DirectX9 - How to Copy a smaller Surface into a section of a Larger Surface

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18 comments, last by nlraley 13 years, 6 months ago
My original plan was going to be to load all the tiles as one big backdrop; however, using the old direct7 method of doing this I ran out of memory VERY fast. I am assuming not enough has changed to where I'd be able to load approximately 1000 256x256 pngs at one time would it?
Quote:Original post by nlraley
My original plan was going to be to load all the tiles as one big backdrop; however, using the old direct7 method of doing this I ran out of memory VERY fast. I am assuming not enough has changed to where I'd be able to load approximately 1000 256x256 pngs at one time would it?
You're creating all your surfaces in D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, which pretty much means video memory. The source format the images are in (PNG) doesn't matter, because they're uncompressed when they're loaded, and D3D is probably using D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 - I.e. 32 bits per pixel. A 256x256 image therefore takes up 256KB (Not including any additional overhead the driver might have), so 1000 of them will take up 250MB of video memory.

First, you should put all of your images into D3DPOOL_MANAGED - that basically means that D3D will load the images into system memory, which there's lots of (And it's backed by the page file, so you have up to 4GB of it on a 32-bit system, no matter how much RAM your PC has). When you actually render one of the textures, D3D will create a default pool copy of the resource, upload the system memory copy to it, and then use that copy to render. The default pool copy will stay in memory until D3D fills up VRAM (Or you lose your device or flush managed textures), at which point it will start removing the least recently used managed resources to make room for new ones.
D3D is very efficient at using the managed pool, and you shouldn't have any problems in using 250MB of managed resources, but if you have much more, you might have to go for something more complex, like streaming the tiles you need from hard disk into memory.

Once you have all your resources in the managed pool, you should just render whatever tiles are visible every frame (I.e. don't try to copy everything to an off screen surface and then draw just that surface like you would with double buffering in DirectDraw). I'd use ID3DXSprite to the actual rendering, since it's about as fast as you're going to get, and it'll be the least work to implement.

In general, doing things the DirectDraw way is no longer the fastest way - hardware these days is optimised to redraw the enter scene every frame, unlike DirectDraw where it was common to use a backbuffer which is then copied to the frontbuffer ever frame. The video memory capacity is slightly increased, but you still can't ordinarily throw thousands and thousands of textures at the graphics card.
Sounds like a solid approach, and with that in mind once I have this loading I'll switch it over to that memory pool and see what I can get accomplished there.

I've started from scratch and have been developing my classes using textures and a guide I found here:
However, I am having some difficulty and not sure where my problem is at.

I create the textures just fine, or it appears to be as it is not failing in any of the steps during this process; however, it appears to be rendering/loading a blank, all grey, screen.

