C++ template class not working

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6 comments, last by iMalc 13 years, 3 months ago
I'm trying to write convert one of my classes into template structure. The class itself builds with no error message, but when I use it in the program code it gives linker errors.

#ifndef _MATRIX_H_#define _MATRIX_H_#include <stdint.h>#include <vector>template <class T> class Matrix{	public:		Matrix(uint64_t unNumRows, uint64_t unNumCols, long double dbDefaultElement/* = 0.0*/);		~Matrix();		std::vector<std::vector<long double>> GetCore();		void SetCore(std::vector<std::vector<long double>> core);		void GetDimensions(uint64_t & unNumRows, uint64_t & unNumCols);		std::vector<uint8_t> GetDimensions();		uint64_t GetRowSize();		uint64_t GetColSize();		void SetElement(long double dbElement, uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);		long double GetElement(uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);		Matrix operator=(Matrix & rhs);		Matrix operator+(Matrix & rhs);		Matrix operator-(Matrix & rhs);		Matrix operator*(Matrix & rhs);		static Matrix Transpose(Matrix & matrix);	protected:		std::vector<std::vector<long double>> TheMatrix;};#endif

#include "Matrix.h"template <class T>Matrix<T>::Matrix(uint64_t unNumRows, uint64_t unNumCols, long double dbDefaultElement/* = 0.0*/){	for (uint64_t c=0; c<unNumCols; c++)	{		std::vector<long double> NewCol;		for (uint64_t r=0; r<unNumRows; r++)		{			NewCol.push_back(dbDefaultElement);		}		TheMatrix.push_back(NewCol);	}}template <class T>Matrix<T>::~Matrix(){}template <class T>std::vector<std::vector<long double>> Matrix<T>::GetCore(){	return TheMatrix;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::SetCore(std::vector<std::vector<long double>> core){	TheMatrix = core;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator=(Matrix & rhs){	TheMatrix = rhs.GetCore();	return *this;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator+(Matrix<T> & rhs){	if (rhs.GetDimensions() != this->GetDimensions())	{		Matrix<T> NullMatrix(0, 0);		return NullMatrix;	}	uint64_t unRows, unCols;	GetDimensions(unRows, unCols);	Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRows, unCols);	for (uint64_t j=0; j<unCols; j++)	{		for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRows; i++)		{			ResultMatrix.SetElement(this->GetElement(i, j) + rhs.GetElement(i, j), i, j);		}	}	return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator-(Matrix & rhs){	if (rhs.GetDimensions() != this->GetDimensions())	{		Matrix NullMatrix(0, 0);		return NullMatrix;	}	uint64_t unRows, unCols;	GetDimensions(unRows, unCols);	Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRows, unCols);	for (uint64_t j=0; j<unCols; j++)	{		for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRows; i++)		{			ResultMatrix.SetElement(this->GetElement(i, j) - rhs.GetElement(i, j), i, j);		}	}	return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator*(Matrix<T> & rhs){	uint64_t unRowsLeft, unColsLeft, unRowsRight, unColsRight;	rhs.GetDimensions(unRowsRight, unColsRight);	this->GetDimensions(unRowsLeft, unColsLeft);	if (unColsLeft != unRowsRight)	{		Matrix<T> NullMatrix(0, 0);		return NullMatrix;	}	Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRowsLeft, unColsRight);	long double dbSum;	for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRowsLeft; i++)	{		for (uint64_t j=0; j<unColsRight; j++)		{			dbSum = 0.0;			for (uint64_t k=0; k<unRowsRight; k++)	// or unColsLeft, they are same			{				dbSum += GetElement(i, k) * rhs.GetElement(k, j);			}			ResultMatrix.SetElement(dbSum, i, j);		}	}	return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::GetDimensions(uint64_t & unNumRows, uint64_t & unNumCols){	unNumCols = TheMatrix.size();	if (unNumCols == 0)	{		unNumRows = 0;	}	else	{		unNumRows = TheMatrix.at(0).size();	}}template <class T>uint64_t Matrix<T>::GetRowSize(){	if (GetColSize() == 0) return 0;	return static_cast<uint64_t>(TheMatrix.at(0).size());}template <class T>uint64_t Matrix<T>::GetColSize(){	return static_cast<uint64_t>(TheMatrix.size());}template <class T>std::vector<uint8_t> Matrix<T>::GetDimensions(){	uint64_t unNumRows, unNumCols;	GetDimensions(unNumRows, unNumCols);	std::vector<uint8_t> Dimensions;	Dimensions.push_back(unNumRows);	Dimensions.push_back(unNumCols);	return Dimensions;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::SetElement(long double dbElement, uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol){	if ((unRow >= GetRowSize()) || (unCol >= GetColSize())) return;	TheMatrix.at(unCol).at(unRow) = dbElement;}template <class T>long double Matrix<T>::GetElement(uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol){	if (unRow >= GetRowSize()) return 0.0;	if (unCol >= GetColSize()) return 0.0;	return TheMatrix.at(unCol).at(unRow);}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::Transpose(Matrix & matrix){	uint64_t rows, cols;	matrix.GetDimensions(rows, cols);	Matrix TransposedMatrix(cols, rows);	for (uint64_t c=0; c<rows; c++)	{		for (uint64_t r=0; r<cols; r++)		{			TransposedMatrix.SetElement(matrix.GetElement(r, c), c, r);		}	}	return TransposedMatrix;}

