Loading a different SkinnedMesh

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6 comments, last by Anddos 13 years, 7 months ago
Hello gamedev,

I am trying to load the "bones_all.x" file (from http://toymaker.info/) into my application. When I use the SkinnedMeshDemo fromt the SDK, it loads fine.
But if use the code from Frank D. Luna's SkinnedMeshDemo (Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirextX 9.0c - A Shader Approach), which I use for my game, it fails.
In his code you try to find a frame which contains the mesh data (recursively through the hierarchy), but apparently this .x file does not contain that info in a frame.
How can I find the mesh data? Or is there some way to generate it?

...	// Load the skinned mesh and its texture.	mSkinnedMesh = new SkinnedMesh("bones_all.x");...SkinnedMesh::SkinnedMesh(std::string XFilename){	AllocMeshHierarchy allocMeshHierarchy;	HR(D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX(XFilename.c_str(), D3DXMESH_SYSTEMMEM,		gd3dDevice, &allocMeshHierarchy, 0, /* ignore user data */ 		&mRoot,	&mAnimCtrl));	// In this demo we assume that the input .X file contains only one	// mesh.  So search for that one and only mesh.	D3DXFRAME* f = findNodeWithMesh(mRoot);	if( f == 0 ) HR(E_FAIL);                               	D3DXMESHCONTAINER* meshContainer = f->pMeshContainer;	mSkinInfo = meshContainer->pSkinInfo;	mSkinInfo->AddRef();	mNumBones = meshContainer->pSkinInfo->GetNumBones();	mFinalXForms.resize(mNumBones);	mToRootXFormPtrs.resize(mNumBones, 0);		mAnimSet = 0;	buildSkinnedMesh(meshContainer->MeshData.pMesh);	buildToRootXFormPtrArray();}
I couldn't actually find a copy of bones_all.x from the link you provided, but I found this link:


Which describes the same issue with the same file and the eventual solution is that the allocation hierarchy doesn't handle loading frames with no skin information.

It sounds like bones_all.x doesn't have any mesh at all, it's just bones and animations? But again I can't be sure because I can't find the file, perhaps you could give a more direct link to the file?
Use the Debug and put it here where it gives the error
Luna's skinned mesh code assumes a model with a single mesh. The "bones_all.x" model is actually several separate meshes, one for each modeled bone. That's why the bones_all model can implement an animation where the bones "fly" apart.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

There must be a vertex declaration problem.

Luna does not describe how to pass correct blend weights and indices to vertex shader. Because ID3DXSkinInfo::ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh() returns a skinned mesh but sometimes blend indices/weights related problems occur due to type of indices and weights.

If you look at GenerateSkinnedMesh() function in SDK's skinnedMesh sample, you'll see an "if" block: else if( ( g_SkinningMethod == D3DINDEXEDVS ) || ( g_SkinningMethod == D3DINDEXEDHLSLVS ) ). There, they're cloning that mesh so that it contains correct indices and weights, then converts their types into D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR and D3DDECLUSAGE_FLOAT4, respectively. And in vertex shader, they use D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4() HLSL function to obtain correct vertex blend indices.

Remaining work is simple, you know.
There's no "hard", and "the impossible" takes just a little time.

This is where I get my error (E_FAIL):

if( f == 0 ) HR(E_FAIL); 

That sounds plausible, but why can't I find any mesh at all?
Here's the findNodeWithMesh code:

D3DXFRAME* SkinnedMesh::findNodeWithMesh(D3DXFRAME* frame){	if( frame->pMeshContainer )		if( frame->pMeshContainer->MeshData.pMesh != 0 )			return frame;	D3DXFRAME* f = 0;	if(frame->pFrameSibling)		if( f = findNodeWithMesh(frame->pFrameSibling) )				return f;	if(frame->pFrameFirstChild)		if( f = findNodeWithMesh(frame->pFrameFirstChild) )			return f;	return 0;}

My program doesn't reach ID3DXSkinInfo::ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh().
Also, the SDK's code begins with:

pMeshContainer->NumPaletteEntries = min( MaxMatrices, pMeshContainer->pSkinInfo->GetNumBones() );

but I don't even have the MeshContainer yet because f is 0 and
D3DXMESHCONTAINER* meshContainer = f->pMeshContainer;
does not give me a vald MeshContainer.
What Steve_Segreto mentions points to the problem. However, it isn't that Luna's AllocateMeshHierarchy loads it incorrectly, it's that Luna's code uses only hierarchies which contain a single mesh and associated skininfo. "bones_all.x" is an animated mesh, but not a skinned animated mesh. That is, many of the frames in the hierarchy contain meshes*. Each of those frames orients and draws its associated mesh but without bone weighting. So there's no skininfo and Luna's methods support only x-files which have a single mesh and skininfo associated with that mesh.
// from Frank Luna's mlAllocMeshHierarchy.cpp// Author: Frank Luna (C) All Rights Reserved	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// Only interested in meshes with skin info and regular meshes.	// If a given mesh does not satisfy these requirements we do	// not return an error, rather we simply skip loading anything	// for this mesh container.	if( pSkinInfo == 0 || pMeshData->Type != D3DXMESHTYPE_MESH)		return D3D_OK;

Conclusion: you can't use Luna's skinned mesh method to display "bones_all.x"

*EDIT: There are many meshes in bones_all.x. However, per the above code used in Luna's skinned mesh method, those frames are "thrown away" because pSkinInfo is NULL.

[Edited by - Buckeye on September 3, 2010 11:17:57 AM]

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

When i render an exported model from 3dsmax , i just see a bone , the hip joint bone and thats it ....

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