Why does erasing from this vector crash my program?

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11 comments, last by DevFred 13 years, 11 months ago
I have pinpointed a crash to this bit of code.

               for(vector<Projectile*>::iterator Iter = ProjectileList.begin(); Iter != ProjectileList.end(); ++Iter)
                    if (!(*Iter)->inBounds())
                       Projectile* temp = (*Iter);
                       delete temp;
If a projectile misses and moves out of bounds, then I want to delete it from my vector tracking the projectiles. I believe the crash occurs when I delete the last element of the vector, but I'm not sure. Who can enlighten me on the proper use of Vectors?
The canonical loop for erasing while iterating over a vector looks like:
for (iterator i = vec.begin(); i != vec.end()) {  if (condition(i)) {    i = vec.erase(i);  } else {    ++i;  }}
Thanks, that did it. Not sure why. I guess the elements are all shifted when I delete, so I shouldn't increment the iterator. If I do, then I'll increment into some undefined slot or something.

Anyway, code works now. Thanks.
erasing from a vector invalidates all its iterators. Therefore after "ProjectileList.erase(Iter);" Iter is no longer valid.

That's why you need to reacquire a new one as shown in "no such user" sample.
template <class T, class Pred> void EraseRemoveIf(vector<T>& vec, Pred pred){   vec.erase(remove_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), pred), vec.end());}
You can modify it to work with general iterator ranges instead of vectors if you like. See erase-remove idiom for more information.

[Edited by - Ariste on April 26, 2010 8:30:23 PM]
Quote:Original post by voodoohaust
erasing from a vector invalidates all its iterators.

Nope, invalidates all iterators AFTER the point of erasure. The problem is then that itor (which is still valid, as it points to where the erased element WAS, and hence is not AFTER the point of erasure) might equal end() and hence will be incremented by the for loop (which is illegal). A minor semantics issue, but a relatively important one to be sure.

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Erasing elements one-by-one from a vector is O(n*n). I suggest the following O(n) alternative:

#include <algorithm>#include <functional>std::for_each(    ProjectileList.begin(),    ProjectileList.end(),    std::bind2nd(        std::mem_fun(&Projectile::move),        deltaT    ));ProjectileList.erase(    std::remove_if(        ProjectileList.begin(),        ProjectileList.end(),        std::not1(            std::mem_fun(&Projectile::inBounds)        )    ),    ProjectileList.end());

Be careful, that doesn't delete the pointers before removing them.
Whoops, didn't see the delete...

template<class T>struct delete_functor{    void operator()(T* p)    {        delete p;    }};std::for_each(    ProjectileList.begin(),    ProjectileList.end(),    std::bind2nd(        std::mem_fun(&Projectile::move),        deltaT    ));std::vector<Projectile*>::iterator it = std::partition(    ProjectileList.begin(),    ProjectileList.end(),    std::mem_fun(&Projectile::inBounds));std::for_each(    it,    ProjectileList.end(),    delete_functor<Projectile>());ProjectileList.erase(it, ProjectileList.end());

It's starting to become a little silly even to my trained STL eyes, though. Just use a vector of smart pointers with my first solution ;)

[Edited by - DevFred on April 27, 2010 2:00:01 PM]
or just wrap it all up in a single predicate...
	projectiles.erase(std::remove_if(projectiles.begin(), projectiles.end(), [delta](Projectile* p) -> bool {			p->move(delta);			if(!p->inBounds()) {				delete p;				return true;			}			return false;		}),		projectiles.end()	);

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

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