glNormal3f conversion to direct3d

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11 comments, last by 21st Century Moose 13 years, 9 months ago
[Source] glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);	glNormal3f(ROOT2D2, -ROOT2D2, 0);	glNormal3f(-ROOT2D2, ROOT2D2, 0);	glVertex3f(x, y, z-height);	glVertex3f(x-width, y-width, z);	glVertex3f(x-width, y+width, z);	glNormal3f(0, ROOT2D2, ROOT2D2);	glVertex3f(x, y, z-height);	glVertex3f(x-width, y+width, z);	glVertex3f(x+width, y+width, z);	glNormal3f(ROOT2D2, ROOT2D2, 0);	glVertex3f(x, y, z-height);	glVertex3f(x+width, y+width, z);	glVertex3f(x+width, y-width, z);	glNormal3f(0, ROOT2D2, -ROOT2D2);	glVertex3f(x, y, z-height);	glVertex3f(x+width, y-width, z);	glVertex3f(x-width, y-width, z);	glEnd();[/Source]

What is the equvalence coding for Direct3D, please?
AFAIK, glNormal3f "places" a unit vector at that coordinate, but can't find
similar stuff in direct3d...
I don't believe D3D has anything equivalent to OpenGL immediate mode. (Although, I think I've seen some wrappers that people have put together to emulate the behavior, more or less.)

Note that even in OpenGL, immediate mode is now deprecated. In any case, your best bet is probably to adjust your code to render using more typical methods (e.g. vertex buffers, etc.).
Thanks jyk for your response.
I'd like to know what that whole lot of code does functionally.
All I know that is doing a DrawPyramid, and as I want to convert it into Direct3D
coding. Could you give me any pointers of what the code does step-by-step?
Every 3 glVertex calls are generating a triangle, and the glNormal call is providing a normal for each of the vertices of the triangle, altogether they generate some shape.
Quote:Original post by NumberXaero
Every 3 glVertex calls are generating a triangle, and the glNormal call is providing a normal for each of the vertices of the triangle, altogether they generate some shape.

Hello NumverXaero,
still can't figure out how to code this stuff in direct3d....
Any sample code? just anything that can get me started..
especially on how to go about attaching a vector in space.
As mentioned above, DX doesn't have an "immediate" mode. You would have to create a vertexbuffer, load in the triangle data and (later) render the vertexbuffer.

determine number of verticescreate a vertexbuffer of that sizefrom glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) to glEnd()   get a normal or vertex   write it to the vertexbuffer//...render the vertexbuffer

If you're not familiar with DirectX, I'd suggest writing and understanding a simplified version of that process. I.e., create a vertexbuffer, load it with "fixed" data, render it. When you see how that works, change the loading routine to use OGL data.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

Quote:Original post by Buckeye
As mentioned above, DX doesn't have an "immediate" mode. You would have to create a vertexbuffer, load in the triangle data and (later) render the vertexbuffer.

determine number of verticescreate a vertexbuffer of that sizefrom glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) to glEnd()   get a normal or vertex   write it to the vertexbuffer//...render the vertexbuffer

If you're not familiar with DirectX, I'd suggest writing and understanding a simplified version of that process. I.e., create a vertexbuffer, load it with "fixed" data, render it. When you see how that works, change the loading routine to use OGL data.

Thanks, I'll have to have a bit of thinking. Let me come back if I have problems.
If you're familiar with the STL, you could (eventually) read in the data into vectors of vertices, normals, etc. Then vector::size() would tell you how big the vertex buffer needs to be. Be careful, though, OGL allows you to set a normal that applies until it changes. In DX, you'll have to apply a normal to every vertex.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

Look at the tutorials in the DirectX SDK, particularly D3D9 Tutorial 2 - Rendering Vertices. This should tell you almost everything you need to know.

The one thing it won't tell you is about DrawPrimitiveUP, which lets you use arrays of structs in system memory as a source for rendering from. It's use is generally discouraged as it's slower than using a vertex buffer, but for simple beginning code it's quite fine, and will save you the complication of having to do everything the right way from the outset (especially if you're porting code from OpenGL) (although VBs in D3D are not really that difficult).