I'll include my classes in the next 2 posts and maybe one of you can tell me where I'm getting hung up at.
My DXDirect3D class
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma hdrstop#include "DXDirect3D.h"#include "DX9\d3dx9.h"#include "DX9\d3d9.h"#include "DX9\d3dx9tex.h"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma package(smart_init)//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include "DXTexture.h"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------//Initialize Direct3Dbool TDXDirect3D::InitD3D (int resWidth, int resHeight, D3DFORMAT resFormat, HWND hWnd, BOOL bWindowedMode){    //-------------------  Make Direct3D object    d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);    //-------------------  Make sure NULL pointer was not returned    if (!d3d)        return FALSE;    //-------------------  Get device capabilities    ZeroMemory (&d3dCaps, sizeof(d3dCaps));    if (FAILED(d3d->GetDeviceCaps (D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, &d3dCaps)))        return FALSE;    //-------------------  Setup present parameters    ZeroMemory(&d3dPresent,sizeof(d3dPresent));    d3dPresent.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_FLIP;    d3dPresent.hDeviceWindow = hWnd;    d3dPresent.BackBufferCount = 1;    //-------------------  Check if windowed    if (bWindowedMode)  //  Windowed Mode    {        //-------------------        D3DDISPLAYMODE d3ddm;        RECT rWindow;        //-------------------  Get display mode        d3d->GetAdapterDisplayMode (D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3ddm);        //-------------------  Get window bounds        GetClientRect (hWnd, &rWindow);        //-------------------  Setup screen dimensions        resWidth = rWindow.right - rWindow.left;        resHeight = rWindow.bottom -;        //-------------------  Setup backbuffer        d3dPresent.Windowed = true;        d3dPresent.BackBufferFormat = d3ddm.Format;        d3dPresent.BackBufferWidth = rWindow.right - rWindow.left;        d3dPresent.BackBufferHeight = rWindow.bottom -;        //-------------------        format = d3ddm.Format;        //-------------------    }   //  if (bWindowedMode)    else    //  FullScreen    {                //-------------------        d3dPresent.Windowed = false;        d3dPresent.BackBufferWidth = resWidth;        d3dPresent.BackBufferHeight = resHeight;        d3dPresent.BackBufferFormat = resFormat;        //-------------------    }   //  End else    //-------------------  Check if hardware vertex processing is available    if (d3dCaps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT)    {            //-------------------  Create device with hardware vertex processing        hr = d3d->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT,D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, hWnd,            D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &d3dPresent, &d3dDevice);        //-------------------    }    else    {        //-------------------  Create device with software vertex processing        hr = d3d->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT,D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, hWnd,            D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &d3dPresent, &d3dDevice);        //-------------------    }    //-------------------  Make sure device was created    if (FAILED(hr))        return FALSE;    //-------------------  Set vertex shader    d3dDevice->SetVertexShader(NULL);    d3dDevice->SetFVF (D3DFVF_TLVERTEX);    //-------------------  Create vertex buffer and set as stream source    d3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(textured_vertex) * 4, NULL, D3DFVF_TLVERTEX, D3DPOOL_MANAGED,                                  &vertexBuffer, NULL);    d3dDevice->SetStreamSource (0, vertexBuffer, 0, sizeof(textured_vertex));    //-------------------  Setup rendering states    d3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);    d3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE);    d3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);    d3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);    d3dDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE);    //-------------------  Successfully initalized Direct3D    return TRUE;    //-------------------}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------bool TDXDirect3D::Present () { return d3dDevice->Present (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }//---------------------------------------------------------------------------bool TDXDirect3D::BeginDrawing () { return d3dDevice->BeginScene (); }//---------------------------------------------------------------------------bool TDXDirect3D::EndDrawing () { return d3dDevice->EndScene (); }//---------------------------------------------------------------------------IDirect3DTexture9 *TDXDirect3D::LoadTexture(char *fileName){    //-------------------    IDirect3DTexture9 *d3dTexture;    D3DXIMAGE_INFO SrcInfo;    //-------------------  Use a magenta colourkey    D3DCOLOR colorkey = 0xFFFF00FF;    //-------------------  Load image from file    if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx (d3dDevice, fileName, 0, 0, 1, 0,           D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, D3DX_DEFAULT,           colorkey, &SrcInfo, NULL, &d3dTexture)))        return NULL;	//-------------------  Return the newly made texture    return d3dTexture;    //-------------------}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void TDXDirect3D::BlitD3D (IDirect3DTexture9 *texture, RECT *rDest, D3DCOLOR vertexColour, float rotate){    //-------------------	textured_vertex* vertices;	//-------------------  Lock the vertex buffer	vertexBuffer->Lock(0, 0, (void **)&vertices, NULL);	//-------------------  Setup vertices	//  A -0.5f modifier is applied to vertex coordinates to match texture and screen coords	//  Some drivers may compensate for this automatically, but on others texture alignment errors are introduced	//  More information on this can be found in the Direct3D 9 documentation    //-------------------	vertices[0].colour = vertexColour;	vertices[0].x = (float) rDest->left - 0.5f;	vertices[0].y = (float) rDest->top - 0.5f;	vertices[0].z = 0.0f;	vertices[0].