glBegin(GL_LINES) drawing but not coloring

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8 comments, last by Brother Bob 13 years, 6 months ago
i'm re making a program a made using SDL in OpenGL (witch is why i have a whole bunch of already coded functions even though i have no working display) the only thing i need to do is modify the rendering functions to render the "cells" correctly. not sure why my lines are not being colored green.

#include <windows.h>#include <GL/gl.h>#include <GL/glu.h>#include <GL/glut.h>#include <vector>#define White 0,0,0       ///define colors that can be easily passed to drawing function#define Black 255,255,255#define Green 0,255,0bool Setup=true;static void resize(int width, int height) {    const float ar = (float) width / (float) height;    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);    glLoadIdentity();    glFrustum(0, width, height, 0, -1, 2);    gluOrtho2D(0, width, height, 0);    glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);    glLoadIdentity() ;}struct Cell {    bool TBF;    bool alive;};void KillCell(std::vector<std::vector<Cell> >& Buffer, short x, short y) {    Buffer[x][y].alive = false;//it's dead}void BirthCell(std::vector<std::vector<Cell> >& Buffer, short x, short y) {    Buffer[x][y].alive = true;//it's alive}void boxColor(short x,short y,short w,short h,unsigned char r,unsigned char g,unsigned char b) {    glPushMatrix();    glColor3b(r,g,b);    glBegin(GL_QUADS);    glVertex2i(x,y);    glVertex2i(x,y+h);    glVertex2i(x+w,y+h);    glVertex2i(x+w,y);    glEnd();    glPopMatrix();}void lineColor(short x1,short y1,short x2,short y2,unsigned char r,unsigned char g,unsigned char b) {    glPushMatrix();    glColor3b(r,g,b);    glBegin(GL_LINES);    glVertex2i(x1,y1);    glVertex2i(x2,y2);    glEnd();    glPopMatrix();}void RenderCells(std::vector<std::vector<Cell> >& Buffer) {    short CW=800,CH=600;    short sizex = Buffer.size();    short sizey = Buffer[0].size();    for (short i=0;i<sizex;++i) {        for (short j=0;j<sizey;++j) {            if (Buffer[j].alive==true) {                boxColor(i*CW,j*CH,i*CW+CW,j*CH+CH,Black);            }            else boxColor(i*CW,j*CH,i*CW+CW,j*CH+CH,White);        }    }    ///draw all the lins    for (short i=0;i<sizex;++i) /**call lineColro here*/;    for (short i=0;i<sizey;++i) /**call lineColro here*/;}void InitCellBuffer(std::vector<std::vector<Cell> >& Buffer, short nx, short ny, bool live) {    /************************    *  initlize all cells   *    *    to some state      *    ************************/    for (short i=0;i<nx;++i) {        std::vector<Cell> TempV;        for (short j=0;j<ny;++j) {            Cell TempC;            TempC.alive = live;///choose witch state to initlize them to            TempC.TBF = false; ///we dont want them to be fliped just yet            TempV.push_back(TempC);        }        Buffer.push_back(TempV);    }}void CheckCells(std::vector<std::vector<Cell> >& Buffer) {    short sizex = Buffer.size();    short sizey = Buffer[0].size();    for (short i=0;i<sizex;++i) {        for (short j=0;j<sizey;++j) {            char alive=0;            char dead=0;            /**************************            *   how many live or dead *            *       adjacent cells    *            **************************/            if(i>0&&j>0&&i<sizex-1&&j<sizey-1) {                if (Buffer[j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i==0&&j==0) {                if (Buffer[j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i==0&&j==sizey-1) {                if (Buffer[j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i==sizex-1&&j==sizey-1) {                if (Buffer[i-1][j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i==sizex-1&&j==0) {                if (Buffer[i-1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i>0&&i<sizex-1&&j==0) {                if (Buffer[i+1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i>0&&i<sizex-1&&j==sizey-1) {                if (Buffer[i-1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i==sizex-1&&j>0&&j<sizey-1) {                if (Buffer[i-1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i-1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            if(i==0&&j>0&&j<sizey-1) {                if (Buffer[j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j+1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j-1].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;                if (Buffer[i+1][j].alive) ++alive;                else ++dead;            }            /**************************            *  ? to be fliped or not  *            **************************/            if (Buffer[j].alive&&alive<2) {                Buffer[j].TBF = true;            }            if (Buffer[j].alive&&alive>3) {                Buffer[j].TBF = true;            }            if (!Buffer[j].alive&&alive==3) {                Buffer[j].TBF = true;            }        }    }}void ClearCells(std::vector<std::vector<Cell> >& Buffer) {    short sizex = Buffer.size();    short sizey = Buffer[0].size();    for (short i=0;i<sizex;++i) {        for (short j=0;j<sizey;++j) {                Buffer[j].alive = false;                Buffer[j].TBF = false;        }    }}void FlipCells(std::vector<std::vector<Cell> >& Buffer) {    short sizex = Buffer.size();    short sizey = Buffer[0].size();    for (short i=0;i<sizex;++i) {        for (short j=0;j<sizey;++j) {            if (Buffer[j].TBF) {                Buffer[j].alive = !Buffer[j].alive;                Buffer[j].TBF = false;            }        }    }}static void display(void) {    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);    boxColor(100,500,50,50,Black);    lineColor(0,0,800,600,Green);    glutSwapBuffers();}static void key(unsigned char key, int x, int y) {    switch (key) {    case 27:    case 'q':        ///qiut        break;    case 32:        Setup = !Setup;        break;    }    glutPostRedisplay();}static void idle(void) {    glutPostRedisplay();}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    glutInit(&argc, argv);    glutInitWindowSize(800,600);    glutInitWindowPosition(800,500);    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE);    glutCreateWindow("Game Of Life");    glutReshapeFunc(resize);    glutDisplayFunc(display);    glutKeyboardFunc(key);    glutIdleFunc(idle);    glClearColor(1,1,1,1);    glutMainLoop();    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}

