OpenGL font rendering problem

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3 comments, last by Crypter 13 years, 11 months ago
Hello everyone, I have been having an issue with setting the color of our fonts. I am using wglUseFontBitmaps to create the characters in a display list and can render the characters without problems. However I cannot seem to be able to change the color of the displayed text... Here is my rendering routine. If texturing is enabled, font is whatever the last color that was used. If its disabled, all characters are white (always white) except the first character rendered - it, too, is the color of the last color used. In both cases the glColor3i call seems to not effect anything - which is the problem.
void fontWGL::render ( std::string str, point2d<float> pos, color col ) {

	//! set position
	glRasterPos2f (pos.x, pos.y);

	glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);

	//! enable color material

	//! font always white? (except 1st character)
	glColor3i (0,0,0);

	//! set base character to 0
	glListBase (baseDisplayList - 32);

	//! renders display list
	glCallLists(str.length(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, str.c_str() );
	glPopAttrib ();

	//! disable color material
//	glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated [smile]
The current color and the current raster color are two different things. The current raster color is only updated with the current color, when RasterPos is called.

So set the color before RasterPos.
Hello szecs,

Thank you for your response - that fixed it :) ...However the first character in the output string is never being changed. ie, calling glColor3f sets the color for all characters except the first...

Any more suggestions are greatly appreciated [smile]
Why do you glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) ?
And why don't you glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) ?

Apart from that: I have no freakin' idea how can the first letter be rendered in a different way than the others.

Did you try different texts? (Okay, a very stupid question)
Hello again,

Moving the call to disable GL_TEXTURE_2D before glColor3f fixes that issue.. Everything is working as expected now. Thank you for your help!

As of current, lighting is already disabled. I suppose I will need to disable it though when rendering the text. Thank you for the suggestion.

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