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

Quote:Original post by mhagain
Look at the tutorials in the DirectX SDK, particularly D3D9 Tutorial 2 - Rendering Vertices. This should tell you almost everything you need to know.

The one thing it won't tell you is about DrawPrimitiveUP, which lets you use arrays of structs in system memory as a source for rendering from. It's use is generally discouraged as it's slower than using a vertex buffer, but for simple beginning code it's quite fine, and will save you the complication of having to do everything the right way from the outset (especially if you're porting code from OpenGL) (although VBs in D3D are not really that difficult).

Hello mhagain,
I wonder the normal of (ROOT2D2, -ROOT2D2,0) is a vertex normal or surface normal.
I ask because if it is a vertex normal, i have to duplicate it 3 times in the vertex buffer, seems redundant. It looks like a surface normal, but I am not sure how to add it to the vertex buffer?

#define JVERTEX (D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_NORMAL | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR | D3DFVF_TEX1)class CJVertex{public:	CJVertex();	CJVertex( float x, float y, float z, 				float nx, float ny, float nz, 				D3DXCOLOR DiffuseColor,				D3DXCOLOR SpecularColor,							  float tu, float tv);	~CJVertex();// Functionspublic:	void Set( float x, float y, float z, 		 float nx, float ny, float nz, 		 D3DXCOLOR DiffuseColor,		 D3DXCOLOR SpecularColor,		 float tu, float tv);protected:// Variablespublic:	D3DXVECTOR3 m_Position;	D3DXVECTOR3 m_Normal;	D3DXCOLOR m_DiffuseColor;	D3DXCOLOR m_SpecularColor;	float m_tu, m_tv;protected:};// Untested Jacky Luk 21/7/2010void drawPyramid(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice,DXfloat x, DXfloat y, DXfloat z, DXfloat height, DXfloat width){	std::vector<CJVertex> v_vertex;	CJVertex jv;	D3DXVECTOR3 vertex1(x,y,z-height);	D3DXVECTOR3 vertex2(x-width, y-width, z);	D3DXVECTOR3 vertex3(x-width, y+width, z);	D3DXVECTOR3 edge1 = vertex2 - vertex1;	D3DXVECTOR3 edge2 = vertex3 - vertex2;	D3DXVECTOR3 vec3;	D3DXVECTOR3 nVec;	D3DXVec3Cross(&vec3, &edge1, &edge2);	D3DXVec3Normalize(&nVec, &vec3);		jv.Set(x,y,z-height,-ROOT2D2, ROOT2D2,0, D3DXCOLOR(255,255,255,255), D3DXCOLOR(127,127,127,255), 1.0f, 1.0f);	v_vertex.push_back(jv);	jv.Set(x-width, y-width, z, -ROOT2D2, ROOT2D2, 0, D3DXCOLOR(255,255,255,255), D3DXCOLOR(127,127,127,255), 1.0f, 1.0f);	v_vertex.push_back(jv);	jv.Set(x-width, y+width, z, -ROOT2D2, ROOT2D2, 0, D3DXCOLOR(255,255,255,255), D3DXCOLOR(127,127,127,255), 1.0f, 1.0f);	v_vertex.push_back(jv);////..... add the rest of them		HRESULT r = 0;		// New vertex buffer	LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 pVB = 0;	r = pDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( sizeof( CJVertex ), D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, JVERTEX, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pVB , NULL);	if( FAILED( r ) )		return;// E_FAIL;	// Pointer to vertex buffer data	void* pData = 0;	// Lock the vertex buffer	r = pVB->Lock( 0, 0, /*(BYTE**)*/&pData, 0 );	if( FAILED( r ) )	{		pVB->Release();		return;	}	for (int i = 0; i < v_vertex.size(); i++)	{	// Copy the vertex for the point into the vertex buffer		CopyMemory( (PBYTE)pData+i*sizeof(CJVertex), (PBYTE)&v_vertex, sizeof( CJVertex ) );	}	// Unlock the vertex buffer	pVB->Unlock();	// Attach the vertex buffer to a rendering stream	pDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, pVB, 0, sizeof( CJVertex ) );	// Draw the point	pDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_POINTLIST, 0, 1 );	// Release the vertex buffer	pVB->Release();

Thanks in advance

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