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[0].u = 0.0f;	vertices[0].v = 0.0f;    //-------------------	vertices[1].colour = vertexColour;	vertices[1].x = (float) rDest->right - 0.5f;	vertices[1].y = (float) rDest->top - 0.5f;	vertices[1].z = 0.0f;	vertices[1].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[1].u = 1.0f;	vertices[1].v = 0.0f;    //-------------------	vertices[2].colour = vertexColour;	vertices[2].x = (float) rDest->right - 0.5f;	vertices[2].y = (float) rDest->bottom - 0.5f;	vertices[2].z = 0.0f;	vertices[2].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[2].u = 1.0f;	vertices[2].v = 1.0f;    //-------------------	vertices[3].colour = vertexColour;	vertices[3].x = (float) rDest->left - 0.5f;	vertices[3].y = (float) rDest->bottom - 0.5f;	vertices[3].z = 0.0f;	vertices[3].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[3].u = 0.0f;	vertices[3].v = 1.0f;    /*  OMITTED    //-------------------  Handle rotation    if (rotate != 0)    {        //-------------------        RECT rOrigin;        float centerX, centerY;        //-------------------  Find center of destination rectangle        centerX = (float)(rDest->left + rDest->right) / 2;        centerY = (float)(rDest->top + rDest->bottom) / 2;        //-------------------  Translate destination rect to be centered on the origin = rDest->top - (int)(centerY);        rOrigin.bottom = rDest->bottom - (int)(centerY);        rOrigin.left = rDest->left - (int)(centerX);        rOrigin.right = rDest->right - (int)(centerX);        //-------------------  Rotate vertices about the origin        bufferVertices[index].x = rOrigin.left * cosf(rotate) -                         * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index].y = rOrigin.left * sinf(rotate) +                         * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------        bufferVertices[index + 1].x = rOrigin.right * cosf(rotate) -                             * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index + 1].y = rOrigin.right * sinf(rotate) +                             * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------        bufferVertices[index + 2].x = rOrigin.right * cosf(rotate) -                                      rOrigin.bottom * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index + 2].y = rOrigin.right * sinf(rotate) +                                      rOrigin.bottom * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------        bufferVertices[index + 3].x = rOrigin.left * cosf(rotate) -                                      rOrigin.bottom * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index + 3].y = rOrigin.left * sinf(rotate) +                                      rOrigin.bottom * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------  Translate vertices to proper position        bufferVertices[index].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index].y += centerY;        bufferVertices[index + 1].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index + 1].y += centerY;        bufferVertices[index + 2].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index + 2].y += centerY;        bufferVertices[index + 3].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index + 3].y += centerY;        //-------------------    }    */	//-------------------  Unlock the vertex buffer	vertexBuffer->Unlock();	//-------------------  Set texture	d3dDevice->SetTexture (0, texture);	//-------------------  Draw image	d3dDevice->DrawPrimitive (D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0, 2);    //-------------------}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void TDXDirect3D::BlitExD3D (IDirect3DTexture9 *texture, RECT *rDest, D3DCOLOR *vertexColours /* -> D3DCOLOR[4] */,             float rotate){    //-------------------    textured_vertex* vertices;	//-------------------  Lock the vertex buffer	vertexBuffer->Lock(0, 0, (void **)&vertices, NULL);	//-------------------  Setup vertices	//  A -0.5f modifier is applied to vertex coordinates to match texture and screen coords	//  Some drivers may compensate for this automatically, but on others texture alignment errors are introduced	//  More information on this can be found in the Direct3D 9 documentation    //-------------------	vertices[0].colour = vertexColours[0];	vertices[0].x = (float) rDest->left - 0.5f;	vertices[0].y = (float) rDest->top - 0.5f;	vertices[0].z = 0.0f;	vertices[0].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[0].u = 0.0f;	vertices[0].v = 0.0f;    //-------------------	vertices[1].colour = vertexColours[1];	vertices[1].x = (float) rDest->right - 0.5f;	vertices[1].y = (float) rDest->top - 0.5f;	vertices[1].z = 0.0f;	vertices[1].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[1].u = 1.0f;	vertices[1].v = 0.0f;    //-------------------	vertices[2].colour = vertexColours[2];	vertices[2].x = (float) rDest->right - 0.5f;	vertices[2].y = (float) rDest->bottom - 0.5f;	vertices[2].z = 0.0f;	vertices[2].