#include <iostream>#include "Matrix.h"int wmain(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]){	Matrix<long double> mat1(3, 3, 0.0);	mat1.SetElement(11, 0, 0);	system("pause");	return 0;}

Error messages:
Quote:Error 4 Math C:\Development\IDE\Visual Studio 2010\SAVE\Grand Solution\x64\Debug\Math.exe 1 error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

Error 1 Math C:\Development\IDE\Visual Studio 2010\SAVE\Grand Solution\Math\main.obj error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl Matrix<long double>::~Matrix<long double>(void)" (??1?$Matrix@O@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in function wmain

Error 3 Math C:\Development\IDE\Visual Studio 2010\SAVE\Grand Solution\Math\main.obj error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl Matrix<long double>::Matrix<long double>(unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64,long double)" (??0?$Matrix@O@@QEAA@_K0O@Z) referenced in function wmain

Error 2 Math C:\Development\IDE\Visual Studio 2010\SAVE\Grand Solution\Math\main.obj error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl Matrix<long double>::SetElement(long double,unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64)" (?SetElement@?$Matrix@O@@QEAAXO_K0@Z) referenced in function wmain

Could anyone please tell me why my code gives these linker errors, and how do I get rid of them?
Without support for the export keyword, you cannot host the deceleration and definition of the matrix in separate translation units.

As such the definitions of the matrix methods must be available within all translation units (which usually means embedding them in the header file).

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

I know you didn't post this looking for feedback on your matrix class per se, but I'm going to go ahead and offer some observations (see comments):

// Symbols that begin with an underscore followed by a capital letter// are reserved by the implementation. Although a collision is probably// unlikely, there's really no need for the leading underscore, so you// might as well play it safe and drop it.#ifndef _MATRIX_H_#define _MATRIX_H_#include <stdint.h>#include <vector>template <class T> class Matrix{    public:        Matrix(uint64_t unNumRows, uint64_t unNumCols, long double dbDefaultElement/* = 0.0*/);        ~Matrix();        // I'd recommend either using something like boost::multi_array,        // or just using a single vector (a 1-d array) for storage.        // (You can find plenty of discussions on the forums of why        // 'vector of vector' storage is usually best avoided.)                // Also, note that you're returning a complete copy of the matrix        // data here, which may involve memory allocations, etc. Maybe        // that's what you intend, but I thought I'd point it out just in        // case.        std::vector<std::vector<long double>> GetCore();                // The input container should probably be passed by constant        // reference here to avoid an unnecessary copy.        void SetCore(std::vector<std::vector<long double>> core);        void GetDimensions(uint64_t & unNumRows, uint64_t & unNumCols);                // Returning a resizable container such as 'vector' here is really        // an unnecessary expense. It would make more sense to return a simple        // object such as std::pair, a tuple, or a custom struct/class, or        // a fixed-sized container such as array.        std::vector<uint8_t> GetDimensions();        uint64_t GetRowSize();        uint64_t GetColSize();        // It's fairly typical to overload the () operator for element access        // in a matrix class (which makes for cleaner and more clear code than        // named functions, IMO).        void SetElement(long double dbElement, uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);        long double GetElement(uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);        // Conventional wisdom is that operations such as matrix addition        // should be implemented as binary non-member functions rather than        // as member functions.                // Also, all of these arguments should probably be passed by constant        // reference.        Matrix operator=(Matrix & rhs);        Matrix operator+(Matrix & rhs);        Matrix operator-(Matrix & rhs);        Matrix operator*(Matrix & rhs);        // Again, argument should probably be passed by constant reference.        static Matrix Transpose(Matrix & matrix);    protected:                // Any particular reason this is protected and not private?        std::vector<std::vector<long double>> TheMatrix;};#endif

