Shader for sphere glow?

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3 comments, last by Mathy 13 years, 8 months ago
I heard there's a simple way of implementing a sphere glow in a pixel/vertex shader.

How can this be done? I am not using textures or anything. My spheres are entirely rendered with colors.
From "old" 9.0b DX SDK:

//// Glow Effect// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.//// Note: This effect file works with EffectEdit.//string XFile = "tiger.x";   // modelstring BIMG  = "lake.bmp";  // Background imageint    BCLR  = 0xff202080;  // background// texturetexture Tex0 < string name = "tiger.bmp"; >;// transformsfloat4x3 WorldView  : WORLDVIEW; float4x4 Projection : PROJECTION;// light direction (view space)float3 LightDir < string UIDirectional = "Light Direction"; > = normalize(float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));// glow parametersfloat4 GlowColor     = float4(0.5f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f);float4 GlowAmbient   = float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f);float  GlowThickness = 0.015f;struct VSTEXTURE_OUTPUT{    float4 Position : POSITION;    float4 Diffuse  : COLOR;    float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;};// draws unskinned object with one texture and one directional light.VSTEXTURE_OUTPUT VSTexture    (    float4 Position : POSITION,     float3 Normal   : NORMAL,    float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0    ){    VSTEXTURE_OUTPUT Out = (VSTEXTURE_OUTPUT)0;      float3 L = -LightDir;                                   // light direction (view space)    float3 P = mul(Position, WorldView);                    // position (view space)    float3 N = normalize(mul(Normal, (float3x3)WorldView)); // normal (view space)       Out.Position = mul(float4(P, 1), Projection);   // projected position    Out.Diffuse  = max(0, dot(N, L));               // diffuse     Out.TexCoord = TexCoord;                        // texture coordinates        return Out;    }struct VSGLOW_OUTPUT{    float4 Position : POSITION;    float4 Diffuse  : COLOR;};// draws a transparent hull of the unskinned object.VSGLOW_OUTPUT VSGlow    (    float4 Position : POSITION,     float3 Normal   : NORMAL    ){    VSGLOW_OUTPUT Out = (VSGLOW_OUTPUT)0;    float3 N = normalize(mul(Normal, (float3x3)WorldView));     // normal (view space)    float3 P = mul(Position, WorldView) + GlowThickness * N;    // displaced position (view space)    float3 A = float3(0, 0, 1);                                 // glow axis    float Power;    Power  = dot(N, A);    Power *= Power;    Power -= 1;    Power *= Power;     // Power = (1 - (N.A)^2)^2 [ = ((N.A)^2 - 1)^2 ]        Out.Position = mul(float4(P, 1), Projection);   // projected position    Out.Diffuse  = GlowColor * Power + GlowAmbient; // modulated glow color + glow ambient        return Out;    }technique TGlowAndTexture{    pass PTexture    {           // single texture/one directional light shader        VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 VSTexture();        PixelShader  = NULL;                // texture        Texture[0] = (Tex0);        // sampler states        MinFilter[0] = LINEAR;        MagFilter[0] = LINEAR;        MipFilter[0] = POINT;        // set up texture stage states for single texture modulated by diffuse         ColorOp[0]   = MODULATE;        ColorArg1[0] = TEXTURE;        ColorArg2[0] = CURRENT;        AlphaOp[0]   = DISABLE;        ColorOp[1]   = DISABLE;        AlphaOp[1]   = DISABLE;            }    pass PGlow    {           // glow shader        VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 VSGlow();        PixelShader  = NULL;                // no texture        Texture[0] = NULL;        // enable alpha blending        AlphaBlendEnable = TRUE;        SrcBlend         = ONE;        DestBlend        = ONE;        // set up texture stage states to use the diffuse color        ColorOp[0]   = SELECTARG2;        ColorArg2[0] = DIFFUSE;        AlphaOp[0]   = SELECTARG2;        AlphaArg2[0] = DIFFUSE;        ColorOp[1]   = DISABLE;        AlphaOp[1]   = DISABLE;    }}technique TGlowOnly{    pass PGlow    {           // glow shader        VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 VSGlow();        PixelShader  = NULL;                // no texture        Texture[0] = NULL;        // enable alpha blending        AlphaBlendEnable = TRUE;        SrcBlend         = ONE;        DestBlend        = ONE;        // set up texture stage states to use the diffuse color        ColorOp[0]   = SELECTARG2;        ColorArg2[0] = DIFFUSE;        AlphaOp[0]   = SELECTARG2;        AlphaArg2[0] = DIFFUSE;        ColorOp[1]   = DISABLE;        AlphaOp[1]   = DISABLE;   }}
RenderMonkey contains a nice glow effect sample in both HLSL and GLSL. I'm not sure exactly if that's exactly what are you trying to achieve, but it looks cool and seems simple enough. The sample is called "Evil.rfx".
This almost works! The glow can be seen, but there is no transparency. The glow is entirely green with the colors defined as following:

float4 GlowColor = float4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float4 GlowAmbient = float4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

It's almost as if it ignores the alpha channel. Any suggestions?
Okay, now there is transparency. I had to add something that wasn't added correctly to the shader.

However, now the results are entirely different. The GlowAmbient color is the one that is in the inner-circle of the glow, and the GlowColor is the color that is in the outer-circle of the glow. Not opposite, as it should be.

Right now, the glow fades from transparent to red. It should fade from red to transparent.

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