TTF_INT() no surface

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2 comments, last by ryancfcsas 13 years, 6 months ago

I am currently learning SDL and I am now experimenting with TTF_INIT() in C++ using Eclipse on Windows 7 (minGW32).

I have installed all the libraries and includes for MinGW32,SDL and SDL_TTF and tested it using the tutorial code provided here:

However, when run, the window for the SDL surface fails to appear and there are no errors mentioned during compile, the program runs and terminates. It will for some reason work correctly when i go through it step by step in debug mode. Although if I go into the folder where the .exe is created and run that, windows complains there is no SDL_TTF.dll.

To install I put all the .dll files in ~/mingw/bin, all the includes in ~/mingw/include/SDL and all the libs in ~/mingw/lib.

I have linked the libraries in the correct order too.

Pure SDL and SDL_image programs will run and put images on surfaces, but whenever i include the TTF_INT() function, no surface will appear.

Racking my brains out over this one now, so asking for help if anyone has an idea?

thanks in advance.
I've had this with Code::Blocks.

Can you run it through the debugger and if so, what messages are you getting?
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The only message I get is:

No source available for "main() at 0x401d80"

and a warning

path: Duplicate path entries found (/SDL_TTF [Include path] isSystemInclude:true includePath:C:/Wascana/mingw/include), path: [/SDL_TTF].

but in this case, it runs and the surface is created correctly.
Could you copy and paste the source file from Eclipse CDT?

Did you configure as instructed in tutorial 1? I know it sounds silly but in my early days I was silly to go ahead without setting up SDL!
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