[C++] Got totally stucked with non-working code

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1 comment, last by Paul-K 13 years, 11 months ago
Hello, I'm trying to make a server with a switch that handles the respons, my code: --- Working, check bottom for working code I'm 100% I do it totally wrong but I've no new ideas anymore how to get it to work. Thanks! [Edited by - Paul-K on May 1, 2010 5:58:52 AM]
Your DataHandler function takes a char instead of a char * (and it's the same for the return value).
Also, to compare two strings stored in char arrays, you have to use strcmp. The == operator will just compare the two pointers, not the strings.
#include <iostream>#include <winsock2.h>#include <time.h>#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")using namespace std;		char* DataHandler(char* Input);char BufBuf[1024];//ZeroMemory(BufBuf,1024);clock_t end;double runTime;clock_t start = clock();int main(){	char buffer[2048];	char buffer2[1024];	WSADATA WsaDat;	if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&WsaDat)!=0)	{		std::cout<<"WSA Initialization failed!\r\n";		WSACleanup();		system("PAUSE");		return 0;	}						SOCKET Socket=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP);	if(Socket==INVALID_SOCKET)	{		std::cout<<"Socket creation failed.\r\n";		WSACleanup();		system("PAUSE");		return 0;	}						SOCKADDR_IN serverInf;	serverInf.sin_family=AF_INET;	serverInf.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY;	serverInf.sin_port=htons(5555);						if(bind(Socket,(SOCKADDR*)(&serverInf),sizeof(serverInf))==SOCKET_ERROR)	{		std::cout<<"Unable to bind socket!\r\n";		WSACleanup();		system("PAUSE");		return 0;	}			listen(Socket,1);						SOCKET TempSock=SOCKET_ERROR;	while(TempSock==SOCKET_ERROR)	{		std::cout<<"Waiting for incoming connections...\r\n";		TempSock=accept(Socket,NULL,NULL);	}					// If iMode!=0, non-blocking mode is enabled.	u_long iMode=1;	ioctlsocket(Socket,FIONBIO,&iMode);						Socket=TempSock;	std::cout<<"Client connected!\r\n\r\n";			// Main loop	for(;;)	{		ZeroMemory(buffer2,1024);		ZeroMemory(buffer,2048);		recv(Socket,buffer2,1024,0);		//Handle Data		char* Temp = DataHandler(buffer2);		//Send Respons			send(Socket,Temp,strlen(Temp),0);			int nError=WSAGetLastError();		if(nError!=WSAEWOULDBLOCK&&nError!=0)		{			std::cout<<"Winsock error code: "<<nError<<"\r\n";			std::cout<<"Client disconnected!\r\n";			// Shutdown our socket			shutdown(Socket,SD_SEND);			// Close our socket entirely			closesocket(Socket);			break;		}		Sleep(5);	}	WSACleanup();	system("PAUSE");	return 0;}char* DataHandler(char* Input){	if(strcmp(Input,"!uptime") == 0){		end = clock();  		runTime = ((end - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC );		int Days = runTime/60/60/24;		int Hours = (runTime-(Days*60*60*24))/60/60;		int Minutes = (runTime-(Days*60*60*24)-(Hours*60*60))/60;		int Seconds = (runTime-(Days*60*60*24)-(Hours*60*60)-(Minutes*60));		sprintf(BufBuf,"Uptime is: %dd %dh %dm %ds",Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds);	}else{		sprintf(BufBuf,"Unknown command: %s",Input);	}	cout << "Returning| " << BufBuf << "\r\n";	return BufBuf;}

[Edited by - Paul-K on May 1, 2010 6:27:22 AM]

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