Transformation from local to global and global to local with some additional issue?

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2 comments, last by luckyyyyyy 13 years, 4 months ago

1. Here the issue is to compute the global P(X,Y,Z) position w.r.t local L(x,y,z)
(origin of the local space of the cylinder).

=> means transform P(X,Y,Z) to P(x,y,z).

point "P" is located somewhere inside of the cylinder.

I did but I am not sure, there is something wrong.

Method 1:

| local P'x | | LI L4 L7 | | Px - Lx |
| local P'y |= | L2 L5 L8 | * | Py - Ly |
| local P'z | | L3 L6 L9 | | Pz - Lz |

Method 2:

first computed the transformation matrix of cylinder:
| L'x | | LI L4 L7 | |Lx|
| L'y | = | L2 L5 L8 | * |Ly|
| L'z | | L3 L6 L9 | |Lz|


| local P'x | | Px - L'x |
| local P'y | = | Py - L'y |
| local P'z | | Pz - L'z |

after that I want to again transform from local(L) to global(G).
=> means transform P(x,y,z) to P(X,Y,Z)

actually i want to change the position of point "P" inside of the cylinder. for this purpose i have to first transform "P" to local space (L) of the cylinder then I change the position of "P". finally again back to transform point "P" into global space (G). this is my issue.


[Edited by - luckyyyyyy on December 14, 2010 7:39:40 PM]
In the following I'm using column vectors:

A point p given in the local space L is transformed into the parental (here global) space by
p' := L * p
where L is the homogeneous transformation matrix, e.g. assembled from a rotation and translation like
L := T * R
where the translation matrix is given by the origin of L.

You seem to want to deal with affine co-ordinates, so going on to the equivalent affine transformation means
p' := t + R * p

Converting from global to local obviously means to use the inverse of the above transformation:
p' - t = R * p
R-1 * ( p' - t ) = R-1 * R * p
so that at the end
R-1 * ( p' - t ) = p

Your Method 1 is the same in case that your L1..L9 matrix is in fact the inverse rotation matrix of L.

Due to
R-1 * ( p' - t ) = R-1 * p' - R-1 * t
and matching the terms against your Method 2, it seems that your L' is
L' = R-1 * t
and hence the right term above, but the left term cannot be found. So your Method 2 is wrong.


thanks for your kind guidance. and sorry for late reply. actually i was trying to solve it out.
now you can see the problems in figures ?
The cylinder is covered with a bounding box. now how can i rotate that bounding box too with cylinder ?

first correct me, am i applying the correct equations?

I draw that bounding box:
bounding_box_X = L_x +(-) r
bounding_box_Y = L_y +(-) r
bounding_box_Z = L_z + Height_cylinder
actually I can easy use AABB (Axis-aligned bound box) but i want to use here OBB(oriented bounding box) for collision detection.

guide me for OBB.

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