#include "Matrix.h"template <class T>Matrix<T>::Matrix(uint64_t unNumRows, uint64_t unNumCols, long double dbDefaultElement/* = 0.0*/){    // Again, a different form of storage would probably be preferable,    // but note that this:        /*    for (uint64_t c=0; c<unNumCols; c++)    {        std::vector<long double> NewCol;        for (uint64_t r=0; r<unNumRows; r++)        {            NewCol.push_back(dbDefaultElement);        }        TheMatrix.push_back(NewCol);    }    */        // Can be more succinctly (and efficiently) written as (untested):    TheMatrix.resize(unNumCols, std::vector(unNumRows, dbDefaultElement));}// Don't implement empty non-virtual destructors (the compiler-generated// destructor will suffice in this case).template <class T>Matrix<T>::~Matrix(){}template <class T>std::vector<std::vector<long double>> Matrix<T>::GetCore(){    return TheMatrix;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::SetCore(std::vector<std::vector<long double>> core){    TheMatrix = core;}// Shouldn't need to implement this either (the compiler should generate// an equivalent assignment operator, IIRC).template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator=(Matrix & rhs){    TheMatrix = rhs.GetCore();    return *this;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator+(Matrix<T> & rhs){    if (rhs.GetDimensions() != this->GetDimensions())    {        Matrix<T> NullMatrix(0, 0);        return NullMatrix;    }    uint64_t unRows, unCols;    GetDimensions(unRows, unCols);    Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRows, unCols);    for (uint64_t j=0; j<unCols; j++)    {        for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRows; i++)        {            ResultMatrix.SetElement(this->GetElement(i, j) + rhs.GetElement(i, j), i, j);        }    }    return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator-(Matrix & rhs){    if (rhs.GetDimensions() != this->GetDimensions())    {        Matrix NullMatrix(0, 0);        return NullMatrix;    }    uint64_t unRows, unCols;    GetDimensions(unRows, unCols);    Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRows, unCols);    for (uint64_t j=0; j<unCols; j++)    {        for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRows; i++)        {            ResultMatrix.SetElement(this->GetElement(i, j) - rhs.GetElement(i, j), i, j);        }    }    return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator*(Matrix<T> & rhs){    uint64_t unRowsLeft, unColsLeft, unRowsRight, unColsRight;    rhs.GetDimensions(unRowsRight, unColsRight);    this->GetDimensions(unRowsLeft, unColsLeft);    if (unColsLeft != unRowsRight)    {        Matrix<T> NullMatrix(0, 0);        return NullMatrix;    }    Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRowsLeft, unColsRight);    long double dbSum;    for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRowsLeft; i++)    {        for (uint64_t j=0; j<unColsRight; j++)        {            dbSum = 0.0;            for (uint64_t k=0; k<unRowsRight; k++)    // or unColsLeft, they are same            {                dbSum += GetElement(i, k) * rhs.GetElement(k, j);            }            ResultMatrix.SetElement(dbSum, i, j);        }    }    return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::GetDimensions(uint64_t & unNumRows, uint64_t & unNumCols){    unNumCols = TheMatrix.size();    if (unNumCols == 0)    {        unNumRows = 0;    }    else    {        unNumRows = TheMatrix.at(0).size();    }}template <class T>uint64_t Matrix<T>::GetRowSize(){    if (GetColSize() == 0) return 0;    return static_cast<uint64_t>(TheMatrix.at(0).size());}template <class T>uint64_t Matrix<T>::GetColSize(){    return static_cast<uint64_t>(TheMatrix.size());}template <class T>std::vector<uint8_t> Matrix<T>::GetDimensions(){    uint64_t unNumRows, unNumCols;    GetDimensions(unNumRows, unNumCols);    std::vector<uint8_t> Dimensions;    Dimensions.push_back(unNumRows);    Dimensions.push_back(unNumCols);    return Dimensions;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::SetElement(long double dbElement, uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol){    // at() will always throw on an invalid index (IIRC), which means    // that either there's no point in returning on an invalid index,    // or there's no point in using at().        // Also, silently failing (both here and in GetElement()) probably    // isn't the best choice here. Better, IMO, to let an exception be    // thrown (if you're going to use at(), that is) so that the user will    // know what happened.        // Finally, keep in mind that using at() rather than operator[]() can    // incur a performance penalty, which could be measurable if you're    // accessing elements frequently.    if ((unRow >= GetRowSize()) || (unCol >= GetColSize())) return;    TheMatrix.at(unCol).at(unRow) = dbElement;}template <class T>long double Matrix<T>::GetElement(uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol){    if (unRow >= GetRowSize()) return 0.0;    if (unCol >= GetColSize()) return 0.0;    return TheMatrix.at(unCol).at(unRow);}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::Transpose(Matrix & matrix){    uint64_t rows, cols;    matrix.GetDimensions(rows, cols);    Matrix TransposedMatrix(cols, rows);    for (uint64_t c=0; c<rows; c++)    {        for (uint64_t r=0; r<cols; r++)        {            TransposedMatrix.SetElement(matrix.GetElement(r, c), c, r);        }    }    return TransposedMatrix;}
Well, seeing as jyk took the liberty to offer some observations, I figured I may as well add a couple myself. ;p

