterVW 13 years, 11 months ago
Quote:Original post by DieterVW
I'm not sure why anyone would want to target 10Level9 with WARP anyway given that WARP 10 would have more features - and you're using the dx10/dx11 api anyway.

True enough. I want to target Direct3D 9 hardware with the new API but have the option of falling back to a software renderer. Presumably (and hopefully) I won't have any trouble doing something like the following?

Device1 device;SwapChain swapChain;if (hardwareRenderingMode)    Device1.CreateWithSwapChain(null, DriverType.Hardware, DeviceCreationFlags.Debug, FeatureLevel.Level_9_1, scd, out device, out swapChain);else    Device1.CreateWithSwapChain(null, (DriverType)5, DeviceCreationFlags.Debug, FeatureLevel.Level_10_0, scd, out device, out swapChain);

That is, creating a Hardware Direct3D 9-targetted device if D3D9 hardware is available, otherwise creating a WARP Direct3D10 device, and then using the device instance as an interface to whichever device was created in the rest of my code. Provided that I write all of my shaders,etc. for Direct3D 9 of course?

Thanks for your help so far.
Using Visual C++ 7.0
Well that's cool.

I imagine that would mean that you'll get 10Level9 error checking, though underneath WARP will still be routing things through the DX10 DDI path.

However, the documentation doesn't seem to be in agreement with the behavior Barguast is finding in device creation. Seems that might warrant an investigation of sorts.
One last question (hopefully). As I say, I'm trying to target any hardware from feature level 10.1 to 9.1, and falling back to a WARP/Direct3D 10 device where no hardware support could be found. With that in mind, I'm hoping to write all of my application including shaders etc. to work with feature level 9.1.

I assume subsequent versions support older shader profiles, etc. Is this a correct assumption? I ask because my test effect...
// ---------// Variables// ---------float4x4 worldViewProjection;texture tex;// ---------------// Texture Sampler// ---------------sampler textureSampler = sampler_state{	Texture = <tex>;	Filter = MIN_MAG_POINT_MIP_LINEAR; // ANISOTROPIC		AddressU = MIRROR;	AddressV = MIRROR;};// ----------// Structures// ----------struct VS_IN{	float4 Position : POSITION0;	float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;};struct VS_OUT{	float4 Position : SV_POSITION;	float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;};struct PS_OUT{	float4 Colour : SV_TARGET;};// -------------// Vertex Shader// -------------VS_OUT vs_main(VS_IN input){   VS_OUT output;   output.Position = mul(input.Position, worldViewProjection);   output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord * 2;      return output;}// ------------// Pixel Shader// ------------PS_OUT ps_main(VS_OUT input){	PS_OUT output;		output.Colour = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);	output.Colour = tex2D(textureSampler, input.TexCoord);	output.Colour.g = input.TexCoord.g / 2;	output.Colour.b = input.TexCoord.r / 2;		return output;}// ----------// Techniques// ----------technique10 Render{    pass Pass_0    {        VertexShader = compile vs_4_0 vs_main();        PixelShader = compile ps_4_0 ps_main();    }}

... seems to work on feature level 9.1, but the vertex and pixel shaders seem to compile to profile 4.0, and feature level 9.1 is supposed to only support profile 2.0. So presumably this wouldn't work on Direct3D 9 hardware that only supports shader model 2.0?

I assume that effect are written to target the Direct3D version (10) in this case, and the shaders within that effect are written to target specific shader profiles - in this case, 2.0 onwards. Please correct these assumptions where necessary!

I've been unable to create a Direct3D 10-loadable effect which compile to vs_2_0 / ps_2_0. If someone happens to have an example of this, it'd be very helpful.

Using Visual C++ 7.0
For your shaders to work with 10Level9 you will have to use different shader targets. Inside your effect, use the targets:



You will not make use of any *s_2_0 or *s_3_0 targets.
Does this compile the shaders as shader profile 4? What if my graphics card only supports vertex / pixel shader profile 2.0 (as indicated by the 10Level9 feature level)? Will this cause all of my shaders to be emulated in software?

Using Visual C++ 7.0
It's not really that complex. First, the device type decides how the shaders will run. If you have a hardware device, then the shaders will not run in software unless the IHV driver decides to do so. (for instance intel vertex shaders on some intel hardware run on the CPU). WARP and REF will run your shaders in software, while hardware devices are supposed to run on hardware.

But, that doesn't have an impact on the shader targets you need to use. The new shader targets instruct the compiler to generate code and do error checking for the particular scenario in your code. In this case, vs_2_0, ps_2_0 code will not execute on anything drive by the DX10, DX10.1, DX11 API since the shader blobs are completely different. The point of the new targets such as vs_4_0_level_9_1 is to tell the compiler to emit blobs for use with the DX10 runtime, but using sm 2.0 or sm 3.0 assembly. (this isn't completely accurate since the *level_9_1 and *level_9_3 don't map perfectly to sm 2.0 or sm 3.0, but those differences are documented). So yes, your shaders will run on DX9 hardware when compiled to a *level_9_* target. These are the 10Level9 shader targets, nothing else will work in this scenario.

So it turns out that he behavior is not consistent across creates between dx versions.

D3D10CreateDevice1 cannot create a warp or ref device as 10Level9.

D3D11CreateDevice can create a warp device as 10Level9 - though internally it is running dx10 and running the dx10 shader blob.

The documentation will be updated to reflect this.

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