GetMaxNumTracks and Oneshoot animation

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1 comment, last by repka3 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi all, I have an X skinned mesh with 3 animation. 1 is Idle,2 is running, 3 is casting Idle and running is loopable animation and i blend this to swith from one to another accorgind to user input with somethings like this:

if(isIdle_animation_current)return; //If we are already on idle animation just return so we can keep looping idle

   DWORD dwNewTrack = ( m_dwCurrentTrack == 0 ? 1 : 0 );


    mAnimCtrl->GetAnimationSet( m_dwAnimIdxIdle, &pAS );
    mAnimCtrl->SetTrackAnimationSet( dwNewTrack, pAS );


	mAnimCtrl->UnkeyAllTrackEvents( m_dwCurrentTrack );
    mAnimCtrl->UnkeyAllTrackEvents( dwNewTrack );

    mAnimCtrl->KeyTrackEnable( m_dwCurrentTrack, FALSE, m_dTimeCurrent + MOVE_TRANSITION_TIME );
    mAnimCtrl->KeyTrackSpeed( m_dwCurrentTrack, 0.0f, m_dTimeCurrent, MOVE_TRANSITION_TIME, D3DXTRANSITION_LINEAR );
    mAnimCtrl->KeyTrackWeight( m_dwCurrentTrack, 0.0f, m_dTimeCurrent, MOVE_TRANSITION_TIME, D3DXTRANSITION_LINEAR );

    mAnimCtrl->SetTrackEnable( dwNewTrack, TRUE );
    mAnimCtrl->KeyTrackSpeed( dwNewTrack, 1.0f, m_dTimeCurrent, MOVE_TRANSITION_TIME, D3DXTRANSITION_LINEAR );
    mAnimCtrl->KeyTrackWeight( dwNewTrack, 1.0f, m_dTimeCurrent, MOVE_TRANSITION_TIME, D3DXTRANSITION_LINEAR );

    m_dwCurrentTrack = dwNewTrack;

Now i want when user press a key to one-shoot cast animation but GetMaxNumTracks return 2 so i cannot add one more animation track number. Cast is istant cast so at worst case i need to blend for example finish moving,start idle and cast. But i can't use 3 track. Which is the right way to handle this? I mean i need to 1 shoot animation independently from running/idle. I already looked into directx sampler but sampler handle only 2 animation with DWORD dwNewTrack = ( m_dwCurrentTrack == 0 ? 1 : 0 ); Thx for your time.
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ok maybe the question is too general. I will make a more specific one. When u have 4-5 animation sets you still use only track 0 and track 1 on animation controller ? How do you handle this? In my example,according to sdk example, run can be 0 or 1 also idle can be 0 or 1 and everthing work fine. But non looping animation like cast need to be a little different cause we need to check if it's finished.
Consider this situation:

I'm playing running animation in track 0.
Now i press cast and start playing cast animation in track 1.
During the cast i stop moving so i need to blend idle and running, off run and start idle.

I need one more track for sure. But GetMaxNumTracks==2.

So ?!

My dev blog:
lol ok noone in the world has blended more then 2 animations.. Interesting.. hehe
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