Vertex skinning - calculating transform matrix

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-1 comments, last by MZP 13 years, 5 months ago
I'm embarrassed to ask this, but I've had a surprisingly hard time trying
to implement basic vertex skinning. I use Ogre's mesh and skeleton (xml)
files and have assured that they are properly parsed, yet all I get when
trying to animate the model is polygon soup.

I use this working code for debug rendering the animated skeleton:
void Bone::render ( const D3DXMATRIX& top ){	D3DXMATRIX temp = animatedMatrix *bindMatrix *top;		D3DXVECTOR3 a; a.x = top._41; a.y = top._42; a.z = top._43;		D3DXVECTOR3 b; b.x = temp._41; b.y = temp._42; b.z = temp._43;		Debug::instance->addLine ( a, b );		std::vector<Bone*>::iterator it;	for ( it = children.begin (); it != children.end (); ++it )		(*it)->render ( temp );}

... and this is the part that I assume is wrong(?). This is where I
compute the skinMatrix that will be sent to the shader. I've tried
countless of variations but without luck and now my brain is beginning
to hurt :(
void Bone::update ( const D3DXMATRIX& top ){	skinMatrix = inverseBindMatrix *animatedMatrix *bindMatrix *top;	D3DXMATRIX newTop = animatedMatrix *bindMatrix *top;	std::vector<Bone*>::iterator it;	for ( it = children.begin (); it != children.end (); ++it )		(*it)->update ( newTop );}

My vertex shader
PS_INPUT vertexShader ( VS_INPUT input ){	PS_INPUT output = (PS_INPUT)0;		// skinning	float3 pos = float4 ( input.Pos, 1 );	float3 nor = float4 ( input.Nor, 0 );	float3 P = 0.0f;	float3 N = 0.0f;		[unroll]	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )	{		// InverseBind [ input.BoneI [0] ]		P += input.BoneW *mul ( pos, SkinMatrices[input.BoneI] );		N += input.BoneW *mul ( nor, SkinMatrices[input.BoneI] );	}	N = normalize ( N );		// standard stuff	output.Pos = mul ( float4 ( P, 1 ), Combined );	output.PosW= mul ( float4 ( P, 1 ), World ).xyz;	output.Nor = mul ( float4 ( N, 0 ), World ).xyz;	output.Tex = input.Tex;		return output;}

[Edited by - MZP on November 11, 2010 4:37:30 PM]

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