DX8 Texture size

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1 comment, last by Blue*Omega 22 years, 8 months ago
I need to get the size (heigth and width, not bytes) of a texture in DirectX 8. I''m using a LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 structure and loading it with D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(). Any suggestions? ----------------------------- Vash the Stampede "Love & Peace!"
// Tojiart
Instead of D3DXCreateTextureFromFile()
you should use D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExA().

Take a loook at the 12th parameter. It returns a pointer to an D3DXIMAGE_INFO structure containing width/height and other info.
Thank you kind sir! I now encorage everyone to profusly thank mr. "Anonymous Poster" whenever they may happen across him. ^_^

But seriously, thanks!


Vash the Stampede

"Love & Peace!"
// Tojiart

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