[SlimDX] and Mono?

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8 comments, last by Uda 13 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I need some force feedback action and I'm using Unity (which uses Mono). Unity seems to be having trouble. So I take it SlimDX doesn't support MONO?
Mono doesn't have the C++/CLI support required to run SlimDX. SlimDX v2 may address this, but we don't have a release window yet.

Even if it did work, it would unceremoniously fail on non-Windows platforms, so it doesn't strike me as a good solution anyhow.
damn, thanks. So is there any way to get force feedback while using Mono?
The problem is for some reason Unity doesn't support any.
Of course I might have to make a c++ wrapper myself :|
I've no idea -- you might try asking on the Unity forums.

Trying to roll your own C++/CLI wrapper will put you in the same position you're in now. Mono can't run them. You may be able to write a C DLL around whatever feedback API you want and then P/Invoke it -- mono supports that. But it seems like a lot of work.
Thanks for the suggestions, but mention force feedback and you get stoney silence from Unity.
Amazingly no-one seems to have ever used ff in Unity or Mono.. and getting SlimDX to even work with ff was a nightmare of no docs or examples. Of course someone made an XInput lib for Unity which works perfectly, but XInput doesn't support 'real' force feedback on joystick/wheels GAH!

Looks like I'm going to have to make my own interface :|
SlimDX just wraps DirectInput for force feedback. You can find plenty of documentation and examples via Google on DirectInput force feedback.
Quote:Original post by jpetrie
SlimDX just wraps DirectInput for force feedback. You can find plenty of documentation and examples via Google on DirectInput force feedback.

No you can't :) The examples are all different/old. I finally patched together the various bits of info from forums etc to get a working example. I'm amazed really.

For anyone in the same boat here is my modified SlimDX DirectInput force feedback demo