1) Use const in your code where ever you can. For instance, your getter methods should all be const since they're not changing the class instance they're invoked on. The Matrix arguments to your operator methods should be passed by const reference as well.

2) Use the proper C++ standard header files, not the old C includes. In C++, it's cstdint not stdint.h. Same goes for cassert vs assert.h, cstdio vs stdio.h, etc. etc. ...

3) I haven't seen you actually use the template argument (T) anywhere in your code. Your underlying storage uses long double to store the matrix's elements. Is this just an oversight?

4) Since you provide operator +, and operator - for your class, it would probably be a good idea to provide operator += and operator -=, too! While you're at it, rewrite your operator + and operator - implementations to actually USE operator += and operator -= respectively.

template <class T>Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator -= (const Matrix & rhs){    // add code to subtract rhs from *this    // ...    return *this;}template <class T>const Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator - (const Matrix & rhs){    // use copy constructor to create a matrix identical to *this    Matrix<T> result( *this );    // and use opertor -= on the copy to perform the subtraction and return the    // result    return result -= rhs;}
Quote:Original post by Red Ant
2) Use the proper C++ standard header files, not the old C includes. In C++, it's cstdint not stdint.h. Same goes for cassert vs assert.h, cstdio vs stdio.h, etc. etc. ...

Standard C++ currently doesn't have a cstdint. stdint.h comes from the C99 standard; it's presence on a system does not indicate the existence of cstdint. If using a compiler that supports the draft C++0x standard that includes cstdint, then switching from stdint.h to cstdint should also be accompanied by changing all references to the typedefs defined in stdint.h in the root namespace to the std namespace. Ex: uint64_t becomes std::uint64_t.
Quote:Original post by SiCrane
Standard C++ currently doesn't have a cstdint.

Dang, didn't know that. Sorry about giving false advice. :-\
Thank you guys for your suggestions. I have changed my entire code along with you suggestions. But there were a few point in which I didn't made any change. The following are those points:

Quote:Original post by jyk
// Any particular reason this is protected and not private?
std::vector<std::vector<long double>> TheMatrix;
I'm planning to inherit this Matrix class to create other classes, like a square matrix. Therefore those protected properties will be need to be accessed by the super class.

Quote:Original post by jyk
// It's fairly typical to overload the () operator for element access
// in a matrix class (which makes for cleaner and more clear code than
// named functions, IMO).
void SetElement(long double dbElement, uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);
long double GetElement(uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);
Good idea, I will do it soon.

Quote:Original post by jyk
// Finally, keep in mind that using at() rather than operator[]() can
// incur a performance penalty, which could be measurable if you're
// accessing elements frequently.
if ((unRow >= GetRowSize()) || (unCol >= GetColSize())) return;
TheMatrix.at(unCol).at(unRow) = dbElement;
Yeah, I think this is required for higher performance. I will do it.

