Should I learn assblem ?

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5 comments, last by Neeneko 13 years, 11 months ago
hi,there.I want to learn direct pragramming,is that use assblem and c++ language? If I should to learn assblem.what books should I look? please gave me some advice.
Do you mean Assembly? Do you mean DirectX Programming?

Assembly - Not unless you need it.
DirectX Programming - C++ is great for DirectX, but you should start out learning C++ before trying to learn to program using DirectX. If you are new to programming you should maybe start out with C# and check out XNA framework and look at that stuff. I hope this helps you out.
In general, if you need to ask it, you don't need assembly language.

Without proper education ( self-taught is just as good ) in computer organization / hardware implementation of the von Neumann machines, there is absolutely no chance that you could do anything but inferior code when compared to a compiler.

And if you cannot beat the compiler, why bother spending your precious time on assembler?

Sure, for learning purposes it can be a good thing.
But learning it in hopes of writing faster code without proper background knowledge will most likely backfire.
Quote:Original post by wicked357
Do you mean Assembly? Do you mean DirectX Programming?

Assembly - Not unless you need it.
DirectX Programming - C++ is great for DirectX, but you should start out learning C++ before trying to learn to program using DirectX. If you are new to programming you should maybe start out with C# and check out XNA framework and look at that stuff. I hope this helps you out.

yes,I'm learn c++ now.I have seen some code about DirectX Programming ,it use
Assemble in c++. Is that frequency to use Assmble for DirectX Programming? Or
it's useless in fact.

Assembly can come in handy, you will know when you need it. I wouldn't worry about it right now.
Assembly is used many places to speed up things like vector and matrix math, and a few other applications.
I have a bit of a dissenting opinion here.

While I agree asm is a bad language to start with, even if one does not actually need it I found the process of learning it to be a useful learning experience. Even if one is going to spend their entire life in high level languages that completely abstract the hardware away, having a little voice in the back your mind reminding you how the underlying computer can be helpful when trying to figure out how to structure things or solve problems.

That is my take on the issue at least ^_^

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