LUA for console games??

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9 comments, last by Kylotan 13 years, 2 months ago
Hello, i am making a c++ game and in the future if i were able to get a developer kit for a console such as xbox 360 or ps3 could i use lua as a scripting language for consoles ????
Yes, but thats probably the biggest "if" I've ever seen ever.
Yeah, like steve said.

To get a dev kit you are going to have to prove to the console makers that you are worthy of being a licensed developer which usually means lots of professional game dev experience.

Then on top of it, i believe there is usually a fee of like 10,000$ to become a licensed developer, and then dev kits themselves range from 2,000$ to 10,000$ each.

It's very prohibitive, which is what makes XNA so attractive :P
Even with XNA, you need to pay money in order to test your game on the actual console
Signature go here.
Lua has been used successfully on many console games in the past. Off the top of my head, I know the PS3 title [font="sans-serif"]Formula One Championship Edition used Lua for things like car AI.[/font]
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Even with XNA, you need to pay money in order to test your game on the actual console

The amount in that case is trivial in comparison to a real developer license. Something like $99 a year.[/font][/font]
Just a statement as Atrix said, if Sony won't make homebrew (or independent) development friendly then forget about it, it's a matter of policy. Technically, LUA is very effective.
Lua or it's variant (which alot of companies create a variant of Lua tailor for their particular needs) is very common in games. Sony uses Lua in Home, Crytek uses it as their script core, i've used variants of it in large projects, etc.. Its a competent complete scripting language with a good balance of performance vs accessibility..

Why out of all the companies and people who have accesses to console dev kits there are no torrents for them?

Why out of all the companies and people who have accesses to console dev kits there are no torrents for them?

  • No interest
  • High risk of being detected and thus sued into oblivion/fired

Something like this?


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