Quote:Original post by jyk
// Conventional wisdom is that operations such as matrix addition
// should be implemented as binary non-member functions rather than
// as member functions.

// Also, all of these arguments should probably be passed by constant
// reference.
Matrix operator=(Matrix & rhs);
Matrix operator+(Matrix & rhs);
Matrix operator-(Matrix & rhs);
Matrix operator*(Matrix & rhs);
I have to admit that, I didn't understand the first part of your quotation. How do I implement a non-member binary function? If you meant static member functions, I have done it in the new code. For instance, the addition is done in the static member function "Add()", and the operator + uses this Add() method.

Here is my new code:
#ifndef MATRIX_H#define MATRIX_H#include <stdint.h>#include <vector>template <class T> class Matrix{	public:		Matrix(uint64_t unNumRows = 0, uint64_t unNumCols = 0);		void GetDimensions(uint64_t & unNumRows, uint64_t & unNumCols);		std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> GetDimensions();		void SetDimensions(uint64_t unNumRows, uint64_t unNumCols);		uint64_t GetRowSize();		uint64_t GetColSize();		void SetElement(T dbElement, uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);		T GetElement(uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol);		//Matrix operator=(const Matrix & rhs);	// Compiler generate this automatically		Matrix operator+(const Matrix & rhs);		Matrix operator-(const Matrix & rhs);		Matrix operator*(const Matrix & rhs);		Matrix & operator+=(const Matrix & rhs);		Matrix & operator-=(const Matrix & rhs);		Matrix & operator*=(const Matrix & rhs);		static Matrix Transpose	(const Matrix & matrix);		static Matrix Multiply	(const Matrix & LeftMatrix, const Matrix & RightMatrix);		static Matrix Add	(const Matrix & LeftMatrix, const Matrix & RightMatrix);		static Matrix Subtract	(const Matrix & LeftMatrix, const Matrix & RightMatrix);		static Matrix Negate	(const Matrix & matrix);		// TO DO:		static bool IsSquare(const Matrix & matrix);		static bool IsFullRowRank(const Matrix & matrix);		static bool IsFullColRank(const Matrix & matrix);		// TO DO:		static uint64_t GetRowRank(const Matrix & matrix);		static uint64_t GetColRank(const Matrix & matrix);		// These will be transferred into SquareMatrix class:		//static bool IsIdentity(const SquareMatrix & matrix);		//static bool IsDiagonal(const SquareMatrix & matrix);		//static bool IsUpperTriangular(SquareMatrix Matrix & matrix);		//static bool IsLowerTriangular(SquareMatrix Matrix & matrix);		//static bool IsFullRank(const SquareMatrix & matrix);		//static T GetDeterminant(const SquareMatrix & matrix);		//static <std::vector<T>> GetEigenValues(const SquareMatrix & matrix);		//static <std::vector<std::vector<T>>> GetEigenVectors(const SquareMatrix & matrix);		//static SquareMatrix GetInverse(const SquareMatrix & matrix);		//static SquareMatrix GetDiagonalizedForm(const SquareMatrix & matrix);	protected:		std::vector<T> TheMatrix;		uint64_t m_unRowSize;		uint64_t m_unColSize;};#endif//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////template <class T>Matrix<T>::Matrix(uint64_t unNumRows/* = 0*/, uint64_t unNumCols/* = 0*/){	SetDimensions(unNumRows, unNumCols);}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator+(const Matrix<T> & rhs){	return Add(*this, rhs);}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator-(const Matrix<T> & rhs){	return Subtract(*this, rhs);}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator*(const Matrix<T> & rhs){	return Multiply(*this, rhs);}template <class T>Matrix<T> & Matrix<T>::operator+=(const Matrix & rhs){	*this = Add(*this, rhs);	return *this;}template <class T>Matrix<T> & Matrix<T>::operator-=(const Matrix & rhs){	*this = Subtract(*this, rhs);	return *this;}template <class T>Matrix<T> & Matrix<T>::operator*=(const Matrix & rhs){	*this = Multiply(*this, rhs);	return *this;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::GetDimensions(uint64_t & unNumRows, uint64_t & unNumCols){	unNumRows = m_unRowSize;	unNumCols = m_unColSize;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::SetDimensions(uint64_t unNumRows, uint64_t unNumCols){	m_unRowSize = unNumRows;	m_unColSize = unNumCols;	TheMatrix.resize(m_unRowSize * m_unColSize);}template <class T>uint64_t Matrix<T>::GetRowSize(){	return m_unRowSize;}template <class T>uint64_t Matrix<T>::GetColSize(){	return m_unColSize;}template <class T>std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> Matrix<T>::GetDimensions(){	std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> Dimensions;	Dimensions.first = GetRowSize();	Dimensions.second = GetColSize();	return Dimensions;}template <class T>void Matrix<T>::SetElement(T Element, uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol){	try	{		TheMatrix.at(m_unColSize * unRow + unCol) = Element;	}	catch(std::out_of_range & e)	{		// Do nothing.	