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[2].u = 1.0f;	vertices[2].v = 1.0f;    //-------------------	vertices[3].colour = vertexColours[3];	vertices[3].x = (float) rDest->left - 0.5f;	vertices[3].y = (float) rDest->bottom - 0.5f;	vertices[3].z = 0.0f;	vertices[3].rhw = 1.0f;	vertices[3].u = 0.0f;	vertices[3].v = 1.0f;    /*  OMITTED    //-------------------  Handle rotation    if (rotate != 0)    {        //-------------------        RECT rOrigin;        float centerX, centerY;        //-------------------  Find center of destination rectangle        centerX = (float)(rDest->left + rDest->right) / 2;        centerY = (float)(rDest->top + rDest->bottom) / 2;        //-------------------  Translate destination rect to be centered on the origin = rDest->top - (int)(centerY);        rOrigin.bottom = rDest->bottom - (int)(centerY);        rOrigin.left = rDest->left - (int)(centerX);        rOrigin.right = rDest->right - (int)(centerX);        //-------------------  Rotate vertices about the origin        bufferVertices[index].x = rOrigin.left * cosf(rotate) -                         * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index].y = rOrigin.left * sinf(rotate) +                         * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------        bufferVertices[index + 1].x = rOrigin.right * cosf(rotate) -                             * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index + 1].y = rOrigin.right * sinf(rotate) +                             * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------        bufferVertices[index + 2].x = rOrigin.right * cosf(rotate) -                                      rOrigin.bottom * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index + 2].y = rOrigin.right * sinf(rotate) +                                      rOrigin.bottom * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------        bufferVertices[index + 3].x = rOrigin.left * cosf(rotate) -                                      rOrigin.bottom * sinf(rotate);        bufferVertices[index + 3].y = rOrigin.left * sinf(rotate) +                                      rOrigin.bottom * cosf(rotate);        //-------------------  Translate vertices to proper position        bufferVertices[index].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index].y += centerY;        bufferVertices[index + 1].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index + 1].y += centerY;        bufferVertices[index + 2].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index + 2].y += centerY;        bufferVertices[index + 3].x += centerX;        bufferVertices[index + 3].y += centerY;        //-------------------    }    */    //-------------------  Unlock the vertex buffer    vertexBuffer->Unlock();    //-------------------  Set texture    d3dDevice->SetTexture (0, texture);    //-------------------  Draw image    d3dDevice->DrawPrimitive (D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0, 2);    //-------------------}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Edited by - nlraley on November 5, 2010 11:50:41 AM]
My DXTexture class
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma hdrstop#include "DXTexture.h"#include "DXDirect3D.h"#include <list>//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma package(smart_init)//---------------------------------------------------------------------------std::list <LOADEDTEXTURE*> DXTexture::loadedTextures;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------bool DXTexture::Init(std::string sFilename){    //-------------------    D3DSURFACE_DESC surfaceDesc;    LOADEDTEXTURE* newTexture;    //-------------------    std::list<LOADEDTEXTURE*>::iterator itTextures;    //-------------------  Make sure texture is not already loaded    if (bLoaded)        return FALSE;    //-------------------  Convert filename to lowercase letters    sFilename = strlwr((char *)sFilename.c_str ());    //-------------------  Check if texture is in the loaded list    for (itTextures = loadedTextures.begin (); itTextures != loadedTextures.end (); itTextures++)        if ((*itTextures)->sFilename == sFilename)        {            //-------------------  Get LOADEDTEXTURE Object            texture = *itTextures;            //-------------------  Increment Reference Counter            (*itTextures)->referenceCount++;            //-------------------  Set Loaded Flag            bLoaded = TRUE;            //-------------------  Successfully found texture            return TRUE;            //-------------------        }    //-------------------  Texture was not in the list, make a new texture    newTexture = new LOADEDTEXTURE;    //-------------------  Load texture from file    newTexture->texture = DXDirect3D->LoadTexture((char*)sFilename.c_str());    //-------------------  Make sure texture was loaded    if (!newTexture->texture)        return FALSE;    //-------------------  Get texture dimensions    newTexture->texture->GetLevelDesc(0, &surfaceDesc);    //-------------------  Set new texture parameters    newTexture->referenceCount = 1;    newTexture->sFilename = sFilename;    newTexture->width = surfaceDesc.Width;    newTexture->height = surfaceDesc.Height;    //-------------------  Push new texture onto list    loadedTextures.push_back (newTexture);    //-------------------  Setup current texture instance    texture = loadedTextures.back();    bLoaded = TRUE;    //-------------------  Successfully loaded texture    return TRUE;    //-------------------}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void DXTexture::Blit (int X, int Y, D3DCOLOR vertexColour, float rotate){    //-------------------    RECT rDest;    //-------------------  Setup destination rectangle    rDest.left = X;    rDest.right = X + texture->width; = Y;    rDest.bottom = Y + texture->height;    //-------------------  Draw texture    DXDirect3D->BlitD3D (texture->texture, &rDest, vertexColour, rotate);    //-------------------}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void DXTexture::BlitEx (int X, int Y, D3DCOLOR* vertexColours, float rotate){    //-------------------    RECT rDest;    //-------------------  Setup destination rectangle    rDest.left = X;    rDest.right = X + texture->width; = Y;    rDest.bottom = Y + texture->height;    //-------------------  Draw texture    DXDirect3D->BlitExD3D (texture->texture, &rDest, vertexColours, rotate);    //-------------------}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Edited by - nlraley on November 5, 2010 11:51:01 AM]
Okay, now what I have done was in my MainForm I have a reference to the class DXDirect3D. I have initialized it there.

