Square spiral of coordinates round a grid point

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2 comments, last by sipickles 13 years, 7 months ago

Say I have a camera at coordinate (10,10). Is there an algorithm which would generate a square spiral with this point at the centre? I'd like to use it to process info nearest camera, then with increasing distance, until a pre-set time allocation is reached.

I'd expect data like this:

0  (10,10)1  (11,10)2  (11,11)3  (10,11)4  ( 9,11)5  ( 9,10)6  ( 9, 9)7  (10, 9)8  (11, 9)9  (12, 9)10 (12,10)11 (12,11)12 (12,12)13 (11,12)14 (10,12)15 ( 9,12)16 ( 8,12)17 ( 8,11)18 ( 8,10)etc....

I came across this which is nearly right, but I am not sure how to apply it to my situation: Ulam Spiral

Advice gratefully received

It's very simple. the rule is that you keep turning the same direction, and follow the pattern of 1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4, 5,5, 6,6 ... etc in terms of how many steps foward you take before turning again.
Here's a quickly put together generator (haXe)

class SquareSpiral {		public static inline var LEFT  = 0;	public static inline var UP    = 1;	public static inline var RIGHT = 2;	public static inline var DOWN  = 3;		public static inline var CW  =  1;	public static inline var CCW = -1;		//-----------		private var x:Int;	private var y:Int;	private var dir :Int;	private var wind:Int;		private var cnt :Int;	private var ccnt:Int;	private var fst :Bool;		//-----------		public function new(x, y, ?dir = LEFT, ?wind = CW) {		this.x = x;		this.y = y;		this.dir  = dir;		this.wind = wind;		ccnt = 0;		cnt  = 1;		fst  = true;	}		//-----------		public function next() {		var ret = { x:x, y:y };				x += [ -1,  0, 1, 0][dir];		y += [  0, -1, 0, 1][dir];				if(++ccnt==cnt) {			dir += wind;			if (dir < 0) dir += 4;			if (dir > 3) dir -= 4;						ccnt = 0;			if (fst=!fst) cnt++;		}				return ret;	}}

then for example:
var spiral = new SquareSpiral(10,10,SquareSpiral.RIGHT,SquareSpiral.CW);//^^ matches your example output for direction and winding.for(i in 0...19) trace(i + " " + spiral.next());

output is:
0 { x : 10, y : 10 }1 { x : 11, y : 10 }2 { x : 11, y : 11 }3 { x : 10, y : 11 }4 { x : 9, y : 11 }5 { x : 9, y : 10 }6 { x : 9, y : 9 }7 { x : 10, y : 9 }8 { x : 11, y : 9 }9 { x : 12, y : 9 }10 { x : 12, y : 10 }11 { x : 12, y : 11 }12 { x : 12, y : 12 }13 { x : 11, y : 12 }14 { x : 10, y : 12 }15 { x : 9, y : 12 }16 { x : 8, y : 12 }17 { x : 8, y : 11 }18 { x : 8, y : 10 }
Thanks for putting it so clearly....


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