/** Copyright (c) 2007-2009 SlimDX Group* * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:* * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.* * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN* THE SOFTWARE.*/using System;using System.Globalization;using System.Windows.Forms;using SlimDX;using SlimDX.DirectInput;namespace JoystickTest{	public partial class MainForm : Form	{		private int SliderCount;		private Effect effect;		private Joystick joystick;		private int numPOVs;		private JoystickState state = new JoystickState();		private void CreateDevice()		{			// make sure that DirectInput has been initialized			var dinput = new DirectInput();			// search for devices			foreach (DeviceInstance device in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly))			{				// create the device				try				{					joystick = new Joystick(dinput, device.InstanceGuid);					joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(this, CooperativeLevel.Exclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground);					break;				}				catch (DirectInputException)				{				}			}			if (joystick == null)			{				MessageBox.Show("There are no joysticks attached to the system.");				return;			}			joystick.Properties.AxisMode = DeviceAxisMode.Absolute;			joystick.Properties.AutoCenter = false;			// acquire the device			joystick.Acquire();			// set the timer to go off 12 times a second to read input			// NOTE: Normally applications would read this much faster.			// This rate is for demonstration purposes only.			timer.Interval = 1000/12;			timer.Start();			Console.WriteLine(joystick.Properties.ProductName);            			int xAxisOffset = 0, yAxisOffset = 0;			int nextOffset = 0;			foreach (DeviceObjectInstance d in joystick.GetObjects())			{				if ((d.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.ForceFeedbackActuator) != 0)				{					// No idea what all the offset stuff is about..					if (nextOffset == 0)						xAxisOffset = d.Offset;					else						yAxisOffset = d.Offset;					nextOffset++;				}			}/* for joysticks with 2 axis. I just want to test a 1 axis wheel			int[] offsets = new int[2];			offsets[0] = xAxisOffset;			offsets[1] = yAxisOffset;*/			int[] offsets = new int[1];			offsets[0] = xAxisOffset;			Console.WriteLine("xAxisOffset = "+xAxisOffset);			// No idea what this does or why it's needed			int[] coords = { -1000, 1000 };			foreach (EffectInfo ei in joystick.GetEffects(EffectType.All))			{				if (ei.Name == "Constant") // hack string ==				{					Console.WriteLine("effect = " + ei.Name + " : " + ei.Type + " : " + EffectType.ConstantForce);					Guid forceFeedbackGuid = ei.Guid;					var typeSpec = new ConstantForce();					typeSpec.Magnitude = -50000; // *************** CHANGE/UPDATE THIS TO EFFECT THE DIRECTION/FORCE *******************					typeSpec.AsConstantForce();					EffectParameters parameters = new EffectParameters();					parameters.Flags = EffectFlags.ObjectOffsets | EffectFlags.Cartesian;					parameters.Duration = int.MaxValue;					parameters.SamplePeriod = joystick.Capabilities.ForceFeedbackSamplePeriod;					parameters.Gain = 5000;					parameters.TriggerButton = -1;//					parameters.TriggerRepeatInterval = 0;							parameters.SetAxes(offsets, coords);					parameters.Envelope = null;					parameters.Parameters = typeSpec;					parameters.StartDelay = 0;					effect = new Effect(joystick, forceFeedbackGuid);					effect.SetParameters(parameters);					effect.Download();					effect.Start(1, EffectPlayFlags.NoDownload);				}			}		}		private void ReadImmediateData()		{			if (joystick.Acquire().IsFailure)				return;			if (joystick.Poll().IsFailure)				return;			state = joystick.GetCurrentState();			if (Result.Last.IsFailure)				return;			UpdateUI();		}		private void ReleaseDevice()		{			timer.Stop();			if (joystick != null)			{				joystick.Unacquire();				joystick.Dispose();			}			joystick = null;		}		#region Boilerplate		public MainForm()		{			InitializeComponent();			UpdateUI();		}		private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)		{			ReadImmediateData();		}		private void exitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)		{			ReleaseDevice();			Close();		}		private void UpdateUI()		{			if (joystick == null)				createDeviceButton.Text = "Create Device";			else				createDeviceButton.Text = "Release Device";			string strText = null;			label_X.Text = state.X.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_Y.Text = state.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_Z.Text = state.Z.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_XRot.Text = state.RotationX.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_YRot.Text = state.RotationY.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_ZRot.Text = state.RotationZ.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			int[] slider = state.GetSliders();			label_S0.Text = slider[0].ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_S1.Text = slider[1].ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			int[] pov = state.GetPointOfViewControllers();			label_P0.Text = pov[0].ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_P1.Text = pov[1].ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_P2.Text = pov[2].ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			label_P3.Text = pov[3].ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			bool[] buttons = state.GetButtons();			for (int b = 0; b < buttons.Length; b++)			{				if (buttons)					strText += b.ToString("00 ", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);			}			label_ButtonList.Text = strText;		}		private void UpdateControl(DeviceObjectInstance d)		{			if (ObjectGuid.XAxis == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				label_XAxis.Enabled = true;				label_X.Enabled = true;			}			if (ObjectGuid.YAxis == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				label_YAxis.Enabled = true;				label_Y.Enabled = true;			}			if (ObjectGuid.ZAxis == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				label_ZAxis.Enabled = true;				label_Z.Enabled = true;			}			if (ObjectGuid.RotationalXAxis == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				label_XRotation.Enabled = true;				label_XRot.Enabled = true;			}			if (ObjectGuid.RotationalYAxis == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				label_YRotation.Enabled = true;				label_YRot.Enabled = true;			}			if (ObjectGuid.RotationalZAxis == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				label_ZRotation.Enabled = true;				label_ZRot.Enabled = true;			}			if (ObjectGuid.Slider == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				switch (SliderCount++)				{					case 0:						label_Slider0.Enabled = true;						label_S0.Enabled = true;						break;					case 1:						label_Slider1.Enabled = true;						label_S1.Enabled = true;						break;				}			}			if (ObjectGuid.PovController == d.ObjectTypeGuid)			{				switch (numPOVs++)				{					case 0:						label_POV0.Enabled = true;						label_P0.Enabled = true;						break;					case 1:						label_POV1.Enabled = true;						label_P1.Enabled = true;						break;					case 2:						label_POV2.Enabled = true;						label_P2.Enabled = true;						break;					case 3:						label_POV3.Enabled = true;						label_P3.Enabled = true;						break;				}			}		}		private void createDeviceButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)		{			if (joystick == null)				CreateDevice();			else				ReleaseDevice();			UpdateUI();		}		private void MainForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)		{			ReleaseDevice();		}		#endregion	}}
No you can't :) The examples are all different/old.

Yes, you can. DirectInput is old, and no longer actively maintained, all the code you're going to find is thus old and the more different examples one finds, the better.
What I meant was none of the examples worked as is in SlimDX. Even some SlimDX specific examples. Lots of differently named classes/methods/vars or missing. Different ways of injecting parameters etc
Dear Octamed,
I succesfully compiled your example, but when I run it and press the button, I get this error:
E_INVALIDARG: An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function (-2147024809)

on line: effect.SetParameters(parameters); - in foreach where the effect is done.
I am using Logitech RumblePad 2 and Win 7-32bit. The gamepad works well e.g. with FFConst example from DirectX SDK.
Have you any idea what might be wrong? Thank you in advance! Ludek

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