in fact nothing is coloring, whats up with that?
Bit of a longshot but have you tried glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);?

i had not tried that, now i have. unfortunately it didn't work, thanks however. there was no change to be more spcific
I did say it was a long shot. :)

So I take it the lines are coming out white?
no, srry i should have said there coming out black. i did not think that anything else was effected at first but i can now see that everything is effected, including quads.
ok i found a strange fix, normally i use glColor3f this time i used glColor3b. so i was able to fix it using glColor3f instead. what was i doing wrong with glColor3b ?

edit: ok i got it, for some reason glColor3b has to be in between glBegin and glEnd calls while glColor3f dose not. no clue why this is though.
A quick look on MSDN and it looks like glColor3b takes signed values. Therefore the color range is -127 to 127.
Quote:Original post by empirical2
A quick look on MSDN and it looks like glColor3b takes signed values. Therefore the color range is -127 to 127.

No, the color range is 0 to 127. For any integer type, integer value 0 maps to floating point value 0.0, and the maximum possible integer value maps to 1.0. Negative values are clamped to 0.0.
Quote:Original post by Brother Bob
Quote:Original post by empirical2
A quick look on MSDN and it looks like glColor3b takes signed values. Therefore the color range is -127 to 127.

No, the color range is 0 to 127. For any integer type, integer value 0 maps to floating point value 0.0, and the maximum possible integer value maps to 1.0. Negative values are clamped to 0.0.

O rly?

I'm so glad I use glColor4f!

Quote:Original post by empirical2
Quote:Original post by Brother Bob
Quote:Original post by empirical2
A quick look on MSDN and it looks like glColor3b takes signed values. Therefore the color range is -127 to 127.

No, the color range is 0 to 127. For any integer type, integer value 0 maps to floating point value 0.0, and the maximum possible integer value maps to 1.0. Negative values are clamped to 0.0.

O rly?

I'm so glad I use glColor4f!

Personally, I'm glad I use modern technology, like VA with VBO.

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