Generating raw audio?

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0 comments, last by PrestoChung 13 years, 4 months ago
I'm trying to load a raw audio sample but I haven't found any examples online.

Here is SDL_Mixer, but I get no sound.

int GenRaw(){	Uint8* lraw;        Uint32 len = 88000;	lraw = new Uint8[len];	for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){		lraw = RandInt(0, 255);	}		mGenRaw = Mix_QuickLoad_RAW(lraw, len );		if( mGenRaw==NULL ){	        std::cout << "GenRaw() ERROR: Mix_GetError():"			<< Mix_GetError() << std::endl;		delete[] lraw;		return -1;	}	else {		delete[] lraw;		return 0;	}		}void PlayLoop(){	int channel;	channel = Mix_PlayChannel( -1, mGenRaw, -1 );	if( channel != 0 ){		std::cout << "PlayLoop() ERROR: Unable to play Mix_GetError(): "			<< Mix_GetError() << std::endl;	}}

My load wave file function works and plays fine though mSound
int LoadWave(const std::string& awavfile){	mSound = NULL;	mSound = Mix_LoadWAV( awavfile.c_str() );	if( mSound==NULL ){		std::cout << "Unable to load WAV file: "			<< awavfile << std::endl << std::endl;		return -1;	}	else{		return 0;	}}

The sound specification is
static const int mAudioRate = 22050;static const Uint16 mAudioFormat = AUDIO_S16SYS;static const int mAudioChannels = 2;static const int mAudioBuffers = 4096;Mix_Chunk* mSound;Mix_Chunk* mGenRaw;

No errors are detected by the above code. I have checked the address of mGenRaw and it is NULL before the load, and has a normal looking 0034B68 type address. Dunno :o

[Edited by - PrestoChung on December 24, 2010 4:37:34 AM]
Figured it out .. should not have deleted[] my buffers :)

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