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2 comments, last by assainator 13 years, 10 months ago
heey all,

I'm having problems loading a binary file to my program.
The file is opened, the data is read. But when it is converted and put to use, the program will stop and give a message:

I have read it has to do with the 'new' and 'delete' operators but I don't see what I'm doing wrong.
I create a new vertex, triangle or color and as soon as I want to give the pointer to the new mesh: The message pops up

my code:
Mesh LoadEG2(char *filename, bool &ReadSucces, bool &ValidFile){	//try to open the file	FILE* stream;	if(fopen_s(&stream, filename, "rb") != 0)	{		ReadSucces = false;		Mesh m;		return m;	}	ReadSucces = true;	//read the header and check if this is a valid one	EG2_Header eg2h;	fread(&eg2h, sizeof(EG2_Header), 1, stream);	if(!IsValidEG2Header(&eg2h))	{		ValidFile = false;		Mesh m;		return m;	}	ValidFile = true;	//allocate some space to read everything	std::vector<EGF2_Vertex3> Vertices;	std::vector<EGF2_Triangle> Triangles;	//the mesh that should be returend	Mesh m;	//secondly, read all vertices	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < eg2h.VertexCount; i++)	{		EGF2_Vertex3 v;		fread(&v, sizeof(EGF2_Vertex3), 1, stream);		Vertices.push_back(v);	}	//then read all the triangles	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < eg2h.FaceCount; i++)	{		EGF2_Triangle t;		fread(&t, sizeof(EGF2_Triangle), 1, stream);		Triangles.push_back(t);	}	fclose(stream);	//now convert the stuff	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Vertices.size(); i++)	{		Point3 * col = new Point3(Vertices.R, Vertices.G, Vertices.B);		Vertex3 * vert = new Vertex3(Vertices.X, Vertices.Y, Vertices.Z, i);                //This is where the problem comes from.		m.AddColor(col);		m.AddVert(vert);	}	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Triangles.size(); i++)	{		//convert the UV_Coords		Point2 *uv1 = new Point2(Triangles.UV[0].X, Triangles.UV[0].Y);		Point2 *uv2 = new Point2(Triangles.UV[1].X, Triangles.UV[1].Y);		Point2 *uv3 = new Point2(Triangles.UV[2].X, Triangles.UV[2].Y);		//Convert the Normal		Point3 n;		n.X = Triangles.Nor.X;		n.Y = Triangles.Nor.Y;		n.Z = Triangles.Nor.Z;		//convert the triangle and put it together		m.AddFace(new Triangle(Triangles.V1, Triangles.V2, Triangles.V3, uv1, uv2, uv3, n));	}	//if this is all done, the loading has suceeded	return m;}

The mesh class
#ifndef EASX_MESH#define EASX_MESH#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include "EasX3D_Exp.hpp"#include "Point3.hpp"#include "Triangle.hpp"#include "Vertex3.hpp"#include "GraphNode.hpp"class Mesh : GraphNode{	private:		std::vector<Vertex3*> Vertices;		std::vector<Point3*> Color;		std::vector<Triangle*> Triangles;	public:		Point3 Position;		Point3 Scale;		Point3 Rotation;		bool DoRender;		EASX_API Mesh();		EASX_API ~Mesh();		EASX_API void AddVert(Vertex3 *v);		EASX_API void AddFace(Triangle *t);		EASX_API void AddColor(Point3 *c);		EASX_API void InsertVert(Vertex3 *v, unsigned int index);		EASX_API void InsertFace(Triangle *t, unsigned int index);		EASX_API void InsertColor(Point3 *c, unsigned int index);		EASX_API void DeleteVert(unsigned int index);		EASX_API void DeleteFace(unsigned int index);		EASX_API void DeleteColor(unsigned int index);		EASX_API Vertex3* GetVert(unsigned int index);		EASX_API Triangle* GetFace(unsigned int index);		EASX_API Point3* GetColor(unsigned int index);		EASX_API Point3 GetPosition();		EASX_API Point3 GetScale();		EASX_API Point3 GetRotation();		EASX_API void Render();};#endif //EASX_MESH

Some functions from the Mesh class that might have to do with the error:
//constructorMesh::Mesh() : GraphNode(){	Vertices.clear();	Triangles.clear();	Color.clear();	Position.X = Position.Y = Position.Z = 0;	Scale.X = Scale.Y = Scale.Z = 0;	Rotation.X = Rotation.Y = Rotation.Z = 0;	DoRender = true;}//deconstructorMesh::~Mesh(){	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Vertices.size(); i++)	{		//delete Vertices;	}	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Triangles.size(); i++)	{		//delete Triangles;	}	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Color.size(); i++)	{		//delete Color;	}}//vertex functionsVertex3 *Mesh::GetVert(unsigned int index){	return Vertices[index];}void Mesh::AddVert(Vertex3 *v){	Vertices.push_back(v);}void Mesh::InsertVert(Vertex3 *v, unsigned int index){	Vertices[index] = v;}//face functionsTriangle * Mesh::GetFace(unsigned int index){	return Triangles[index];}void Mesh::AddFace(Triangle* t){	Triangles.push_back(t);}void Mesh::InsertFace(Triangle *t, unsigned int index){	Triangles[index] = t;}//color functionsPoint3 *Mesh::GetColor(unsigned int index){	return Color[index];}void Mesh::AddColor(Point3 * c){	Color.push_back(c);}void Mesh::InsertColor(Point3 * c, unsigned int index){	Color[index] = c;
"What? It disintegrated. By definition, it cannot be fixed." - Gru - Dispicable me

"Dude, the world is only limited by your imagination" - Me

This message appears when you're trying to delete memory that you didn't allocate with new, or when you've had a buffer overrun.

What's with those commented-out 'delete[]' lines in the Mesh destructor? You shouldn't delete[] the contents of a vector, the vector object does that for you.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Why on earth are you storing pointers to triangles, vertices and colours? Why not store them by value?
@evil steve: That's actually a good question. I have changed this.
"What? It disintegrated. By definition, it cannot be fixed." - Gru - Dispicable me

"Dude, the world is only limited by your imagination" - Me

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