Get the factorial of a number

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6 comments, last by AntP 13 years, 8 months ago
Would anyone mind looking over this short code for me? It's an assignment out of a book I have that wants you to ask a user for a number and then return the factorial of that number. The program works but I am interested in knowing if I have gone about writing this code the correct way or if I should have tackled the problem differently. I am very interested if my logic for getting the factorial is the best solution. Thanks.

#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){	bool quit = false;	do	{		char factorialResponse = 'n';		cout << "Would you like to enter a positive number to get it's factorial? - ";		cin >> factorialResponse;		cout << endl;		if(factorialResponse == 'y' || factorialResponse == 'Y')		{			int inputFactorial = 0;			cout << "Please enter a positive number to get it's factorial - ";			cin >> inputFactorial;			int i = inputFactorial - 1;			int goFactorial = inputFactorial;			for(; i > 0 ; --i)			{				goFactorial *= i;			}			cout << "!" << inputFactorial << " = " << goFactorial << endl << endl;		}		else if (factorialResponse == 'n' || factorialResponse == 'N')		{			quit = true;		}			else		{			cout << "Please enter a valid choice" << endl << endl;		}	}	while(!quit);	cout << "Press any key to continue... " << endl;	char response;	cin >> response;	return 0;}
That is a perfectly sound way of calculating a factorial, yes. Another (arguably more elegant) way is to use recursion:

int factorial(int in) {    if (in > 1)        return (in*factorial(in-1));    else        return 1;}

Although, while this is a little neater, it's actually less spatially-efficient due to the fact that each recursive call requires extra memory.
Factorial of 0 is defined as 1.

Unfortunately, due to rate of growth, using built-in types any of above methods produces accurate results only up to 12 or so when integers overflow. There is no trivial solution to that, at least not in C++.
Of interest, but not consequence to your code is that determining a factorial is possible through template meta-programming at *COMPILE TIME:edited*.

*Whoopse. Turn brain on.

[Edited by - M2tM on August 19, 2010 6:30:18 PM]
_______________________"You're using a screwdriver to nail some glue to a ming vase. " -ToohrVyk
Quote:Original post by M2tM
Of interest, but not consequence to your code is that determining a factorial is possible through template meta-programming at compile time.

Corrected your error.
Quote:Original post by diablos_blade
Quote:Original post by M2tM
Of interest, but not consequence to your code is that determining a factorial is possible through template meta-programming at compile time.

Corrected your error.

_______________________"You're using a screwdriver to nail some glue to a ming vase. " -ToohrVyk
You either need some kind of big-num construct that won't overflow with massive factorials or, perhaps most simply, something like this:

const char * factorial_str(unsigned int i){    static const char * factorials[] = {        "1","1","2","6","24","120","720","5040","40320","362880","3628800",        "39916800","479001600","6227020800","87178291200","1307674368000",        "20922789888000","355687428096000","6402373705728000",        "121645100408832000","2432902008176640000"    };    if (i >= sizeof(factorials) / sizeof(const char *)) {        throw std::range_error("factorial is unknown");    }    return factorials;}
Quote:Original post by dmatter
You either need some kind of big-num construct that won't overflow with massive factorials or, perhaps most simply, something like this:

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

I'm guessing that this is beyond the scope of the exercise in the book, somehow.

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