I then load up the directory structure of my MapTiles in my MapTiles class. After this is done I call LoadDirectXTiles. This is what I perform there:
bool TMapTiles::LoadDirectXTiles(){    //-----------------------    AnsiString fileLoc;    //-----------------------    int bmpWidth = 0, bmpHeight = 0;    int xAdj = (MainForm->xmapBox->Width % 256) / 2;    int yAdj = (MainForm->xmapBox->Height % 256) / 2;    //-----------------------    HRESULT hr;    //-----------------------    //MainForm->DX3D.BeginRender();    //-----------------------    Data->MapTiles.whileFirst();    //-----------------------  Load the Tiles into Memory    while (Data->MapTiles.whileNext())    {        //-----------------------        if ( (Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesY >= MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.TopLeft.Tile.Y            && Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesY <= MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.BtmRight.Tile.Y)            &&            (Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesX >= MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.TopLeft.Tile.X            && Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesX <= MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.BtmRight.Tile.X) )        {            //-----------------------  Storing the x and y Values            long int xValue = 0, yValue = 0;            //-----------------------  Storing Pixel and Tile Coordinates            PixelValues tempP_tl;            TileValues tempT_tl;            //-----------------------  Get the Location of the Tile            tempT_tl.X = Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesX;            tempT_tl.Y = Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesY;            //-----------------------  Get the Location Tile in Respect to Map Top Left Bounds            tempT_tl.X -= MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.TopLeft.Tile.X;            tempT_tl.Y -= MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.TopLeft.Tile.Y;            //-----------------------  Convert from Tile to Pixels            TileXYtoPixelXY(tempT_tl, tempP_tl);            //-----------------------  Get the X and Y Pixel Coordinates            xValue = tempP_tl.X;            yValue = tempP_tl.Y;            //-----------------------  Adjust for Map Size            if ( xValue != 0 )                xValue -= xAdj;            if ( yValue != 0 )                yValue -= yAdj;            //-----------------------  Check for Trimming of the Tile Edges - Width            if ( Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesX == MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.TopLeft.Tile.X )                { xAdj = (MainForm->xmapBox->Width % 256) / 2; bmpWidth = 256 - xAdj; }            else if ( Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesX == MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.BtmRight.Tile.X )                { bmpWidth = 256 - ((MainForm->xmapBox->Width % 256) / 2); xAdj = 0; }            else                { bmpWidth = 256; xAdj = 0; }            //-----------------------  Check for Trimming of the Tile Edges - Height            if ( Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesY == MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.TopLeft.Tile.Y )                { yAdj = (MainForm->xmapBox->Height % 256) / 2; bmpHeight = 256 - yAdj; }            else if ( Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesY == MainForm->MapTile.Bounds.BtmRight.Tile.Y )                { bmpHeight = 256 - ((MainForm->xmapBox->Height % 256) / 2); yAdj = 0; }            else                { bmpHeight = 256; yAdj = 0;}            //-----------------------  Get the Location of the File            fileLoc = Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.tileBaseDirectory;            fileLoc += Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.tileTypeDirectory + "\\";            fileLoc += Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.tileZoomDirectory + "\\";            fileLoc += AnsiString((int)Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesY) + "\\";            fileLoc += AnsiString((int)Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srTilesX);            fileLoc += Data->MapTiles.i->MapTileInfo.srExtension;            //Data->MapTiles.i->DXSurface.Create(bmpWidth, bmpHeight);            //-----------------------            DXTexture Texture(&MainForm->Direct3D);            D3DCOLOR vertexColour = 0xFFFFFFFF;            Texture.Init(fileLoc.c_str());            Texture.Blit(xValue, yValue, vertexColour, 0);            }        }    }

