ogzstream failures

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-1 comments, last by Plasmarobo 13 years, 4 months ago
Alright, so some of you may have heard of the popular game Minecraft.
The map files use a named-binary-tag format that is gzipped with zlib.
I'm a windows programmer and a C++ programmer, so naturally I am working with the self-built zlib using gzstream. My problem is that it doesn't work.

The code compiles beautifully, but even when fed a known valid gz file (tested via 7zip), it returns a true bad() call. I've tried every file path combination I can think of, relative, absolute, drive-root, and I simply cannot get this thing to work.

I could use some help on this one, I'll post my code, but really, I need a starting point. Others on the internet have had similar problems, but as far as I know gzstream support is limited, and most people seem to be programming in straight-up C.

So here are the files in this order:

#ifndef _MCMAPPER_H_#define _MCMAPPER_H_//#include <wx/dir.h>#include "nbtdef.h"//#include <string>//DATA MAPPINGSenum blocks{	air = 0,	stone,	grass,	dirt,	cobble,	board,	sapling,	bedrock,	water1,	water2,	lava1,	lava2,	sand,	shale,	gold,	iron,	coal,	wood,	leaf,	sponge,	glass,	c_r, c_o, c_y, c_l, c_g, c_ag, c_cy, c_b, c_p, c_in, c_vi, c_ma, c_pi, c_bl, c_gr, c_w, 	f_y, f_r,	m_b, m_r,	gold_b,	iron_b,	dstep,	step,	brick,	tnt,	shelf,	moss,	obsidian,	torch,	fire,	mod,	stair_w,	chest,	wire,	diamond,	diamond_b,	workbench,	crops,	soil,	furnace,	furnace_b,	sign,	door,	ladder,	rail,	stairs_s,	sign_w,	lever,	plate_s,	door_i,	redstone,	redstone_g,	torch_r,	torch_r_o,	button,	snow,	ice,	snow_b,	cactus,	clay,	reed,	phonograph,	fence,	pumpkin,	netherstone,	slow,	lightstone,	portal,	jac_o_lantern};class CHUNK{protected:	int x;	int z;	short blocks[16][16][128]; //X, Z, Ypublic:	CHUNK();};void EnumerateChunks(std::string filename);#endif

// MCmapper.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//##include <wx/dir.h>#include <wx/filefn.h>#include <wx/arrstr.h>#include "MCmapper.h"void EnumerateChunks(std::string fname, wxArrayString &files, size_t &sz){	wxDir dir(wxGetCwd());	if(!dir.IsOpened()){		return;	}	//Enumerate files in directory	wxString filename(fname.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);	if(!dir.Open(filename))		return;	sz = dir.GetAllFiles(filename,&files);	//We now have every chunk file in the string array. We need to open each file	//read the chunk data and build the surface array	//for(int i = 0; i < sz-2; i++){	//	std::cout << std::string(files.mb_str()) << std::endl;	//}	//char a;	//std::cin >> a;}void NBTDUMP(wxString file, size_t sz, std::string fileout){	//READ THE FILE WITH AN NBT FILE	char buf[1024];//MAX 1024 length	strcpy(buf,(const char*) file.mb_str(wxConvUTF8));	std::string str(buf);	nbt_file f;	//f.ReadFile(buf);	f.ReadFile(buf);	std::ofstream files;	files.open(fileout.c_str());	if(files.is_open()){		//Begin dump		std::string str;		for(std::vector<nbt_tag>::iterator iter = f.Begin(); iter != f.End(); ++iter){			//For every tag, print it's string			//files << TypeToString(iter->GetType()) << std::endl;			switch (iter->GetType())    {	case nbt_type::TAG_END:            str = "TAG_END";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_BYTE:            str = "TAG_BYTE";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_SHORT:            str = "TAG_SHORT";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_INT:            str = "TAG_INT";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_LONG:            str = "TAG_LONG";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_FLOAT:            str = "TAG_FLOAT";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_DOUBLE:            str = "TAG_DOUBLE";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_BYTE_ARRAY:            str = "TAG_BYTE_ARRAY";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_STRING:            str = "TAG_STRING";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_LIST:            str = "TAG_LIST";            break;        case  nbt_type::TAG_COMPOUND:            str = "TAG_COMPOUND";            break;        default:            str = "TAG_Unknown";            break;		}			files << str << std::endl;		}		files.close();	}}void ExtractChunk(wxArrayString files, size_t sz, CHUNK** data){	};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){	wxArrayString files;	size_t s;	EnumerateChunks("world",files, s);	NBTDUMP(files[0],s,"dump.txt");	return 0;}