}}template <class T>T Matrix<T>::GetElement(uint64_t unRow, uint64_t unCol){	try	{		return TheMatrix.at(m_unColSize * unRow + unCol);	}	catch(std::out_of_range & e)	{		return static_cast<T>(0);	}}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::Transpose(const Matrix & matrix){	uint64_t rows, cols;	const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(matrix).GetDimensions(rows, cols);	Matrix TransposedMatrix(cols, rows);	for (uint64_t c=0; c<rows; c++)	{		for (uint64_t r=0; r<cols; r++)		{			TransposedMatrix.SetElement(const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(matrix).GetElement(r, c), c, r);		}	}	return TransposedMatrix;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::Multiply(const Matrix & LeftMatrix, const Matrix & RightMatrix){	uint64_t unRowsLeft, unColsLeft, unRowsRight, unColsRight;	const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(RightMatrix).GetDimensions(unRowsRight, unColsRight);	const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(LeftMatrix).GetDimensions(unRowsLeft, unColsLeft);	if (unColsLeft != unRowsRight)	{		Matrix<T> NullMatrix(0, 0);		return NullMatrix;	}	Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRowsLeft, unColsRight);	T dbSum;	for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRowsLeft; i++)	{		for (uint64_t j=0; j<unColsRight; j++)		{			dbSum = 0.0;			for (uint64_t k=0; k<unRowsRight; k++)	// or unColsLeft, they are same			{				dbSum += const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(LeftMatrix).GetElement(i, k)				       * const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(RightMatrix).GetElement(k, j);			}			ResultMatrix.SetElement(dbSum, i, j);		}	}	return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::Add(const Matrix & LeftMatrix, const Matrix & RightMatrix){	if (const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(RightMatrix).GetDimensions()		!= const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(LeftMatrix).GetDimensions())	{		Matrix<T> NullMatrix(0, 0);		return NullMatrix;	}	uint64_t unRows, unCols;	const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(LeftMatrix).GetDimensions(unRows, unCols);	Matrix<T> ResultMatrix(unRows, unCols);	for (uint64_t i=0; i<unRows; i++)	{		for (uint64_t j=0; j<unCols; j++)		{			ResultMatrix.SetElement(const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(LeftMatrix).GetElement(i, j)				+ const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(RightMatrix).GetElement(i, j), i, j);		}	}	return ResultMatrix;}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::Subtract(const Matrix & LeftMatrix, const Matrix & RightMatrix){	return Add(RightMatrix, Negate(LeftMatrix));}template <class T>Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::Negate(const Matrix & matrix){	uint64_t unNumRows, unNumCols;	const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(matrix).GetDimensions(unNumRows, unNumCols);	Matrix<T> NegatedMatrix(unNumRows, unNumCols);	for (uint64_t i=0; i<unNumRows; i++)	{		for (uint64_t j=0; j<unNumCols; j++)		{			NegatedMatrix.SetElement(-const_cast<Matrix<T>&>(matrix).GetElement(i, j), i, j);		}	}	return NegatedMatrix;}

Please feel free to add corrections if you find any mistake in my code.

Thanks a lot.
Functions that aren't meant to modify the object should be declared const like this:
template <class T>uint64_t Matrix<T>::GetColSize() const{	return m_unColSize;}
Putting const there indicates that none of the members within *this will be modified. This makes it possible to call this method from a const object, which is at times exactly what you want to be able to do.
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