I didn't understand the concept in the BlitD3D where the example was calling bufferVertices, I am assuming it is just a simple array? Index was also not defined... Neither were defined anywhere in the example.

Any ideas/pointers?

[Edited by - nlraley on November 5, 2010 11:55:17 AM]
After creating the Texture instead of Calling Blit I am going to try to use a sprite to display the Texture. I'll let you know how it goes.
Okay, I've added the two functions:
in DXTexture
void DXTexture::DrawSprite (int X, int Y, D3DCOLOR vertexColours){    //-------------------    RECT rDest;    //-------------------  Setup destination rectangle    rDest.left = X;    rDest.right = X + texture->width; = Y;    rDest.bottom = Y + texture->height;    //-------------------  Draw texture    DXDirect3D->DrawSprite (texture->texture, &rDest, vertexColours);    //-------------------}

in DXDirect3D
void TDXDirect3D::DrawSprite (IDirect3DTexture9 *texture, RECT *rDest, D3DCOLOR vertexColour){    //-------------------	textured_vertex* vertices;    D3DXVECTOR3 pos;    //-------------------    d3dSprite->Begin(D3DFILL_SOLID);    //-------------------    pos.x = rDest->left;    pos.y = rDest->top;    pos.z = 0.0f;	//-------------------  Draw the Sprite    hr = d3dSprite->Draw(        texture,        NULL,        NULL,        &pos,        vertexColour    );    if (FAILED(hr))        return;	//-------------------  Draw image	d3dSprite->End();    //-------------------}

I added the following to my init function:
hr = D3DXCreateSprite(d3dDevice, &d3dSprite);    if (FAILED(hr))        return false;

Which Succeeds.

Then instead of calling:
Texture.Blit(xValue, yValue, vertexColour, 0);
I call:
Texture.DrawSprite(xValue, yValue, vertexColour);

However, that fails on the Draw. What am I doing wrong here?

[Edited by - nlraley on November 5, 2010 11:17:38 AM]
Okay, I am at a loss here. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

I call Direct3D.InitD3D which initializes my d3dDevice.

I fetch all my tiles from their directories, store them in a MapTile object.

I then call BeginDrawing which calls d3dDevice->BeginScene().

I beging going through my Map Tiles.

I create a Texture Object from the Texture Class.

Initializing the Texture.
Check if the Texture is in my list, if not it creates a new Texture.
Call LoadTexture in DXDirect3D Class
Call D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx
Push newly Created Texture to my Texture list.

Call Blit function of the Texture Class.
Create the Destination Rectangle based on X,Y position on the screen. This is the pixel X,Y not in terms of 0.0-1.0.
Call BlitD3D of the DXDirect3D Class
Lock the VertexBuffer
Take the Dest Rectangle and Converts to Vertex coordinates.
Unlock the VertexBuffer
Set the Texture to the Direct3D Device
Call DrawPrimitive for the Direct3D Device

Repeat for Each MapTile.

Call EndDrawing which calls d3dDevice->EndScene().

Call Present which calls d3dDevice->Present().

Now after all this nothing shows up. What am I doing wrong?
Quick question since you guys have been so much help thus far.

I took this home this weekend and started going through the DirectX tutorials included in the SDK and built a project in Visual Studio 2010 using Visual C++, you have no idea how nice it was getting to do something back in VS again. Just having intelli-sense in the IDE again was a nice change and it actually supporting the DirectX was really nice.

Anyway, going through the examples I was able to Setup the Direct3D, Create and Initialize the Device, Creating my Sprite and Initializing, and Creating a Texture and Vertex buffer.

I was able to create and display a triangle and square, but was unable to load the Texture into the quad without using a sprite for some reason. But using a sprite I was able to get multiple tiles up and displaying.

My questions are this:
How can I get it to where I can drag and move the background around to display different tiles? Right now I'm drawing directly into a window and can resize the window, but have no dragging capabilites. Am I going to be stuck creating controls to manually move? Or can I load these textures into a larger object, other than the regular Window created with CreateWindow, that will allow me to drag and move around in my environment to show other areas of my background?

The way I was picturing originally doing this was to load probably 2x the viewable area and change the viewable area based on where the using was viewing at. Lets say load my sprites all into a larger texture that instead of being 1024x512 was 2048x1024 and only having a 1024x512 area of the larger texture being viewable. The user drags and changes the view, the texture's position is merely changed instead of having to reload all the tiles and whatnot.

I'm just sort of confused conceptually with how/where to take this part now that I have everything starting to piece together.

Next, loading partial tiles. I'll have certain viewpoints that are going to require partial tile loads from along the edges. Say for instance I need to omit 56 pixels out of my top left tile. I have position and center coordinates for the sprite. Would the proper way be to set the Center to (0,0) and the position of the sprite to (-56,0)? Or would setting the center to (56,0) and the position to (0,0) be the correct way?

And finally, with what you were saying about managed. I should create all the tiles I need during startup and use the managed, this way they are all preloaded into the system memory/page file and then whenever I call draw for the sprite they are automatically moved to the video memory right?

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