#ifndef NBTDEF_H_#define NBTDEF_H_#include <cstdint>//#define ZLIB_WINAPI#include "gzstream.h"#include <string>#include <list>#include <vector>//#include "endianness.h"#define L_ENDIAN 0#define B_ENDIAN    1int get_endianness();uint64_t swpd(double d);double uswpd(uint64_t d);float swapf(float);double swapd(double);void swaps(uint16_t *x);void swapi(uint32_t *x);void swapl(uint64_t *x);enum nbt_status{    NBT_OK   = 0,    NBT_ERR  = -1,    NBT_EMEM = -2,    NBT_EGZ  = -3};enum nbt_type{   TAG_END        = 0, /* No name, no payload */   TAG_BYTE       = 1, /* char, 8 bits, signed */   TAG_SHORT      = 2, /* short, 16 bits, signed */   TAG_INT        = 3, /* long, 32 bits, signed */   TAG_LONG       = 4, /* long long, 64 bits, signed */   TAG_FLOAT      = 5, /* float, 32 bits, signed */   TAG_DOUBLE     = 6, /* double, 64 bits, signed */   TAG_BYTE_ARRAY = 7, /* char *, 8 bits, unsigned, TAG_INT length */   TAG_STRING     = 8, /* char *, 8 bits, signed, TAG_SHORT length */   TAG_LIST       = 9, /* X *, X bits, TAG_INT length, no names inside */   TAG_COMPOUND   = 10 /* nbt_tag * */};//std::string TypeToString(nbt_type t);class nbt_tag{protected:	//THIS IS A TEMPLATE    nbt_type type; /* Type of the value */    std::string name;    /* tag name */	void *value;public:	nbt_tag();	nbt_tag(nbt_type t);	nbt_tag(nbt_type t, std::string n, void *v);	nbt_tag(const nbt_tag &rhs);	~nbt_tag();	void* GetValue();	nbt_type GetType();	void SetType(nbt_type t);	void SetName(std::string n);	std::string GetName();	void SetValue(void *v);	void SwapEndian();};class nbt_byte_array{protected:    int32_t length;    unsigned char *content;public:	nbt_byte_array();	nbt_byte_array(int32_t l, unsigned char *c);	nbt_byte_array(const nbt_byte_array &rhs);	~nbt_byte_array();	int32_t Size();	unsigned char *Get();};template <typename T>int nbt_read_tag(igzstream &fs, nbt_tag &t);class nbt_file{protected:	int _Read(igzstream &fs, char &t, nbt_tag &tg);	std::vector<nbt_tag> tags;public:	nbt_file();	nbt_file(const nbt_file &rhs);	nbt_file(std::vector<nbt_tag> t);	~nbt_file();	void ReadFile(igzstream &fs);	void ReadFile(std::string filename);	void ReadFile(const char* filename);	nbt_tag First();	std::vector<nbt_tag>::iterator Begin() {return tags.begin();}	std::vector<nbt_tag>::iterator End() {return tags.end();}	void WriteFile(std::string filename);	void AddTag(nbt_tag t, int index);};#endif NBTDEF_H_

