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15 comments, last by VitaliBR 13 years, 9 months ago
I tried to apply a camera in my code,
but their movements are not correct, I not get fix it.

If someone can look at the code and try to help fix it
I'm using Code::Blocks (Opengl w/ SDL)

The functions of camera are:

In your render function before drawing anything you have to call Cam.setView(); To rotate around the (global) y-axis you call Cam.rotateGlob(degree, 0,1,0); while to look up/down you would call Cam.rotateLoc(degree, 1,0,0); Moving forward would be Cam.moveLoc(0,0,distance); while being shoved in a fixed direction would be Cam.moveGlob(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ);

I am trying to fix almost 2hours
what is the difference between GLfloat and float?

[Edited by - VitaliBR on July 3, 2010 12:34:25 AM]
Quote:what is the difference between GLfloat and float?


typedef float GLfloat; //in gl.h i think

I managed to fix the camera,
I'm trying now is to make works with two keystrokes.
For example 'w' and 'a' it will move forward and turning left to go.

Here is the code:
    //We read the state of the keys    Uint8* keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);    //With the Left arrow is pressed?    if (keys[SDLK_LEFT])    {        Camera.StrafeRight(-0.1);    }    //With the Right arrow is pressed?    else if (keys[SDLK_RIGHT])    {        Camera.StrafeRight(0.1);    }    //With the Up arrow is pressed?    else if(keys[SDLK_UP])    {        Camera.RotateX(0.5);    }    //With the Down arrow is pressed?    else if(keys[SDLK_DOWN])    {        Camera.RotateX(-0.5);    }    //With the 'W' arrow is pressed?    else if(keys[SDLK_w])    {        Camera.MoveForward(-0.1);    }    //With the 'S' arrow is pressed?    else if(keys[SDLK_s])    {        Camera.MoveForward(0.1);    }    //With the 'A' arrow is pressed?    else if(keys[SDLK_a])    {        Camera.RotateY(0.5);    }    //With the 'D' arrow is pressed?    else if(keys[SDLK_d])    {        Camera.RotateY(-0.5);    }


[Edited by - VitaliBR on July 3, 2010 2:10:03 PM]
I've just got back from holiday so I'm a little tired and may be being stupid. Basically IIRC if the user presses the left key down, none of the other logic will be checked because the first 'if' statement was met.

Break it down into sections. It makes it a bit easier to read and keeps the related code together. The example below shows that if 'w' is not pressed it checks for 's' and that the end of the MoveForward related code.
// Forward/backward codeif(keys[SDLK_w]){    Camera.MoveForward(-0.1);}else if(keys[SDLK_s]){    Camera.MoveForward(0.1);}// Rotation codeif(keys[SDLK_a]){    Camera.RotateY(0.5);}else if(keys[SDLK_d]){    Camera.RotateY(-0.5);}

The only kink is if 'w' and 's' are pressed in which case the code for 'w' is executed. One way round would be to replace all 'else if' statements with 'if'. That would solve the problem by running the MoveForward code twice, once to go forward and then once to return you to your original position.
friend, I'm embarrassed.
How could not I see this?

I'm sorry, sometimes it is something so simple that goes unnoticed.
Thank you very much!! :)

As for handling the mouse, I have an idea(generic), something like:

void camera (void) {    glRotatef(xrot,1.0,0.0,0.0);  //rotate our camera on teh x-axis (left and right)    glRotatef(yrot,0.0,1.0,0.0);  //rotate our camera on the y-axis(up and down)    glTranslated(-xpos,-ypos,-zpos); //translate the screen to the position of our camera}void mouseMovement(int x, int y) {    int diffx=x-lastx; //check the difference between the current x and the //last x position    int diffy=y-lasty; //check the difference between the current y and the //last y position    lastx=x; //set lastx to the current x position    lasty=y; //set lasty to the current y position    xrot += (float) diffy; //set the xrot to xrot with the addition //of the difference in the y position    yrot += (float) diffx;    //set the xrot to yrot with the addition// of the difference in the x position}

the logic is correct? would use a function from the SDL to get the x and y position of the mouse right?

Can someone explain to me the theory of how to use the mouse to move the camera (like the games FSP)?
I'm trying to get my camera with the mouse.

When moving the mouse (on the axis X and Y), the camera makes strange rotations. I'm putting my full code for download (Source + Executable).

Please help me, I'm days trying to solve this problem

Quote:I'm putting my full code for download (Source + Executable).
Perhaps you could also post the relevant code here (you might get more folks to look at it that way).
Sorry, I'll put the most important parts then.

About Camera:
//...	//as we know the up vector, we can easily use gluLookAt:	gluLookAt(	Position.x,Position.y,Position.z,				ViewPoint.x,ViewPoint.y,ViewPoint.z,				UpVector.x,UpVector.y,UpVector.z);        //...

Function of the mouse motion:

void CCamera::Mouse(const int Width, const int Height){   //Mid x/y   int mid_x = Width  >> 1;   int mid_y = Height >> 1;   //Mouse coord   int mouseX,mouseY;   //Get the position of mouse in the screen   SDL_GetMouseState(&mouseX,&mouseY);    //Difference between the midpoint and the mouse position after of movimented    float relative_mouseX = mid_x - mouseX;    float relative_mouseY = mid_y - mouseY;   //the mouse cursor is at the center of the screen   SDL_WarpMouse(mid_x, mid_y);   //ViewPoint   SF3dVector ViewPoint = Position+ViewDir;   //Angles   const float      angle_y = relative_mouseX/10,      angle_x = relative_mouseY/10,      angle_z = 0;   //Viewpoint Y   ViewPoint.y += angle_y * 2;   if((ViewPoint.y - Position.y) >  8)  ViewPoint.y = Position.y + 8;   if((ViewPoint.y - Position.y) < -8)  ViewPoint.y = Position.y - 8;   //Viewpoint X   ViewPoint.x += angle_x * 2;   if((ViewPoint.x - Position.x) >  8)  ViewPoint.x = Position.x + 8;   if((ViewPoint.x - Position.x) < -8)  ViewPoint.x = Position.x - 8;   //Rotate methods   if(angle_y)        RotateY(angle_y);   if(angle_x)        RotateX(angle_x);   if(angle_z)        RotateZ(angle_z);}

Events of Keyboard and Mouse:

            //With the Left arrow is pressed? - Rotate to left    if (keys[SDLK_LEFT])    {        Camera.RotateY(0.5);    }    //With the Right arrow is pressed? - Rotate to right    else if (keys[SDLK_RIGHT])    {        Camera.RotateY(-0.5);    }    //With the Up arrow is pressed? - Look to up    if(keys[SDLK_UP])    {        Camera.RotateX(0.5);    }    //With the Down arrow is pressed? - Look to down    else if(keys[SDLK_DOWN])    {        Camera.RotateX(-0.5);    }        case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:    {        Camera.Mouse(800,600);    }

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