Loading Bmp from toolbar in MFC

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0 comments, last by Buckeye 13 years, 9 months ago

I am trying to load bitmap from toolbar using MFC. I have a toolbar object m_pToolbar. The toolbar contains many buttons with bitmap. I am doing as follows

CBitmap bm;
int bmpIdx = m_pToolbar->GetBitmap(ID_XYZ);
BOOL b = bm.LoadBitmap(bmpIdx);

when debugging i get an index value of the bitmap in toolbar in bmpIdx variable. However when I try to load the bmp using this index, the function returns 0 i.e. the bitmap is not loaded. I don't know why does this not work. Has anyone any idea how to accomplish this task. Thanks

Best regards
Quote:i get an index value of the bitmap in toolbar

That's not quite correct. toolbar->GetBitmap(commandID) returns an index position (not a bitmap resource id for the button) in the toolbar for the button that, when clicked, responds to the commandID.

That return value is not the identifier for a bitmap resource, which is what CBitmap->LoadBitmap(resourceID) requires.

For instance, if you have buttons in order from left-to-right for ID_FILE_OPEN, ID_FILE_CLOSE and ID_FILE_LOAD:


returns the value 1, the zero-based index for the button which responds to the menu command ID_FILE_CLOSE.

EDIT: I'm personally not aware of functions which support retrieving an individual bitmap from an MFC Toolbar resource.

[Edited by - Buckeye on July 1, 2010 2:58:36 PM]

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