#include <cstdint>#include "gzstream.h"#include "nbtdef.h"//#include "endianness.h"#include <string>nbt_tag::nbt_tag(nbt_type t) {type = t; name = ""; value = NULL;}nbt_tag::nbt_tag(){type = nbt_type::TAG_END; name = ""; value = NULL;}nbt_tag::nbt_tag(nbt_type t, std::string n, void *v){type = t; name = n; value = v;} nbt_tag::nbt_tag(const nbt_tag &rhs){type = rhs.type; name = rhs.name; delete value; memcpy(value,rhs.value,sizeof(rhs.value));}nbt_tag::~nbt_tag(){delete value;}void* nbt_tag::GetValue(){return value;}nbt_type nbt_tag::GetType(){return type;}void nbt_tag::SetValue(void *v){delete value; memcpy(value, v, sizeof(v));}void nbt_tag::SetType(nbt_type t){type = t;}void nbt_tag::SetName(std::string n){name= n;}void nbt_tag::SwapEndian(){	switch(type){	case TAG_END:		break;	case TAG_BYTE:		break;	case TAG_SHORT:		if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)			swaps((uint16_t*)value);		break;	case TAG_INT:		if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)			swapi((uint32_t*)value);		break;	case TAG_LONG:		if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)			swapl((uint64_t*)value);		break;	case TAG_FLOAT:		if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)			swapf(*((float*)value));		break;	case TAG_DOUBLE:		if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)			swapd(*((double*)value));		break;	case TAG_BYTE_ARRAY:		break;	}}nbt_byte_array::nbt_byte_array(){content = NULL; length = 0;}nbt_byte_array::nbt_byte_array(int32_t l, unsigned char *c){length = l; delete content; memcpy(content, c, l);}nbt_byte_array::nbt_byte_array(const nbt_byte_array &rhs){length = rhs.length; delete content; memcpy(content, rhs.content, length);}nbt_byte_array::~nbt_byte_array(){delete content;}int32_t nbt_byte_array::Size(){return length;}unsigned char *nbt_byte_array::Get(){return content;}nbt_file::nbt_file(){}nbt_file::nbt_file(const nbt_file &rhs){		tags = rhs.tags;	}nbt_file::nbt_file(std::vector<nbt_tag> t){		tags = t;	}nbt_file::~nbt_file(){}int read_name(igzstream &fs, nbt_tag &t){	char *buffer;    int16_t len;	fs.read((char*)&len, sizeof(len));	if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)	swaps((uint16_t *)&len);	buffer = new char[len];	fs.read(buffer, len);	std::string str(buffer);	delete [] buffer;	buffer = NULL;	t.SetName(str);	return 0;}template <typename T> int nbt_read(igzstream &fs, nbt_tag &t){	t.SetValue((void*)(new T));	read_name(fs, t);	fs.read((char*)t.GetValue(), sizeof(T));	return 1;}	void nbt_file::ReadFile(igzstream &fs){		char t = nbt_type::TAG_END;		int i = 0;		fs.read((char*)&i, t);		nbt_tag tg;		while(_Read(fs, t, tg)){			tags.push_back(tg);		}		tags.push_back(tg);	}	int nbt_file::_Read(igzstream &fs, char &t, nbt_tag &tg){		fs.read(&t, 1);					tg.SetType((nbt_type) t);					switch (t)		{        case TAG_END:			return 0;            break;         case TAG_BYTE:			nbt_read<char>(fs,tg);            break;        case TAG_SHORT:            nbt_read<int16_t>(fs, tg);			            break;        case TAG_INT:            nbt_read<int32_t>(fs,tg);			break;        case TAG_LONG:            nbt_read<int64_t>(fs, tg);            break;        case TAG_FLOAT:            nbt_read<float>(fs, tg);            break;        case TAG_DOUBLE:            nbt_read<double>(fs, tg);            break;        case TAG_STRING:            { /* to make it shut up about the variable declaration */				//This function uses a lot of hackery, we assign the std::string varaible rather than a char array				//because the nbt_tag destructor does not expect an array pointer				read_name(fs, tg);			char *buffer;           // std::string *str = new std::string;            int16_t len;			fs.read((char*)&len, sizeof(len));			if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)				swaps((uint16_t *)&len);			buffer = new char[len];			fs.read(buffer, len);			std::string *str = new std::string(buffer);			delete [] buffer;			buffer = NULL;			