type *& to type *

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0 comments, last by rip-off 13 years, 4 months ago
I am getting the following error message
"no matching function for call E::computeX( B*&, A&)"

However, I thought I was passing B* and A rather than B*& and A&.

How do I go about converting B*& to B* and A& to A?

Sample header file

class A

class B

class C
A a;
D * d;

Sample implementation file

void C::compute(B b[3], int * i)
d->e->computeX(b, a);

Where E::computeX(B b[], A a);
The following compiles and runs for me on MSCV 2010:
class A{};class B{};struct E {	void computeX(B b[], A a);};struct D{	E *e;};struct C{A a;D * d;void compute(B b[3], int * i);};// Sample implementation filevoid C::compute(B b[3], int * i){d->e->computeX(b, a);}void E::computeX(B b[], A a) {}int main(){	//A a;	B b[3];	C c;	D d;	E e;	d.e = &e;	c.d = &d;	c.compute(b, 0);}

I'm worried about the number of pointers involved, and the raw array passing without passing the number of elements in the array. Have you considered smart pointers and containers?

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