Loop while in Window QT

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6 comments, last by SeaBourne 13 years, 4 months ago
I'm porting a program made for Windows Console QT, but I'm having a doubt about using a while loop

I'm doing the following:
#ifdef _WIN32#include "Kbhit.h"#endif#if defined(_CONSOLE_2)#include "Console2SampleIncludes.h"#endif#ifdef _CONSOLE_2_CONSOLE_2_SetSystemProcessParams#endif//...	while(!server->shouldQuit)		server->Update();

Update() from Server.cpp
void Server::Update(){	char message[2048];#ifdef _WIN32		if (_kbhit()) {			gets(message);			if (strcmp(message, "quit") == 0) { puts("Quitting."); shouldQuit = true; }			if (strcmp(message, "ping") == 0) { server->Ping(clientID); }			if (strcmp(message, "clear") == 0) { system("CLS"); }			// Message now holds what we want to broadcast			char message2[2048];			// Append Server: to the message so clients know that it ORIGINATED from the server all messages to all clients come from the server either directly or by being relayed from other clients			message2[0] = 0;			strcpy(message2, "Server: ");			strcat(message2, message);			// We arbitrarily pick 0 for the ordering stream, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS means don't exclude anyone from the broadcast, true means broadcast the message to everyone connected			server->Send(message2, (const int) strlen(message2) + 1, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED, 0, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true);		}#endif		// Get a packet from either the server or the client		for (p = server->Receive(); p; server->DeallocatePacket(p), p = server->Receive()) {			// We got a packet, get the identifier with our handy function			packetIdentifier = GetPacketIdentifier(p);			// Check if this is a network message packet			switch (packetIdentifier) {				case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: // Connection lost normally					removePlayer(p->systemAddress);					printf("DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION from %s\n", p->systemAddress.ToString(true));			}		}}

In short, it is refreshing (loop) received the message and waits for User Commands (gets (message))

I like to do something in a window (using QT), ie, it is refreshing to receive the message (loop) and waits for commands (buttons, text, etc ...)

how could I do?

I should use threads?
Threads are probably the way to go. User input and handling incoming data shouldn't be related to each other unlike your Server::Update which seems to handle both.
I never used QThreads, and very few of the conventional thread, one would like to help you, what would be the best way to solve this problem with Threads?

I run the thread responsible for command inputs only when the "Send" button is pressed?
One way to do this is having two threads.
One responsible for user input so when the user presses a button
a method is called and an action is taken( possibly sending data) note that usually this is the main thread's responsibility.
The other thread is responsible to receive incoming packets and handle them accordingly. I've never used Qt so can't help you on the implementation details.

You don't need a loop to create that application in Qt.

You'd have a QTcpServer listening for new connections. When a new connection is made, a signal is emitted, which is where you get given a QTcpSocket from the nextPendingConnection() function. You would then listen on the readyRead() signal of the QTcpSocket, which is signalled each time new data arrives from the client.

To get keyboard input you could implement the virtual keyReleaseEvent in your QMainWindow derived class. Edit: I see you're actually reading console input, so I would probably end up making a QThread just to read console input.
I'm using Raknet to create Server :)

So I create a thread for the console and one for the RakNet?

Quote:Original post by CableGuy
One way to do this is having two threads.
One responsible for user input so when the user presses a button
a method is called and an action is taken( possibly sending data) note that usually this is the main thread's responsibility.
The other thread is responsible to receive incoming packets and handle them accordingly. I've never used Qt so can't help you on the implementation details.


Well Qt's sockets don't need any threading as they are all event based.

Here's a guide guide on advice guide on threading: http://blog.exys.org/entries/2010/thread_abuse.html

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