[DirectX10] Parallax mapping looks wrong

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6 comments, last by rubicondev 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi there! I wont to put some parallax mapping into my engine, but something seems to be wrong: Image and video hosting by TinyPic The pixel shader is here:

float4 wtPixelShader(PixelShaderInput Input) : SV_Target
	float3 tCam = WorldToTangent_Inv(normalize(CamLoc-Input.VertexPos),Input.Norm,Input.Tangent,Input.Binormal);
	float Height = TexUV(Tex2,UV*5).r * 0.03;

	float2 ParallaxUV = (UV) + tCam.xy * Height;

	float4 Color = TexUV(Tex1,ParallaxUV);

	return Color;
	//return float4(ParallaxUV,0,1);

//... Include:

shared float3 WorldToTangent_Inv(float3 In,float3 Nrm,float3 Tan, float3 Bin)
    float3x3 mTangentFrame = {Tan, Bin, Nrm };
    return normalize(mul((float3x3)mTangentFrame, In));

Can you maybe give me some pseudo code? I ahve looked at the SDK sample already, but everything seems to be just like there...
Have you tried tweaking that 0.03 value?
Yes, but the height is not the problem. When you take a closer look to the picture, you will notice that they bumps get shifted into the wrong direction...
I had similar problem. The cause of my problem was wrong computation of mesh tangents. I used D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx() for tangent and binormal computation, and passing anything other than NULL for CONST DWORD * pdwAdjacency parameter caused this behavior in shader.
I use a .x loader from the NVIDIA SDK10 for loading my meshes. So, I think they know what they are doing. Also normal mapping works just fine for me.

it seems that it shifts correctly by y axis but opposite at x axis.
Try this then



float2 ParallaxUV = (UV) + tCam.xy * Height;

float4 Color = TexUV(Tex1,ParallaxUV);

Sorry, my internet was down for a while. But I found out that the Vertex-Position I used was in Object space. So it works now, but it looks strange. Also, if I rotate the model, the parallax mapping stays the same, just like I never rotated it. :(
There are few things that are almost always responsible for various bump mapping problems. I suggest you try em all ad hoc and see if any work:

1) Swap the tangent and binormal params around
2) Tranpose the matrix before you multiply with it
3) When rotating normals, remember to cast a full matrix to a float3x3
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