DX9: How to determine stretching caps

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2 comments, last by vladic2000x 13 years, 4 months ago
Hello there. I have a Mobile Intel 945 Chipset. If I use StretchRect() from a RenderTarget texture to the Back Buffer and pass NULL to pDestRect then everyting is OK, but if I try to pass a custom RECT then the method FAILS. My question is how to determine if the device has stretching capabilities or not.

From the documentation:
Quote:Stretching is not supported if the destination surface is an off-screen plain surface but the source is not.
And as far as I know, the backbuffer is an offscreen plain surface.

Why don't you just render a textured quad? T|hat's probably going to be faster than using StretchRect anyway.
Steve, I'm sorry, I made a mistake when described the issue. Actually I'm using StetchRect to copy from BackBuffer to the render target surface. Any ideas?
OK :) Solved the issue. I was specifying the wrong destination rectangle. For those who might be struggling with some driver issues for that method, I would recommend reading this post:



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