Passing matrices to GLSL

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1 comment, last by leonardteo 13 years, 4 months ago
Hey guys,

I'm trying to pass my matrices to GLSL and having a tough time doing it. When using the built in (deprecated) gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix etc it works, but when defining and sending my own into GLSL, nothing draws....

Here's my code (very simple):

vert shader:

uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;void main(){   //gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;   gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;}

Here's my code snippets to send the information

//Projection MatrixGLfloat projectionMatrix[16];glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projectionMatrix);//Pass to shaderglUniformMatrix4fv(shader->projectionMatrix, 1, false, projectionMatrix);//MV matrixGLfloat modelViewMatrix[16];glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelViewMatrix);glUniformMatrix4fv(shader->modelViewMatrix, 1, false, modelViewMatrix);

I've debugged and checked that:
- the GLints of the uniforms are present. They are 0, 1;
- Both the projection and Modelview matrices are populating in the glGetFloatv command.

So...I'm just not sure why the above isn't working. When I switch back to using the built-in (deprecated) gl_ModelViewMatrix, etc. everything draws fine.

I'm a bit suspicious of the 'count' argument. I'm not sure if it should be 1 for 1 matrix or 16 for 16 values in the array. Both don't work in this case...

Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks,


how do you set the bindings for the uniforms?

“Always programm as if the person who will be maintaining your program is a violent psychopath that knows where you live”
ARGH. I solved it. I had to set the Projection matrix at the time that I was doing the draw call. I was only setting the projection uniform value in another function.

This works. Not exactly pretty or optimized code, but it works.

		glUseProgram(this->shader->shaderProgram);		//Pass projection matrix to shader		GLfloat projectionMatrix[16];		glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projectionMatrix);			//Pass to shader		glUniformMatrix4fv(this->shader->projectionMatrix, 1, false, &projectionMatrix[0]);		//Pass current modelview matrix to shader		GLfloat modelViewMatrix[16];		glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelViewMatrix);		glUniformMatrix4fv(this->shader->modelViewMatrix, 1, false, &modelViewMatrix[0]);

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