tg.SetValue(str);			}            break;        case TAG_BYTE_ARRAY:			{				read_name(fs, tg);				std::list<unsigned char> *lst = new std::list<unsigned char>;            unsigned char *buffer;            //int32_t len = nbt_read_byte_array(nbt, &bytestring);			int32_t len;			fs.read((char*)&len, sizeof(len));			if(get_endianness() == L_ENDIAN)				swapi((uint32_t *)&len);            buffer = new unsigned char[len];			fs.read((char*)buffer, len);			for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)				lst->push_back(buffer);			tg.SetValue(lst);			delete [] buffer;			buffer = NULL;			}            break;        case TAG_LIST:			{				read_name(fs, tg);				std::list<nbt_tag> *lst = new std::list<nbt_tag>;				char type;				int32_t len;				fs.read(&type,1); //All tags share a type in a list				fs.read((char*)&len, sizeof(len)); //Length of tag seqeuence				for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i){					lst->push_back(nbt_tag());					_Read(fs, type, lst->back());				}				tg.SetValue(lst);			}            break;        case TAG_COMPOUND:			{				//Series of tags of different types				//Create a vector and read in types to the vector until the next TAG END				read_name(fs, tg);				std::list<nbt_tag> *lst = new std::list<nbt_tag>;				char type;				do{					fs.read(&type,1);					lst->push_back(nbt_tag());				} while(_Read(fs, t,lst->back())==1);			}			break;		}		return 1;		}	void  nbt_file::ReadFile(std::string filename){		igzstream fs;		fs.open(filename.c_str(),std::ios::binary | std::ios::in | std::ios::app);		if(fs.good())			ReadFile(fs);	}	void nbt_file::ReadFile(const char* filename){		igzstream fs;		fs.open(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in | std::ios::app);		if(!fs.bad())		ReadFile(fs);		fs.close();	}		nbt_tag  nbt_file::First(){		return tags.front();	}	void  nbt_file::WriteFile(std::string filename){} // Don't worry about this for now	void  nbt_file::AddTag(nbt_tag t, int index){} // Don't worry about this for now	int get_endianness(){    union    {        uint32_t i;        char c[4];    } t = { 0x01020304 };    return t.c[0] == 1;}uint64_t swpd(double d){    int i;    uint64_t res;    unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char *)&res;    unsigned char *src  = (unsigned char *)&d;    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)        dest = src[7 - i];    return res;}double uswpd(uint64_t d){    int i;    double res;    unsigned char *src  = (unsigned char *)&res;    unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char *)&d;    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)        dest = src[7 - i];    return res;}float swapf(float fx){    float rv;    char *ftc = (char *)&fx;    char *rtf = (char *)&rv;    rtf[0] = ftc[3];    rtf[1] = ftc[2];    rtf[2] = ftc[1];    rtf[3] = ftc[0];    return rv;}double swapd(double dx){    double rv;    char *ftc = (char *)&dx;    char *rtv = (char *)&rv;    rtv[0] = ftc[7];    rtv[1] = ftc[6];    rtv[2] = ftc[5];    rtv[3] = ftc[4];    rtv[4] = ftc[3];    rtv[5] = ftc[2];    rtv[6] = ftc[1];    rtv[7] = ftc[0];    return rv;}void swaps(uint16_t *x){    *x = (*x >> 8) | (*x << 8);}void swapi(uint32_t *x){    *x = (*x >> 24) |         ((*x<<8) & 0x00FF0000) |         ((*x>>8) & 0x0000FF00) |         (*x << 24);}void swapl(uint64_t *x){    *x = (*x>>56) |          ((*x<<40) & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) |         ((*x<<24) & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) |         ((*x<<8)  & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) |         ((*x>>8)  & 0x00000000FF000000ULL) |         ((*x>>24) & 0x0000000000FF0000ULL) |         ((*x>>40) & 0x000000000000FF00ULL) |         (*x<<56);}

They depend on zlib and gzstream right now, and some of my code is trail-test hardcoding. Anyway, I'm going to go beat my head against a brick wall (attempt to debug) for a while.
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